Topic: How to modify and test / preview the review forms  (Read 70825 times)

How do I adjust the review form for the specific needs of our conference?
How can I test my adjustments and preview the current review form(s)?

ConfTool provides four default review forms that you can choose from.
You can view these four different forms as PDF files here, where you will also find further information on how to select and modify these forms:

Configuration of the Reviewing Functions

You can perform a test of the review form on this page:
Overview => Settings => Manage Submission Types/Conference Tracks

Please select a submission type/conference track from the list and open the drop down menu "Related Functions".
Here you can access the test form for the chosen submission type/conference track by selecting "Test review form for track 'XYZ'" (see image).

Another option that allows you to test the review forms is as follows:
  • Create a test reviewer user account or put yourself on the list of reviewers (i.e., add the user status "reviewer" or "pc member" to your user profile).
  • Assign a paper of each of the required review form types to the test user account. Please go to:
    Overview => Manage Submissions & Reviews => Program Committee and Reviewers.
  • In the column "User Status / Role", click on "Reviews: 0/2" (example values).
  • You can now directly access and edit the reviews for this person without activating any phase.
  • When you have completed testing the form needed for your requirements, please undo the test assignments / delete the test review.
    You can do so on the same page where you assigned the reviewer.

Please note: If the test user reviewer has also the role "admin" or "chair", (s)he can see the author and reviewer names. This is not the case for normal authors or reviewers.