Topic: Adding personal information to the confirmation letters  (Read 18652 times)

We would like to add a personal introduction to the invitation and confirmation letters, but the code %1 (that is used elswhere in the wording for confirmation letters) does not work. Can I still somehow include a personal form of address?

Can we also add the title of the paper submitted by the person?

You can always change the wording of all invitation and confirmation letters and you can also include personal salutations.

You can find quick links to the wording of all types of confirmation letters (Invitation for Authors, VISA Invitation Letter, Confirmation of Attendance for Participants, Acknowledgement Letter for Reviewers and/or Program Committee Members) in the section 'Modify the Text of the Confirmation Letters' at the bottom of this page:
Overview => Settings = > Settings for Confirmation Letters
Click on the link of the confirmation letter you want to modify to see the list of all corresponding phrases.

While the code %1 is hard coded and cannot be included in any other phrase, there are several codes that will be replaced with the data of the recipient in all of the confirmation letters. These are:
  • {person_name}, {person_firstname}, {person_organisation}, {person_organisation2},
    {person_addr1},  {person_addr2}, {person_zip}, {person_city}, {person_country}, {person_ID} etc.
    for the corresponding fields of the user registration form
  • {person_fullname} for the full name of the recipient, for example "Dr. John Doe"
  • {person_formal_salutation} for a formal salutation like "Dear Dr. John Doe"
  • {person_creationdate} date the user account was created
You can also use these code in capital letters (e.g. {PERSON_NAME}) if you want to insert the data as capitalized text.

Please check these entries in the forum on how to generally change the wording:
General information about invitation and confirmation letters for authors and participants

Making the keys/codes visible that are used for the phrases of ConfTool Pro

Please note that you cannot manually add the title or ID of a paper to the text of the letters, as some people might have no papers submitted to the event, while others might have submitted several papers. But you can automatically add a list of accepted submissions to the confirmation letter for participants. Please go to:
Overview => Settings = > Settings for Confirmation Letters
Scroll to the bottom of the page and activate the expert settings by clicking on "Expert settings disabled " or on the cogwheel icon.
Go to the option "List Presented Contributions on the Confirmation Letter" and change the setting to "Yes".

  • As per default, on the letter of invitation for participation and the letter of confirmation, the submissions that will be presented by the user are listed. In the section "Display Options for the List of Presented Contributions (Invitation and Confirmation Letter)" you can further define how much information will be displayed.
  • Moreover, all presentations can be displayed on the visa invitation letter when you activate the option "List Presented Contributions on the Visa Letter".

You can activate two additional confirmation letters when you enable the expert settings on this page:
Overview => Settings = > Settings for Confirmation Letters
Scroll to the bottom of the page and click "Expert settings disabled " or on the cogwheel.

You will now find two more letter types:
  • Letter of Appreciation for Volunteers at the Conference
  • Certificate for Authors

The "Certificate for Authors" will be made available to authors (as well as co-authors and sub-authors who have validated their e-mail address) and displayed for each individual submission in the authors' accounts.

For this specific certificate, in addition to the codes already listed above, you can use codes that will be replaced with the data of the submission. Please scroll to the bottom of the page and in the section "Modify the Wording of Invitation and Confirmation Letters" click on "Update the wording of the certificate for authors" to change the wording and include any of these codes:
  • %1 - name of this user / author
  • %2 - title of this contribution
  • {contribution_ID} - will include the ID of the contribution
  • {contribution_title} - will include the title of the contribution (in case it is a sub-paper, the title of the sub-paper will be used)
  • {contribution_authors} - will include the name(s) of the author(s) of the contribution (in case it is a sub-paper, the authors of the sub-paper will be inserted)
  • {contribution_presenters} - will include the name(s) of the presenter(s) of the contribution
  • {contribution_type} - will include the submission type / track of the contribution
  • {contribution_format} - will include the submission format(s) of the contribution
  • {contribution_topics} - will include the topics(s) of the contribution
  • {contribution_status} - will include the acceptance status of the contribution
  • {contribution_status_info} - will include the acceptance status details of the contribution
  • {contribution_session_short} - will include the short title of the session where the contribution will be presented
  • {contribution_session_long} - will include the long title of the session where the contribution will be presented
  • {contribution_session_title} - will include the full title (short + long) of the session where the contribution will be presented
  • {contribution_session_room} - will include the room of the session where the contribution will be presented
  • {contribution_session_time} - will include the start and end time of the session where the contribution will be presented
  • {contribution_time} - will include the start and end time of the presentation of the contribution

Don't forget to activate the module, define an end date and set corresponding access limitations (see image 1).

Authors, co-authors and sub-authors (if enabled) will find these certificates when they log into their accounts and go to the page "Your Submissions":
Overview => Your Submissions
Please be reminded:
  • A certificate will only be provided for accepted submissions.
  • There will be only one certificate per author per submission, even if the author is listed several times (e.g. in several sub-papers).