Topic: How can I delete reviews?  (Read 60531 times)

A few reviewers would like to withdraw and delete their reviews because of possible CoI.
How can we proceed?

Reviews can be deleted on the same pages on which papers are assigned to reviewers.

Please note that only administrators (and Conference Chairs when they have the corresponding rights) can delete reviews.
The deletion of a review cannot be undone!

There are two different ways to delete reviews:

1) Via the list "Program Committee and Reviewers". Please go to:
Overview => Submissions & Reviews => Program Committee & Reviewers

In the list, please choose the required reviewer, and in the column on the right "Actions" click on “Assign Reviews”. To delete a review, check the checkbox for the option “Unassign & Delete Review” and submit the selection.

2) Via the list of submissions. Please go to:
Overview => Submissions & Reviews => List of Submissions

In the list, please choose the required contribution, and in the column on the right "Actions" click on “Assign Reviewers”. To delete a review, check the checkbox for the option “Unassign & Delete Review” and submit the selection.

You find additional information on how to delete reviews in this entry in the ConfTool support forum:
Unassign reviewers from submissions and delete reviews