Topic: User Status „Presenter“ (Presenting Author) is not correctly set  (Read 66484 times)

We have followed the advice in this entry in the forum: How to define the presenting author / presenter of a paper.

However, we feel that in the list of all users the presenting author is not correctly set. What could be the problem and how can we solve it?

(A German version of this article is available.)

The ConfTool system uses the following rules to mark the presenting author of an accepted submission in the list of all users:

First, the ConfTool system looks for the author of a submission who has been marked as a "Presenter" and checks if there is a corresponding user in the database with the exact same e-mail address. If there is a match, this user will be marked as "Presenter".

Second, the ConfTool system considers the user, who is the submitting author for an accepted submission as a “Presenter”, if one of the following requirements is true:
  • either no other author has been marked as a "Presenter" for the submission
  • or no other user could be found in the user database with the exact (!) same e-mail address and marked as "Presenter".

In this way the ConfTool system ensures that for each accepted submission there is always at least one user, who is marked as “Presenter”.


What you can do:

A) Check the e-mail addresses for consistency:
  • Sometimes, the submitting author uses a different e-mail address for the presenting author in the submission as the one the presenting author used for registering as a user in ConfTool.
  • Another cause could be a simple typo in the e-mail address that the submitting author entered for the submission.

B) Use the function "Create User Accounts from the List of Authors and Find Inconsistencies Between Users and Co-Authors" to automatically find and correct the inconsistencies that were described in A). Furthermore you can automatically generate new user accounts for authors, co-authors, presenters or other persons listed in submissions if they do not have a user account yet.

Example: A submitting author has entered the name and e-mail address of a co-author who is supposed to present the contribution at the conference. However, this co-author neither has a user account yet, nor is he / she registered for participation. This function will e.g. identify all presenters who do not have a user account and create new accounts for them. Use the bulk e-mail function to inform those specific users with automatically created user accounts.

This function can be found here:
Overview => User and Participant Management => "Create User Accounts from the List of Authors and Find Inconsistencies Between Users and Co-Authors"
For further information, please read this entry in the forum:
Creating accounts for co-authors/presenters who are not users, yet

C) Use the function "Check Status and Database Consistency of all Users":
It verifies or sets the user status (e.g. Author, Presenter) of each ConfTool user, e.g. after you have changed the acceptance status of a contribution.

It can be found here:
Overview => User and Participant Management => "Check Status and Database Consistency of All Users"