Topic: Create new user accounts in lieu of a user by a personal assistant/ an organizer (group registration hints)  (Read 51579 times)

We have several large delegations coming from different organizations and some of the registrations for many people are done by one person only, while others ask us as organizers to carry out the registrations for all the delegates.

However, we can only use our e-mail address once for one participant. Is there a way to use an e-mail address more than once for these registrations?

(A German version of this article is available.)

The e-mail address of a user and participant is used as a identifier. Therefore, every e-mail address can be used only once for a user and participant.

You have currently two options to register several people by the same person:
  • Ask the person who is doing the registration on behalf of someone else to enter the e-mail address of the "real" participant in the main e-mail address field and to enter his/her own address in the extra field “Personal Assistant E-mail (cc E-mail)”. E-mail addresses entered in this field do not need to be unique.
    All messages sent from the ConfTool System will be sent to this "cc e-mail" address, too. Consequently, the person doing the registrations instead of others will be able to keep track of several users and their respective registrations for participation.
  • Administrators and organizers of an event can always do the registration in place of another person. Please go to:
    Overview => User and Participant Management => Create New User Account
    In this case the e-mail does not necessarily have to be unique, if you select the radio button "Confirmation E-mail: Register user without verifying the e-mail address and sending a confirmation."

Please also see:
Can I create a user account without e-mail address / e-mail verification? and
Creation of account for another person with data from own account and / or common email address / group registration and
How to create a collective invoice and allow one group payment for a group of participants