Topic: How to edit or withdraw submissions / papers / contributions as chair or admin

How can chairs or administrators edit or withdraw (cancel / delete) submissions / papers / abstracts / contributions from ConfTool?

As chair / administrator, please go to the List of Submissions:
Overview  => Submissions & Reviews => List of Submissions

...and click on “Edit Data” or “Withdraw” in the right-hand column "Actions".

Please note that you can always undo the withdrawal of a paper, if it was done in error.

Please  go to the List of Submissions:
Overview => Submissions & Reviews => List of Submissions
...and for the filter "Withdrawn Contributions" choose  the setting "Display only withdrawn contributions".

Now withdrawn submissions appear in the list below in red. In the right column "Actions" click on "Undo withdrawal".

If you want to delete withdrawn papers for good, please use the "purge" function on the page:
Overview => Manage Submissions and Reviews => Purge Withdrawn Submissions

Only admins can call this function.
The deletion of withdrawn papers is final, e.g., it cannot be undone!

Please also see these forum entries for more information:    
How to delete withdrawn submissions from the database

How to remove uploaded files