Topic: Sending bulk mails to selected reviewers only  (Read 60791 times)

We have already sent a bulk mail to reviewers providing information.
Now we want to add new reviewers and send the same bulk mail to them, but not to the reviewers who already have received the bulk mail mentioned.

How should we proceed?

You have several options on the page "Send E-mails to Reviewers".

Please go to:
Overview => Bulk E-mails => Send E-mails to Reviewers:
  • In the section "Selection of Recipients" you can filter by "Review Assignment Before" as well as "Review Assignment After" and therefore just choose reviewers who have been assigned reviews during a specific time period, e.g. during the last 4 hours (see image 1).
  • You could assign the reviews using the account of a specific user who has the role of a chair. Then, in the section "Selection of Recipients", you can filter by "Reviews Assigned By" (see image 1). This procedure will only work if this user (Chair) has not assigned any reviews so far.
  • In case your program committee is not too big, you can select/deselect the recipients manually on the preview page of the bulk mail function (see image 2).

For more detailed information on bulk mails please refer to:
Sending Bulk E-Mails with ConfTool