Topic: Submitting an abstract via the online form only  (Read 81125 times)

In our submission process, we want authors to submit an abstract using the online form only, without the possibility to upload a file.
How can we set this option?

Settings pertaining to the format of the submission can be done in each submission type / track individually.

Please go to:
Overview => Settings => Manage Submission Types / Conference Tracks
… and create or edit the corresponding submission type / track.

First, check the option “Abstract” (Does the user have to enter an abstract?).
Make sure that it is activated and choose one of the formatting options (see image).
  • simple formatting (will allow bold and italic characters and simple lists)
  • WYSIWYG editor (with some simple word processor functionalities)
  • plain text without formatting
  • plain text without formatting, but with support of LaTeX math formulas (expert settings have to be enabled for this option to appear)

Continue to the section “Upload Settings for This Contribution Type / Track”.
For the option “Number of Uploads Required for This Submission Type per Submitted Contributionchoose the value0” (see image).
This will disable the option to upload files during the submission of new contributions.

Please always test any new settings!

We listed some ideas that you might want to take into consideration before you opt for an abstract-only submission:
Submitting an abstract as an upload only