Session Overview | |
Location: Room A.1.7 |
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2:15pm - 4:00pm |
1C: Migration Location: Room A.1.7 Migration flows and their impacts on public spending in receiving countries by using time series models West University, Romania Information campaigns and migration perceptions University of Rome Tor Vergata, Italy The Impact of Immigration on Native Entrepreneurship: Evidence from Spain Queen Mary University London, United Kingdom |
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9:30am - 11:10am |
2C: Cultural and Institutional persistence Location: Room A.1.7 Cultural Doorways in the Barriers to Development 1: Università Federico II, Italy; 2: Università Suor Orsola Benincasa Do political sanctions matter? Evidence from local elections in Colombia 1: Universidad Santiago de Cali, Colombia; 2: Universidad del Rosario, Colombia; 3: Universidad de Antioquia, Colombia Fascist Ideology and Migrant Labor Exploitation UPF, Federico II, Spain Social Norms, Product Demand, and Firm Growth 1: Stockholm School of Economics; 2: Universitat Pompeu Fabra; 3: Barcelona School of Economics |
2:00pm - 3:15pm |
3C: Demography and employment Location: Room A.1.7 Spillover Effects of Raising the Retirement Age on Coworkers and Firm Employment CERGE-EI, Czech Republic Estimating the Growth Effect of the Demographic Dividend Wesleyan University, United States of America The Determinants of Employment in Italian Provinces. A Spatial Dynamic Panel Approach University of Naples Parthenope, Italy |
3:45pm - 5:00pm |
4C: Poverty and inequality II Location: Room A.1.7 Riddles and waves of economic growth and wealth concentration driven by non-productive assets 1: University of Urbino Carlo Bo, Italy; 2: University of Calabria, Italy Scale-biased Technical Change and Inequality London School of Economics, United Kingdom The Dynamics of Social Identity, Inequality and Redistribution 1: University of Basel, Switzerland; 2: University of Essex, UK |
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9:30am - 11:10am |
5C: Structural change and economic development Location: Room A.1.7 Can AK Models with International Technological Interdependence Explain Cross-Country Income Distribution and Convergence? Sapienza University of Rome, Italy Green Hydrogen development: mapping possible diffusion pathways in Italy 1: Parthenope University of Naples, Italy; 2: Ulm University, Germany Regional Industrial Development: tales of success and failures from European Regions. 1: University of Naples L'Orientale, Italy; 2: University of Naples Parthenope Beyond Cost Benefit Analysis: A SAM-CGE Model for Project-Program Evaluation Università Roma Tor Vergata, Italy |