Conference Agenda

5C: Structural change and economic development
Saturday, 16/Sept/2023:
9:30am - 11:10am

Location: Room A.1.7


Can AK Models with International Technological Interdependence Explain Cross-Country Income Distribution and Convergence?

Carmelo Pierpaolo Parello

Sapienza University of Rome, Italy

Green Hydrogen development: mapping possible diffusion pathways in Italy

Patrizio Giganti1, Pasquale Marcello Falcone1, Michael Hiete2

1Parthenope University of Naples, Italy; 2Ulm University, Germany

Regional Industrial Development: tales of success and failures from European Regions.

Roberta Arbolino1, Raffaele Boffardi1, Mariangela Bonasia2, Luisa De Simone1, Antonio Lopes1

1University of Naples L'Orientale, Italy; 2University of Naples Parthenope

Beyond Cost Benefit Analysis: A SAM-CGE Model for Project-Program Evaluation

Pasquale Lucio Scandizzo, Daniele Cufari

Università Roma Tor Vergata, Italy