Topic: Two-phase reviewing process: How to convert late abstract submissions to full papers manually  (Read 5542 times)

We use a two-phase review process as described here:
Two-phase review process: How to review abstracts and full papers? 

We have just added one late abstract.
Can you explain the process how to accept this abstract and copy it to a full paper now?

(A German version of this article is available.)

Please follow the following steps:
  • First, ascertain that the option "Copy Submission Option" is enabled on this page (see image 1):
    Overview => Settings => Main Settings for Abstract and Paper Submission
    You can find more detailed information here:
    Allow authors and/or chairs to copy/duplicate papers
  • Please make sure that the acceptance status for the abstract is set (for instance "Abstract Accepted").
  • Optional: You might want to update the ID of the abstract if it has an ID not normally used for abstracts but that is in the range of those used for full papers (for instance 1150 instead of 150). Please go to the details of the submission and in the right-hand column "Actions" click on "Change Contribution ID"  (see image 2) to change the ID (e.g. subtract 1000 from the ID).
  • Now copy the abstract to the full paper track. Again, go to the submission details and in the right-hand column "Actions" click on "Copy as New Contribution" (see image 3). On the next page select the options for copying the contribution, then select the correct new submission type (see image 4) and save it as a new submission. (Do not upload any files.)

Finally, please inform the author that he or she can upload the full paper now.