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Resumen de las sesiones
JB02: Latin American Thinkers of Peace | Edited by Roberto Dominguez & Andrea Oelsner
Jueves, 19/10/2023:
17:30 - 18:50

Lugar: Salón 3120 D

Edificio 3, Universidad Anáhuac Mayab

Análisis de Novedad Editorial

Mostrar ayuda para 'Aumentar o reducir el tamaño de texto del resumen'

Latin American Thinkers of Peace | Edited by Roberto Dominguez & Andrea Oelsner

Moderador/a: Dr. Juan Narciso Ojeda Cárdenas (Universidad del Mar)

Comentarista(s): Mtra. Itzel Pamela Pérez Gómez (Universidad Anáhuac Mayab), Mtra. Ana Vanessa Cárdenas Zanatta (Universidad Anáhuac Mayab)

Ponente(s): Dr. Roberto Domínguez (Suffolk University), Dra. Paula Ximena Ruiz Camacho (Universidad Externado de Colombia)

This book analyzes the contributions of seven Latin American peace actors to reconciliation and conflict resolution: Carlos Saavedra Lamas, Adolfo Pérez Esquivel, Alfonso García Robles, Óscar Arias Sánchez, Rigoberta Menchú Tum, Juan Manuel Santos, and Javier Pérez de Cuéllar. Working within an eclectic conceptual approach to systematize the difusion of their ideas, the chapters build upon three fundamentals of mainstream constructivism: a) change across time and space in each peace actor’s lifetime; b) socialization through changing norms, rules, and language; and c) processes of interaction in which they chose strategies and built networks. In their respective historical times, their views and ideas transcended the confines of Latin America to influence global political thought and produce change that favored peace.

Roberto Domínguez is Professor of International Relations at Suffolk University, USA.

Andrea Oelsner is Associate Professor and Director of the Political Science and IR Programmes at the University of San Andrés, Argentina.

ISBN 978-3-031-36106-7

Palgrave MacMillan

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