Topic: Mark the participant registration status of authors in the list of accepted papers  (Read 49808 times)

We use ConfTool Pro for the organization of the submission and review process only, and use a local university registration system to register our participants. We would like to mark the participation status of the authors of every accepted paper. How do we do this?

What we did: We have a spreadsheet with a list of accepted paper IDs. Here we have identified the papers of persons who have already registered for participation in our universities registration system (not in ConfTool) and those who haven't.
We want to add that information to the list of papers in ConfTool and then send the authors who haven't registered an e-mail reminder to register for participation.
Can we do this with ConfTool?

You can do that by using the acceptance statuses of ConfTool Pro.

In this case, create a new acceptance status to discern between papers which are accepted and whose authors have already registered for participation and papers which are accepted and whose authors have not yet registered.

First, add a new acceptance status “Accepted and Registered” here:
Overview => Settings => Manage Acceptance Status

Mark the “Accepted” status and click on “Copy as new Acceptance Status” to copy the settings of this status. Rename the new status to e.g. “Accepted and Registered”

Then, assign the new status to the corresponding papers here:
Overview => Submissions & Reviews => Results of the Reviewing Procedure & Decision About Acceptance

Finally, use the bulk e-mail function to send the group with the relevant acceptance status a reminder:
Overview => Bulk E-mails => Send E-mails to Authors (and Co-authors)

Use the filter in the section “Acceptance Status” to discern between the relevant author groups.