Topic: How do alternative deadlines for submission types / conference tracks work?  (Read 94990 times)

I want to set alternative deadlines for certain submission types / conference tracks.
Please explain how this works.

(A German version of this article is available.)

For each submission type / track you can define alternative deadlines for new submissions, editing of submissions and uploads.

Please first define the general deadline for all submission types / tracks on this page:
Overview => Settings => Main Settings for Paper and Abstract Submission
Go to the section "Conference Phases and Deadlines" and in the subsection "Submission and Upload of Contributions" activate the module via the option "Enable Module and Set Start and End Date" and define a start and end date.
The deadline you choose here will be the final deadline for new submissions for all submission types / tracks (see image 1).

Earlier alternative deadline for new submissions per submission type / track

For new submissions you can set an earlier alternative deadline for each submission type / track.

Please go to:
Overview => Settings => Manage Submission Types / Conference Tracks
... and select the track for which you want to define an earlier alternative submission deadline.
In the section "Alternative Deadlines of This Type / Track" check the checkbox for the option "Alternative Submission Deadline for New Contributions" and set a new deadline as an earlier submission deadline for this submission type than the general deadline (see image 2).

Later alternative deadline for editing submissions and uploads per submission type / track

For editing abstracts and uploading files you can set later alternative deadlines for each submission type / track.

Please go to:
Overview => Settings => Manage Submission Types / Conference Tracks
... and select the track for which you want to define later alternative deadlines for editing or uploads.
In the section "Alternative Deadlines of This Type / Track" check the checkbox for the option "Alternative Deadline for Editing Submissions" and / or "Alternative Deadline for Uploads (Full Paper Submissions)" and set a new deadline as a later submission deadline for this submission type than the general deadline (see image 2).

Please note that you cannot set an alternative starting date for individual submission types / tracks, but you can manually disable and enable submission types / tracks at any time by toggling the switch "Submission Enabled?".
If you require a later starting date for the submission phase of a certain submission type / track, please keep the setting disabled until the submission phase starts, and enable it as soon as required (see image 3).

Please always test your new settings.