Topic: Registration as participant as precondition for submitting contributions  (Read 84072 times)

Our authors are supposed to register as participants / to pre-register in ConfTool before they can submit a contribution.
Can we define this prerequisite in ConfTool?

You can define a precondition so that only users who have already registered for participation will be able to submit a contribution.
Please go to this page:
Overview => Settings => Main Settings for Paper and Abstract Submission

In the section "Special Conditions for Paper Submission" for the option "Precondition for Submitting a Contribution?" choose a setting that defines whether authors have to register as participant and (alternatively) if their payment has to be recorded in the ConfTool System before they can start submitting a contribution (see image).

If needed, you can also limit the number of submissions per author in the same section.

If you want to work with received payment as a precondition, we recommend that you provide an online payment system like PayPal in conjunction with ConfTool Pro. Otherwise authors might have to wait (for several days) until the organizers enter the payment in ConfTool. This could cause many requests by authors, e.g. "Why hasn't my payment arrived, yet?".