Topic: Sending ConfTool mails via a dedicated smtp server  (Read 9018 times)

Our mail server is not running on "localhost", but we have a dedicated mail server.
How do we configure ConfTool to send all e-mails via that server?

If you are using ConfTool Pro, please contact us and send us the Domain Name of the SMTP server, the port, the user and the password.

If you are running ConfTool Standard on your own server, please open the configuration file conftool.conf.php.

Please comment out the lines:
Code: [Select]
#$ctconf['mail/smtphost'] = 'localhost';
#$ctconf['mail/SMTPAuth'] = false;

And add the following lines instead:
Code: [Select]
$ctconf['mail/smtphost'] = ''; // Domain name of your SMTP server.
$ctconf['mail/smtpport'] = 587;  // Port of your SMTP server
$ctconf['mail/SMTPAuth'] = true;  // Usually Authentication is required for sending mails.
$ctconf['mail/username'] = 'mailuser';  // User name of the mail account
$ctconf['mail/password'] = 'secret2000';  // Your secret mail password.

If you encounter any problems, you may try the following settings, too:
Code: [Select]
$ctconf['mail/phpmailer'] = true; //  Please make sure that PHPMailer is enabled!
$ctconf['mail/smtpsecure'] = 'ssl';  // Use 'tls', 'ssl', 'sslv2', or 'sslv3' if required.
$ctconf['mail/smtpskipverifypeer'] = true; // Disable certificate test for smtp transfer if the certificate is unrecognized / self-created.