Topic: E-mail reminder to authors/presenters who are not yet registered participants  (Read 40266 times)

We are using ConfTool Pro for paper submission and reviewing as well as participant registration.
The review phase is over and registration has just started.

We want all presenters, i.e. users who have submitted an accepted paper and/or were tagged as presenters for an accepted paper, to participate at our conference.

How do we find out the users who have submitted a paper / who were tagged as presenter and who have not registered for participation yet?
How do we send them all an e-mail reminder?

(A German version of this article is available.)

You can see these persons on the list of users if you use the corresponding filter. Please go to:
Overview => User and Participant Management => List of All Users

Please select for the filter "Only Users with Status" the status “Presenters of accepted contributions who are not yet participants”. The system will then list all users who are submitting authors and all presenters of submissions that were accepted, but not yet registered for participation (see Image 1).
However, please note that not all authors automatically have a user account, so this list may show several submitting authors instead of the presenters of papers. Furthermore, co-authors might not be identified as users, if the e-mail addresses do not match.
Please refer to the forum entry "Identify presenters who are not yet participants and create user accounts for them" for more information.

Therefore, we also recommend to take a look at the list of submissions and find out for which submissions authors have not registered for participation, yet.
Overview => Submissions & Reviews => List of Submissions

Below the filters, click on "Show more filter options".
New filter options will appear.
From the filter option "Filter by participant status of authors / co-authors", choose a filter that is most fitting, e.g. "Contributions where none of the authors / co-authors could be identified as registered participant" (see Image 2).

To contact these persons use the bulk e-mail function for users. Please go to:
 Overview => Bulk E-mails => Send E-mails to a Group of Users

In the first section “Selection of Recipients”, from the dropdown-list “Only Users with Status” choose the option “Presenters of accepted contributions who are not yet participants”.
You can choose from more filter options, if necessary (see Image 3).

You can also use the bulk e-mail function for authors, which will give you more filter options. Please go to:
Overview => Bulk E-mails => Send E-mails to Authors (and Co-authors)

From the filter option "Filter by participant status of authors / co-authors", choose a filter that is most fitting, e.g. "Show only contributions where the submitting author is NOT registered as participant" (see Image 4).

For more information on how to send bulk e-mails with ConfTool Pro, please refer to:

Please note: For an in-depth analysis of all authors and co-authors of accepted submissions you can also use the export data functions and select "Export of Authors with Contribution Details" and select the corresponding acceptance status. Here, also co-authors are listed that are not ConfTool users yet.