Topic: Additional Codes for Bulk E-Mails  (Read 2377 times)

We want to add further personalized information in a bulk e-mail that we want to send out to specific ConfTool user groups. However, the codes provided below the message field do not cover our requirements.
Are there additional codes available and/or is there a comprehensive list of all codes that can be used?

(A German version of this article is available.)

First, please make sure that you have understood the concept of codes that are being used in the message body of bulk e-mails.
You can find a full manual here: Sending Bulk E-Mails with ConfTool

There are several codes that you can use in addition to the codes provided in the system.
We have listed all additional codes below, sorted by recipient groups or purpose.

Please note that the codes are always inserted in the language currently selected by the person who sends out an e-mail.

Send E-Mails to a Group of Users & Send E-Mails to Participants

You can send the basic user information in bulk e-mails to users and participants.
In addition to the codes you find in the system, the following codes are also supported when you send bulk e-mails to either users or participants.
(Some of the codes are also supported in the other bulk mail functions, please simply test it and use the preview to check if it works.)

The fields below have to be enabled as fields of the user registration form here, otherwise the codes will be replaced with empty strings:
Overview => Settings => Settings for User Registration => Fields of the User Registration Form

You will find more information about the process of how to add additional user input fields here:
Customize the user registration form: How to edit fields and add custom fields

{person_title} = “Input Field for "Full Academic Title / Professional Position"”
{person_organisation} = “Input Field for "Organization / Company"”
{person_organisation2} = “Input field for "Department"”
{person_addr1} = “Input Field for "Address Line 1" (mandatory input field) ”
{person_addr2} = “Input Field for "Address Line 2"”
{person_addr3} = “Input Field for "Address Line 3"”
{person_zip} = “Postcode / ZIP Code” (mandatory input field) ”
{person_city} = “City” (mandatory input field) ”
{person_state} = “State / Territory / Province”
{person_email} = “E-Mail” (mandatory input field)
{person_email2} = “Secondary E-Mail (Optional)”
{person_emailcc} = “Personal Assistant E-Mail (cc E-Mail)”
{person_phone} = “Phone”
{person_fax} = “Fax”
{person_url} = “Homepage URL”
{person_internalremark} = “Internal Remark About User”
{person_externalremark} = “Input Field for "User Comments"”
{person_dob} = “Input Field for "Day of Birth"”
{person_pob} = “Input Field for "Place of Birth"”
{person_nationality} = “Nationality”
{person_memberID} = “Member ID”
{person_passport} = “Passport No.”
{person_passportPlace} = “Passport Issue Place”
{person_passportIssue} = “Passport Issue Date”
{person_passportExpiry} = “Passport Expiry Date”
{person_visaArrival} = “Date of Arrival
{person_visaDeparture} = “Date of Departure”
{person_visaAddress} = “Accommodation Address”
{person_visaEmbassy} = “Address and Fax No. of Embassy”
{person_countryID} = “Country” (mandatory field) -> will be displayed as country code
{person_country_short} = “Country” (mandatory field) -> will be displayed as normal / short form of country name (e.g. Lebanon)
{person_country_selection} = “Country” (mandatory field) -> will be displayed as long form of country name (e.g. Lebanese Republic)
{person_timezone} = Time Zone selected by the user in his account details (if enabled). "No personal time zone selected." if not time zone was selected (yet).
{person_extraoption_X} = Data of extra option X

Send E-Mails to Participants

When you send bulk e-mails to participants, you can make use of these additional codes to add information about the events/items booked by each participant.

{participant_group} = Participant Group (regular, member, student etc.)
{participant_costs} = All active entries, all prices, as displayed on the invoice
{participant_bookings} = All active entries, without prices
{participant_bookings_short} = All active entries, only short titles
{participant_bookings_short_dates} = All active entries, only short titles with date selection in one line
{participant_bookings_short_dates2} = All active entries, only short titles with date selection in two lines
{participant_costs_3} = All active entries, all prices, for event group ID 3 only
{participant_costs_3,8} = All active entries, all prices, for event groups ID 3 and ID 8
{participant_costs_3,8,9} = All active entries, all prices, for event groups ID 3, ID 8 and ID 9
{participant_bookings_3} = All active entries, without prices, for event group ID 3 only
{participant_bookings_3,8} = All active entries, without prices, for event groups ID 3 and ID 8
{participant_bookings_3,8,9} = All active entries, without prices, for event groups ID 3, ID 8 and ID 9
{participant_bookings_short_3} = All active entries, only short titles, for event group ID 3 only
{participant_bookings_short_3,8} = All active entries, only short titles, for event group ID 3  and ID 8
{participant_bookings_short_dates_3} = All active entries, only short titles with date selection in one line, for event group ID 3 only
{participant_bookings_short_dates2_3} = All active entries, only short titles with date selection in two lines, for event group ID 3 only

The IDs shown above are of course only examples. You can determine the IDs of your event/item groups when you go to:
Overview => Settings => Manage Events/Items
Then click on the button “Change Order of Events/Items”.
The IDs are now listed in the headlines with the title of each event/item group (see image 1).

Furthermore, you can use these codes:

{participant_bookings_details} = All active entries, all prices, including event date and event location (and event/item information*)
{participant_costs_details} = All active entries, without prices, including event date and event location (and event/item information*)

* Passages from the event field "Information" of the events/items will be included in the e-mail when they are embraced by the XML tags <important> </important> (see image 2). These highlighted parts will also appear on invoices.

{participant_bookings_resources} = The same information as in {participant_bookings} as well as the information from the field external resource**
{participant_bookings_details_resources} = The same information as in {participant_bookings_details} as well as the information from the field external resource**

** You can find more information about external resources for events on this page:
How to connect ConfTool to external resources for a virtual conference
Please be aware that the external resource information will be included in the e-mail regardless of which setting you choose for the option "Access to External Resource" in each event (see image 3).

Send E-Mails to Participants: Badge Data

You can send the most important details participants entered for their badge data when you use these codes in bulk e-mails to participants. You can use these codes for example this to ask participants to verify their badge data:

{badge_lastname} = Last name as defined for the badge
{badge_firstname} = First name as defined for the badge
{badge_fullname} = Full name as defined for the badge
{badge_title} = Field "Full Academic Title / Professional Position"
{badge_salutation_title} or {badge_stitle} = Title from salutation selection (usually "Dr.", "Prof." etc.)
{badge_salutation_select} or {badge_sselect} = Selected option of salutation selection (for instance in German: "Herr Dr.", "Frau Dr." etc.)
{badge_prefix} = Name Prefix
{badge_suffix} = Name Suffix
{badge_organisation} = Organization / Company as defined for the badge
{badge_organisation2} = Department as defined for the badge
{badge_countryID} = Country as defined for the badge -> will be displayed as country code
{badge_country_short} = Country as defined for the badge -> will be displayed as normal / short form of country name (e.g. Lebanon)
{badge_country_selection} = Country as defined for the badge -> will be displayed as long form of country name (e.g. Lebanese Republic)

Send E-Mails to Authors (and Co-Authors)

These codes can be used regarding the submission details:
{contribution_type} - will include the submission type / track of the contribution
{contribution_format} - will include the submission format(s) of the contribution
{contribution_topics} - will include the topics(s) of the contribution

The following codes are useful for special submission form types like the Roundtable form or the Symposium form:
{contribution_person_authors} = all regular authors of a paper submission (Format: Firstname Lastname)
{contribution_person_authors_1} = all authors of sub-paper 1 of a symposium submission
{contribution_person_authors_2} = all authors of sub-paper 2 of a symposium submission etc.
{contribution_person_chairs} = all chairs of a symposium or round table
{contribution_person_discussants} = all discussants of a paper or symposium
{contribution_person_presenters} = all presenters of a roundtable
{contribution_person_panelists} = all panelists (for custom forms)
{contribution_person_all} = all authors, chairs, discussants, panelists, presenters.

You can use the following codes when you send e-mails to authors informing them about acceptance of their submission.
{contribution_results} = Review results: all review details for the authors
{contribution_results_no_scores} = All review details for the authors except the scores
{contribution_results_scores} = Only the scores of all reviews
{contribution_results_comments} = Only comments of reviewers for the authors
{contribution_results_summary} = Only reviewers’ summaries: "contribution of the submission"
{contribution_results_summary_comments} = Reviewers' summaries ("contribution of the submission") and reviewers' comments for the authors.

Send E-Mails to Reviewers

Listed below are all codes available when you want to inform reviewers about details regarding assigned submissions for review:

{reviews_all_list} = List of all reviews assigned to person
{reviews_all_list_abstracts} = Include abstracts of papers in mail (be careful, this can generate very long e-mails)
{reviews_all_count} = Total number of reviews assigned to the person
{reviews_open_count} = Number of open (not submitted) reviews of the person
{reviews_open_list} = List of open reviews of the person
{reviews_open_list_abstracts} = Include abstracts of papers of open reviews in mail (be careful, this can generate very long e-mails)
{reviews_completed_count} = Number of completed reviews of the person
{reviews_completed_list} = List of completed reviews of the person
{reviews_filtered_count} = Number of reviews assigned to the person considering the filter
{reviews_filtered_list} = List of reviews assigned to person considering the filter