Conference Agenda

Session Overview
Date: Thursday, 21/Sept/2023
8:30am - 7:00pmRegistration: Registration, cloakroom and storage room
Location: Hollar, room n. 11, Smetanovo nábřeží 6
9:00am - 10:00amSES 1.1: Session 1.1 - Public sector, organization and lobbying
Location: Hollar, room n. 14, Smetanovo nábřeží 6
Session Chair: Chiara Valentini

Internal Communication Management Entering Hybrid Work Era In The Ministry Of Transport Of The Republic Of Lithuania

Vytautas Beniušis

Vilnius University, Lithuania

Strategic Organizational Listening As a Strategic Tool To Create More Citizen Centric Wellbeing Public Policies And Services

Heini Taiminen1, Kimmo Taiminen2

1University of Jyväskylä, Finland; 2University of Jyväskylä, Finland

Argumentation Strategies in Lobbying: The Discursive Struggle over Regulating Big Tech

Scott Davidson1, Irina Lock2

1University of Leicester, UK; 2Friedrich Schiller University Jena, Germany

9:00am - 10:00amSES 1.2: Session 1.2 - Internal communication and work environment
Location: Hollar, room n. 112, Smetanovo nábřeží 6
Session Chair: Ana Tkalac Vercic

Authentic Employee Appreciation: The Role of Internal Communication in Fostering an Appreciative Work Environment

Julia Stranzl, Christopher Ruppel

University of Vienna, Austria

A Situational Perspective on Employee Activism - Examining the Role of Symmetrical Internal Communication

Neda Ninova-Solovykh, Ingrid Wahl, Sabine Einwiller

University of Vienna, Austria

The Role of Communicative Coworkership on Internal Social Media in creating Responsible Communication

Helle Gode Eskesen1, Mona Aggerholm Andersen2, Vibeke Thøis Madsen3

1VIA University College, Denmark; 2Aarhus University, Denmark; 3DMJX, Danish School of Media and Journalism, Denmark

9:00am - 10:00amSES 1.3: Session 1.3 - AI and digital aspects of strategic communication
Location: Hollar, room n. 215, Smetanovo nábřeží 6
Session Chair: Ganga Dhanesh

Metamorphosis: Green Avatars and the New Ecology of Strategic Communication

Alexandra Craciun

University of Bucharest, Romania

More than the Sims: Harnessing the Power of the Metaverse to Ethically Engage, Motivate, and Connect the Future Workforce

Donna Davis1, Rita Men2, Andrea Stevenson Won3

1University of Oregon, United States of America; 2University of Florida, United States of America; 3Cornell University, United States of America

Strategic Social Media Polarisation and Power:A Conceptual Piece Exploring Phenomenon in Academics to Practise

Karen Freberg1, Sabrina Page2

1University of Louisville, United States of America; 2Walter State Community College, United States of America

9:00am - 10:00amSES 1.4: Session 1.4 - Ethical dimensions of strategic communication of diverse topics
Location: Hollar, room n. 115, Smetanovo nábřeží 6
Session Chair: Dejan Vercic

AI Ethical Violations And Corporate Response Strategies

Grazia Murtarelli, Elanor Colleoni, Stefania Romenti

IULM University Milan, Italy

Exploring and Assessing Issue Communication Strategies

Sandra Jacobs1, Christine Liebrecht2

1University of Amsterdam; 2Tilburg University

Nuclear Energy as a Sustainable Solution: A Critical Discursive Analysis of Media Coverage in the Context of Energy Crisis

Ileana Lis Zeler1, Riasat Muhammad Amir2

1University Autonomous of Barcelona, Spain; 2University Autonomous of Barcelona, Spain

9:00am - 10:30amPanel 0: The future of PR & strategic communication: Insights from current PhD projects
Location: Hollar, room n. 212, Smetanovo nábřeží 6
10:00am - 11:00amCB 0: Coffee Break

Sponsored by Mattoni.

10:30am - 11:30amSES 2.1a: Session 2.1a - Public sector, organization and lobbying
Location: Hollar, room n. 14, Smetanovo nábřeží 6
Session Chair: Scott Davidson

Salient Issues of the COVID-19 pandemic: Media lobbying strategies of Finnish trade associations

Markus Tapani Mykkänen1, Chiara Valentini2

1University of Jyväskylä, Finland; 2Jyväskylä University School of Business and Economics, Finland

The Information Oligopoly of Big Tech: How Journalists and Public Affairs Practitioners Perceive Their Role Towards Big Tech’s Accountability

Alexandra Schwinges1, Irina Lock2, Toni G.L.A. van der Meer1, Rens Vliegenthart3

1Amsterdam School of Communication Research, Netherlands, The; 2Institute of Communication Science, Friedrich Schiller University Jena, Germany; 3Strategic Communication Group, Wageningen University and Research (WUR), Wageningen, Netherlands

What Makes a Legitimate Public Sector Organization? Insights from a Representative Survey

Irina Lock1, Sandra Jacobs2

1Friedrich Schiller University Jena, Germany; 2Amsterdam School of Communication Research (ASCoR)

10:30am - 11:30amSES 2.2a: Session 2.2a - Investor relations and financial communication
Location: Hollar, room n. 112, Smetanovo nábřeží 6
Session Chair: Mats Heide

Communicating About Controversial Issues – The Case Of Halal Offerings In The Food Retail And Banking Sectors In Germany And Austria

Samira Rahimi Mavi, Sabine A Einwiller

University of Vienna, Austria

The Role of the Corporate Purpose and How Investor Relations Professionals Make Sense of It

Josefine Brühl1, Jesper Falkheimer2

1Brunswick Group, Germany; 2Lund University, Sweden

10:30am - 11:30amSES 2.3a: Session 2.3a - Current methodologic and research horizons
Location: Hollar, room n. 215, Smetanovo nábřeží 6
Session Chair: Ansgar Zerfass

Diversity in Research Networks in Public Relations Research: A Social Network Analysis of International Collaboration and Co-Authorship

Amit Rechavi1, Ruth Avidar2, Osnat Roth-Cohen3

1Ruppin Academic Center, Israel; 2The Yezreel Valley College, Israel; 3Ariel University, Israel

Public Relations in a VUCA World: A Dialectical Approach to Relational Theorizing

Ganga Dhanesh

Zayed University, United Arab Emirates

Sustainable Engagement with Digitalization Challenges in Strategic Communication: Introducing the VUCA Radar

Peter Winkler, Jannik Kretschmer, Philip Wamprechtsamer

University of Salzburg, Austria

10:30am - 11:30amSES 2.4a: Communication and higher education institutions
Location: Hollar, room n. 115, Smetanovo nábřeží 6
Session Chair: Anastasios Theofilou

The Role of Communication in the Inclusion of People with Disability in the University of Sharjah

Mahboobeh Abdolrahman

University of Sharjah, United Arab Emirates

Evaluation Practices in University Communication: A Qualitative Study of Communicators and University Leaders

Isabel Sörensen, Sophia Charlotte Volk, Silke Fürst, Daniel Vogler, Mike Steffen Schäfer

University of Zurich, Switzerland

11:00am - 12:30pmPanel 1: Panel 1
Location: Hollar, room n. 212, Smetanovo nábřeží 6

Building Sustainable Futures: The Role of CSR communication in Addressing the Challenges of the 21st Century

Chair(s): Adalberto Arrigoni (Leeds Beckett University), Wim Elving (Hanze UAS)

Respondent(s): Wim Elving (Hanze UAS)

Presenter(s): Anca Anton (University of Bucharest), Ileana Zeler (Autonomous University of Barcelona), Angeles Moreno (TU Universidad Rey Juan Carlos), Nadine Strauß (University of Zurich), Franzisca Weder (The University of Queensland)

11:30am - 11:40amCB I: Coffee Break
11:40am - 12:40pmSES 2.1b: Session 2.1b - Lobbying and public affairs
Location: Hollar, room n. 14, Smetanovo nábřeží 6
Session Chair: Irina Lock

Multimodal Events as Middle-stage Lobbyism

Nanna Fredheim

Kristania University College, Norway

I want what you want! Understanding the Impact of Public Interest Arguments in Lobbying and Public Affairs

Ketil Raknes1, Øyvind Ihlen2

1Kristiania University College, Norway; 2University of Oslo, Norway

Is informal lobbying responsible? Evidence from Brussels

Julia Levasier

Bavarian Research Institute for Digital Transformation, Germany

11:40am - 12:40pmSES 2.2b: Session 2.2b - Investor relations and financial communication
Location: Hollar, room n. 112, Smetanovo nábřeží 6
Session Chair: Jesper Falkheimer

Towards A Communication Theory Of Finance In Investor Relations

Laura Hackl, Jens Seiffert-Brockmann

Vienna University of Economics and Business, Austria

From Black to Green: Balancing different Business Logics in Sustainable Transition Communication. A Critical Discourse Analysis of an Energy Company’s Annual Reports

Ester Conings Vanvik

Kristiania University College, Norway

11:40am - 12:40pmSES 2.3b: Session 2.3b - Current methodologic and research horizons
Location: Hollar, room n. 215, Smetanovo nábřeží 6
Session Chair: Ansgar Zerfass

Trend Research in Communication Management: Introducing an Interdisciplinary Approach based on Futures Research Methodology

Ansgar Zerfass1, Daniel Ziegele1, Sünje Clausen2, Stefan Stieglitz2

1Leipzig University, Germany; 2University of Potsdam, Germany

What Characterizes Sustainable Public Relations? A Framework For Future-proof PR.

Lennart Rettler, Ulrike Röttger

University of Munster, Germany

11:40am - 12:40pmSES 2.4b: Session 2.4b - Communication and higher education institutions
Location: Hollar, room n. 115, Smetanovo nábřeží 6
Session Chair: Ruth Avidar

Co-constructing Transdisciplinary Courses

Alicia Fjällhed

Lund University, Sweden

Current State of Spokesperson Training in Communication Studies at the Best Universities in the World

Margaryta Netreba1, Mònica Puntí-Brun2, Sílvia Espinosa-Mirabet2

1Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University (UKRAINE); 2Universitat de Girona (SPAIN)

A Systematic Literature Review on Public Relations Education in the Context of Feminisation and Professionalisation of Public Relations (1949-2021)

Martina Topic, Ralph Tench, Teela Clayton

Leeds Beckett University, United Kingdom

12:30pm - 2:15pmEUPRERA: Projects, networks and more
Location: Hollar, room n. 12, Smetanovo nábřeží 6

Some of the current EUPRERA research projects and thematic networks, plus a new cooperation with Communication & Organisation Journal which can lead to more publication opportunities for our members.

Join during the lunch time to learn more! The poster area is open to everyone.

12:30pm - 2:15pmLunch Buffet

Sponsored by Mattoni.

2:15pm - 3:45pmPanel 2: Panel 2
Location: Hollar, room n. 212, Smetanovo nábřeží 6

Communicating Responsibility In Finance: The Impact Of The ESG Regulatory And Cultural Turn On Investor Communications

Chair(s): Rudi Palmieri (University of Liverpool, United Kingdom)

Respondent(s): Marlies Whitehouse (ZHAW School of Applied Linguistics)

Presenter(s): Sandra Binder-Tietz (University of Leipzig), Ramon Brotzer (University of Zurich), Giulia D'Agostino (Università della Svizzera italiana), Laura Hackl (Vienna University of Economics and Business), Christian P Hoffmann (University of Leipzig), Alexander V Laskin (Quinnipiac University), Costanza Lucchini (Università della Svizzera italiana), Andrea Rocci (Università della Svizzera italiana), Jens Seiffert-Brockmann (Vienna University of Economics and Business), Nadine Strauß (University of Zurich)

2:15pm - 3:45pmSES 2.2c: Session 2.2c - CSR reaching consumers and other stakeholders
Location: Hollar, room n. 112, Smetanovo nábřeží 6
Session Chair: Nils S. Borchers

Building Consumer Trust and Encouraging Consumer Trial: A Normative Framework for Public Relations in Startups and Emerging Brands

Nivea Heluey, Luis Morante

Universidad Autonoma de Barcelona, Spain

Taking the Discursive Processes of Stakeholder Systems Seriously: A Narrative Approach to Stakeholder Analysis

Gastone Gualtieri

USI - Universtià della Svizzera italiana, Switzerland

The Quest For Common Ground In Times Of Polarization: Exploring Communicative Co-orientation In Agricultural Multi-stakeholder Conversations Concerning The Food Transition

Korien van Vuuren - Verkerk1,2, Noelle Aarts2, Jan van der Stoep3

1Ede Christian University of Applied Sciences, the Netherlands; 2Radboud University Nijmegen, the Netherlands; 3Wageningen University & Research, the Netherlands

2:15pm - 3:45pmSES 2.3c: Session 2.3c - Internal communication and work environment
Location: Hollar, room n. 215, Smetanovo nábřeží 6
Session Chair: Oyvind Ihlen

Effects of Brand Management Culture on Employee Behaviors: The Mediating Roles of Brand Identification and Perceived Organizational Performance

Sojeong Kim, Jarim Kim

Yonsei University, Korea, Republic of (South Korea)

When Nobody Does It Better: The Impact of Irreplaceability Perceptions on Employee Loyalty in a Tight Labor Market

Joost Verhoeven, Esmee Seijdel

Tilburg University, Netherlands, The

Responsible (Digital) Leadership Communication: Selected Results of a Survey among 300 Managers and Employees on Hybrid General and Conflict Management after the Covid-19 crisis

Holger Sievert, Ilovar Anna-Mishale

Macromedia University, Germany

3:30pm - 4:15pmCB II: Coffee Break

Sponsored by Mattoni.

4:00pm - 5:30pmPanel 4: Panel 4
Location: Hollar, room n. 212, Smetanovo nábřeží 6

Shedding Light on the Dark Side of Digital PR: Taking and Communicating Responsibility

Chair(s): Mark Badham (Leeds Beckett University, United Kingdom)

Respondent(s): Ansgar Zerfass (Leipzig University)

Presenter(s): Alexander Laskin (Quinnipiac University), Nils Borchers (University of Tübingen), Grazia Murtarelli (Università IULM), Anne Gregory (University of Huddersfield), Sophia Sophia (University of Zurich)

4:15pm - 5:15pmSES 3.1: Session 3.1 - Different shades of washing and critical approach
Location: Hollar, room n. 14, Smetanovo nábřeží 6
Session Chair: Ángeles Moreno

It is all fake? The Rhetoric in CSR and Sustainability Communication: a literature review proposal

Giuseppe Bonaccorso

IULM, Italy

Storytelling or Tall Green Tales? Narrative Structure and Greenwashing in NYC Real Estate

Tiffany Mohr, Desislava Stoeva, Carmen Collins

St. John's University, United States of America

4:15pm - 5:15pmSES 3.2: Session 3.2 - Internal communication and work environment
Location: Hollar, room n. 112, Smetanovo nábřeží 6
Session Chair: Holger Sievert

Employer Branding In The Healthcare Industry – A Quantitative Study Among Nursing Trainees In Germany

Lisa Dühring, Kim Ebeling

Ostfalia University of Applied Sciences, Germany

One Size Fits All? The Use of Employer Branding in Different Contexts

Antonia Hein1,2, Wim J.L. Elving1, Sierdjan Koster2, Arjen Edzes1,2

1Hanze University of Applied Sciences, Netherlands, The; 2University of Groningen, the Netherlands

What Is Published About Employee Communication Regarding LGBT+: A Scoping Review of Quantitative Research

Ingrid Wahl, Magdalena Siegel, Sabine Einwiller

University of Vienna, Austria

4:15pm - 5:15pmSES 3.3: Session 3.3 - Strategic communication on COVID-19 issues
Location: Hollar, room n. 215, Smetanovo nábřeží 6
Session Chair: Raluca Moise

What Do They Know – Strategies For Undermining Trust In Institutions During The COVID-19 Pandemic

Truls Strand Offerdal, Øyvind Ihlen

University of Oslo, Norway

Rhetorical Response Strategies to Medical Dissent: Strategic Communication of Public Health Authorities in the COVID-19 Pandemic

Oyvind Ihlen, Anja Vranic

U of Oslo, Norway

Hashtag Hijacking as a Governmental Social Responsibility Action. A Communication Network Approach to the COVID-19 Vaccination Arena in Romania

Camelia Cmeciu1,2, Anca Anton1,2, Eugen Glăvan3,2

1FJSC, University of Bucharest; 2Research Institute University of Bucharest (ICUB); 3ICCV

5:30pm - 6:30pmReviewers´ social program

Limited to participants that booked this event, which will take place on the balcony on the 1st floor of the Hollar building.

7:30pm - 10:00pmConference Dinner
Location: Cafe Slavia, 100 m from Hollar

Entrance from the Narodni trida 1Please, note that the Gala Dinner is limited to participants who made the reservation and the payment via Conftool.