Topic: Multi-Language installation of the standard version VSIS ConfTool  (Read 45316 times)

Does the standard version of ConfTool support multi-language installations?

No, sorry, it doesn't.
To support several languages all database fields for the system settings have to be available in all languages.
However, the standard version has only one field per setting.
So you can for instance enter the "topics" of your conference and the registration form options in one language.

ConfTool Pro supports up to 4 languages.

If you still want to show the main wordings of ConfTool Standard in several languages you can achieve this with a little workaround.

Do the installation as described here:
Installation Instructions

Then create a second alias to the public directory of Conftool (/conftool/htdocs/ in the example) with a different name. Use for instance "", if the second language is German.

Code: [Select]
Alias / "/home/conftool/htdocs/"
... to your Apache configuration, so that the public URL "" links to the same directory of your server as the initial installation (in the above example ConfTool is installed in /home/conftool/).

Then open the file conftool/etc/conftool.conf.php and add a conditional statement that will load an alternative language file base on the URL called by the browser.

Code: [Select]
# Character set of language files.

# Standard language
$ctconf['language'] = 'english';

if (! (strpos($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'],"") === FALSE)) {
    $ctconf['language'] = 'german-utf8';
    #$ctconf['web/baseurl'] = ''; # If required.

Now you can access the same installation under two different URLs with two language files.
Please note that all languages have to use the same character encoding (UTF-8 is recommended).
Our demo uses the same mechanism: