Topic: File formats for paper uploads  (Read 111794 times)

How can I define the file formats for paper uploads?

1. You can set a default for the allowed file extensions.
Please go to:
Overview => Settings => Main Settings for Paper and Abstract Submission
Scroll down to the section "Defaults for Uploads and Downloads" and for the option "Supported File Types" enter the allowed file extensions separated by commas.
Alternatively, click on the link "Select file types from list" and choose the file type(s).

2. You can also set the file type per submission type / conference track.
Please go to:
Overview => Settings => Manage Submission Types / Conference Tracks
Select a "Conference Track / Type of Submission" and click Edit.

Scroll down to the section "Upload Settings for This Submission Type / Track" and enter the extensions (endings) of the respective file types allowed via the option(s) "File Extensions for File No. X" (see image).

Please separate file types by comma, e.g. "docx, odt, pdf".
Please enter only valid file extensions (do not enter "ms-word", "word" or "document", as these are not file extensions).

Below you find the most common file type extensions (file name endings):

pdf  - Adobe Acrobat Format (PDF Format)
ps   - Adobe PostScript file

doc  - Microsoft Word (up to version 2003, deprecated)
docx - Microsoft Word (version 2007 and later)
odt  - Open Office Write text document
rtf  - Rich Text Format (another Microsoft text format, not recommended to use)

xls  - Microsoft Excel (up to version 2003, deprecated)
xlsx - Microsoft Excel (Version 2007 and later)
ods  - Open Office Calc spreadsheet file

ppt  - Microsoft Powerpoint presentation (up to version 2003, deprecated)
pptx - Mircosoft Powerpoint presentation (version 2007 and later)
odp  - Open Office Presentation file
mp4 - Multimedia container format most commonly used for video and audio

zip  - PKZip / WinZip compressed file
rar  - RAR compressed file
gz   - GZip compressed file
tgz  - GZip compressed tar archive

gif  - Compuserve GIF image file
jpg  - JPEG (Joint Photographic Experts Group) image file
png  - Portable Network Graphics image file
html - HTML Web hypertext file

txt  - Plain text file
tex  - TeX typesetting format file

Please see also:

There are several extended options for some of the file types:

pdf:  You can set a minimum and maximum number of pages that are required for each upload.
         If you want to define a maximum number of pages only, please use pdf(z), where z is the number of pages.
         Example: pdf(10) for PDF files with up to 10 pages.
         If you also want to define a minimum number of pages, please use a range definition with pdf(a-z), where a is the minimum number of pages.
         Example: pdf(5-10) for PDF files with 5 to 10 pages.
         You can also define that the uploaded PDF files have to be IEEE validated by using the code (ieee).
         Example: pdf(ieee) will only allow the upload of PDF files that were IEEE eXpress validated.
         You can also combine both definitions if you separate them with a colon.
         Example: pdf(ieee:5-10)

docx: ConfTool Pro also allows you to define a minimum and maximum number of pages for
         Word files in docx format (but not in doc), using the same scheme as for PDF files.
         Example: docx(5-10)
         However, the test is not very reliable, as many Word documents are broken and return only 1 page, no matter how many pages they really have.
         It's a bug in MS Word. You can still use the filter, the broken files will always be accepted.

gif, png, jpg: For images in these 3 formats, a minimum and maximum pixel size can be defined.
         If you want to define only a minimum size, please use the pattern gif(axb) where a and b are the minimum width and the height.
         Examples: gif(640x400) for all GIF files with at least 640x400 pixels or jpg(640x400) for a corresponding JPEG file.
         If you also want to define a maximum size, please define a range like gif(axb-cxd),
         where a and b are again the minimum values and c is the maximum width, and d the maximum height.
         Example: png(640x480-1024x960) for a PNG file that is at least 640x480 and no more than 1024x960 pixel in size.