Topic: Display duration of presentations within sessions in conference agenda  (Read 36268 times)

Is it possible to display the length of time of each presentation in a session in the session overview?

(A German version of this article is available.)

There are three options available how to define the length of a presentation within a session.

First, you can define for each acceptance status the length of each presentation with this status.
When you assign the acceptance status to a submission and add this submission to a session in the agenda, the total time of all submissions / presentations within one session will be calculated based on the length stated in the acceptance status.

If you want to use this functionality, please first go to:
Overview => Settings => Manage Acceptance Status
… and open and edit an acceptance status. Choose an appropriate setting for the option “Length of each presentation” (see image).
You can also create several acceptance statuses, e.g. in case you have different kinds of presentations (e.g. full papers and short presentations) to set different lengths for each presentation type.

Now continue to create sessions for the agenda:
Overview => Scheduling => Create, Configure and Delete Sessions
Go to the option “* Lengths and Times of Presentations” and choose the setting
"AUTOMATIC: The length defined for the acceptance status and the order of the presentations determine the times” (see image).

Assign contributions/presentations to the sessions on this page:
Overview => Scheduling => Results of the Reviewing Procedure & Decision About Acceptance
The starting and ending times of each presentation will be calculated depending on the acceptance status you have assigned (and the length of each presentation that you have determined for the status) as well as on the position of the presentation within the session.

You can define and change the order of presentations in a session on this page (see image):
Overview => Scheduling => Edit the Conference Schedule

Finally, you can check the results here (see image):
Overview => Scheduling => Conference Agenda

Second, you can determine manually how long each presentation within a session will last. Starting and ending times of all presentations within a session will be calculated based on their lengths and positions.

If you want to opt for this functionality, then edit each session:
Overview => Scheduling => Create, Configure and Delete Sessions
Go to the option “* Lengths and Times of Presentations” and choose the setting
MANUAL: The lengths of the presentations and their order determine the times” (see image).

Assign the contributions/presentations to the sessions on this page:
Overview => Scheduling => Results of the Reviewing Procedure & Decision About Acceptance

You can fine-tune the sessions here:
Overview => Scheduling => Edit the Conference Schedule
Click on a session and on the following screen click on “Edit Sessions”.
From the dropdown menus to the left of the presentations, choose which position the presentations shall have and define the length of each presentation by setting the desired length manually (see image).

Finally, check the results here:
Overview => Scheduling => Conference Agenda


Third, the length of presentations can also be displayed by using different acceptance statuses for each length.
Please note that this method does not calculate/show starting and ending times of presentations.

You have to enable the display of the acceptance statuses in the sessions and assign the status representing the different presentations lengths to the corresponding submissions:

  • First, define the required acceptance statuses. Please go to:
    Overview => Settings => Manage Acceptance Status
    Select the status "Accepted" and click on "Copy as new Acceptance Status" to create a new status with the same settings.
    • Choose appropriate names for the fields “Status Short Title / Result Name” and “Status Full Title / Result Message”.  The short title will be shown on the conference agenda page, the long title will be shown to the authors as the result of the review process. Example: Use "20min" for the short title and
      "The contribution has been accepted as a 20 minutes oral presentation" for the long title.
    • For the option "Assign to Session" choose "Yes" to be able to assign this status to a session.
    • For the option "Visibility on the conference agenda", choose: "Show contribution with acceptance status short title" to show the acceptance status short title.
  • Assign the status to the relevant submissions here:
    Overview => Submissions & Reviews => Results of the Reviewing Procedure & Decision About Acceptance
    Please also refer to the full documentation: Evaluating the Review Results and Setting the Acceptance Status of Submissions
  • Test the new settings here:
    Overview => Browse Conference Agenda
    The title of the acceptance status will only appear if you select a session or if you enable "Show Presentations" in the "List View" mode.

Please remember that you can only display the duration of each submission with this method.
The exact starting time of each presentation can only be displayed and calculated when you use one of the other methods.