Topic: Conference agenda: moderators / chairs of sessions – access to final versions  (Read 35210 times)

We would like to give moderators / chairs of sessions access to the final / camera-ready file uploads of the submissions of their respective sessions.
We have already activated on the page Overview => Scheduling => Main Settings for Conference Session Overview the option “Do Session Chairs / Moderators have Access to their Moderated Sessions?”. However, moderators / chairs of sessions still cannot access the final versions of these files.

Is there anything else we have to do?

(A German version of this article is available.)

To make the uploads of final versions accessible by moderators / chairs of sessions, please check if the options described below are all activated.

1) In the first step, enable the access to the downloads for each submission type or conference track. Please open this page:
Overview => Settings => Manage Submission Types / Conference Tracks
Edit all relevant submission types / conference tracks. Go to the section "Download Settings" and enable the options "Accessibility of file No. 1 - 3" according to your needs (see image 1).

2) Next, please go to Overview => Scheduling => Main Settings for Conference Session Overview and activate the option "Do Session Chairs / Moderators have Access to their Moderated Sessions?" (see image 2).

3) Furthermore, on the same page also enable the option "Show Downloads" (see image 2).

4) In addition to that you will have to activate the availability of the download for specified user groups for each session separately. Please go to
Overview => Scheduling => Create, Configure and Delete Sessions
and edit all relevant sessions. In the section "Access to contributions in session overview for normal users" choose for the option "Can the contributions be downloaded?" one that fits your needs and which includes the targeted user groups (see image 3).
This option has to be configured for each session individually, but there is the option to edit all sessions at once as well (image 4).

NB: Moderators or chairs of sessions should not be confused with regular "chairs", "track chairs" or "conference chairs". The former have read-only access to the documents and are not part of the program committee.
See: User Roles and Statuses in ConfTool.