Conference Agenda

Overview and details of the sessions of this conference. Please select a date or location to show only sessions at that day or location. Please select a single session for detailed view (with abstracts and downloads if available).

Session Overview
Date: Sunday, 24/Nov/2024
 List of all Posters
Location: Eilenriedehalle A
Display list by clicking here
The posters are on display every day! But they will be presented in three exhibition sessions. See below in the agenda for presenter slots "Poster exhibition..." one poster exhibition session on each conference day.

Staff will support presenters in attaching their posters to the boards on Sunday (during registration/icebreaker) and Monday morning. Posters not removed by Thursday end of lunch will be disposed of.
Display list by clicking here
3:00pm - 6:00pmScientific support programme: Mini-lectures
Location: Blauer Saal
6:00pm - 8:00pmIcebreaker + Registration
Location: Eilenriedehalle A
Date: Monday, 25/Nov/2024
8:30am - 10:00amRegistration
10:00am - 10:30amOpening ceremony
Location: Eilenriedehalle B
Session Chair: Astrid Göbel, BGE, Germany
Session Chair: Johanna Lippmann-Pipke, Bundesanstalt für Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe, BGR, Germany
10:30am - 12:00pmPlenary #1: National Case Studies
Location: Eilenriedehalle B
Session Chair: Stéphan Schumacher, Andra, France
Session Chair: Maarten Van Geet, ONDRAF/NIRAS, Belgium
Invited Keynote: Irina Gaus (Nagra, Switzerland) "Optimisation of Clay based Repository Concepts_from site selection to operations"
10:30am - 11:00am
Invited Keynote
ID: 459 / Plenary #1: 001

Optimisation of Clay based Repository Concepts_from site selection to operations

Irina Gaus

Nagra, Switzerland

459-Gaus-Optimisation of Clay based Repository Concepts_from site selection.pdf

11:00am - 11:20am
ID: 108 / Plenary #1: 002

Safety-driven site selection in Switzerland: the earth-science basis for the deep geological repository

Tim Vietor1, Michael Schnellmann1, Silvio Giger1, Daniel Traber1, Raphael Schneeberger1, Gaudenz Deplazes1, Niocalas Roy1, Valentina Zampetti1, Angela Landgraf1, Andreas Ludwig1, Urs H. Fischer1, Jens Becker1, Nathan Looser2

1Nagra, Switzerland; 2ETH Zürich, Switzerland

108-Vietor-Safety-driven site selection in Switzerland.pdf

11:20am - 11:40am
ID: 460 / Plenary #1: 003

German site selection – claystone related implementation and considerations

Nadine Schöner, Catherin Gemmel, Astrid Göbel, Sönke Reiche

BGE, Germany

460-Schöner-German site selection – claystone related implementation and considerations.pdf

11:40am - 12:00pm
ID: 267 / Plenary #1: 004

Site Descriptive Models as a tool to develop subsurface understanding in mudrock environments: A UK perspective

Jason Canning1, Fiona McEvoy1, Stephanie Kape1, David Eastwell1, Christian Strand1, Rob Mclaverty1, Chris Gilbert2, Lee Hartley2, Tom Haines3, Dave McCarthy4, Lorraine Field4, Chris Jackson5

1Nuclear Waste Services, United Kingdom; 2WSP; 3Galson Sciences; 4British Geological Survey; 5Jacobs

267-Canning-Site Descriptive Models as a tool to develop subsurface understanding.pdf
12:00pm - 12:30pm2 min poster presentation #1
Location: Eilenriedehalle B
12:00pm - 12:02pm
2 min poster
ID: 2454

Study on the construction of disposal scenarios and a tentative migration modelling of cesium for the final disposal of radioactive-ly contaminated waste outside of Fukushima Prefecture

Eriko Minari, Kazuo Yamada, Kazuto Endo

National Institute of Environmental Studies, Japan

2454-Minari-Study on the construction of disposal scenarios and a tentative migration modelling_Video.mp4
2454-Minari-Study on the construction of disposal scenarios and a tentative migration modelling_Abstract.pdf

12:02pm - 12:04pm
2 min poster
ID: 2130

Investigating the Effects of Small Organic Molecules on the Adsorption of Uranyl on Clay Minerals with Molecular Dynamics

Jakub Ličko, Andrey G. Kalinichev

SUBATECH (UMR 6457 – IMT Atlantique, Nantes Université, CNRS-IN2P3), France

2130-Ličko-Investigating the Effects of Small Organic Molecules_Video.mp4
2130-Ličko-Investigating the Effects of Small Organic Molecules_Abstract.pdf

12:04pm - 12:06pm
2 min poster
ID: 2156

Numerical investigation of pore characteristics in spherical and platelet particle beds

Otono Miura1, Ryunosuke Oishi1, Tsubasa Yagi2, Shusaku Harada1

1Hokkaido University, Japan; 2Radioactive Waste Management Funding and Research Center, Japan

2156-Miura-Numerical investigation of pore characteristics in spherical and platelet particle_Video.mp4
2156-Miura-Numerical investigation of pore characteristics in spherical and platelet particle_Abstract.pdf

12:06pm - 12:08pm
2 min poster
ID: 2378

Migration of caesium decreases with increasing compaction of MX-80 bentonite

Theresa Hennig1, Sina Grossmann2, Jens Mibus3, Luc R. Van Loon4, Martin A. Glaus4, Vinzenz Brendler5

1GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences, Fluid Systems Modelling, Potsdam, Germany; 2VKTA Radiation Protection, Analytics and Disposal Rossendorf Inc., Environmental and Radionuclide Analyses, Dresden, Germany; 3Federal Office for the Safety of Nuclear Waste Management (BASE), Department A Supervision, Berlin, Germany; 4Paul Scherrer Institut, Laboratory for Waste Management, Villigen PSI, Switzerland; 5Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden Rossendorf e.V., Institute of Resource Ecology, Dresden, Germany

2378-Hennig-Migration of caesium decreases with increasing compaction_Video.mp4
2378-Hennig-Migration of caesium decreases with increasing compaction_Abstract.pdf

12:08pm - 12:10pm
2 min poster
ID: 2172

Understanding the Effect of Indigenous Microorganisms in Bentonite on the Biocorrosion of Metal Canisters, for the Final Disposal of Nuclear waste (Under Relevant DGR Conditions)

Adam David Mumford1, Marcos Martinez-Moreno2, Cristina Povedano-Priego2, Mar Morales-Hidalgo2, Miguel Ruiz-Fresneda2, Yon Ju-Nam1, Mohamed L. Merroun2, Jesus J. Ojeda1

1Swansea University, Department of Chemical Engineering, United Kingdom; 2University of Granada, Department of Microbiology, Spain

2172-Mumford-Understanding the Effect of Indigenous Microorganisms_Video.mp4
2172-Mumford-Understanding the Effect of Indigenous Microorganisms_Abstract.pdf

12:10pm - 12:12pm
2 min poster
ID: 2293

Temperature Influence on Swelling Pressure of Ca-Bentonite up to 150 °C

Deuk-Hwan Lee, Gi-Jun Lee, Seeun Chang, Minhyeong Lee, Seok Yoon, Chnagsoo Lee, Dong-Keun Cho

Korea Advanced Energy Research Institute, Korea, Republic of (South Korea)

2293-Lee-Temperature Influence on Swelling Pressure of Ca-Bentonite up_Video.mp4
2293-Lee-Temperature Influence on Swelling Pressure of Ca-Bentonite up_Abstract.pdf

12:12pm - 12:14pm
2 min poster
ID: 2298

Implications of groundwater composition on the performance of ben-tonite components in nuclear waste disposal facilities

Han Ming Lai1, Lidija Zdravkovic1, David M. Potts1, Matthew Kirby2

1Imperial College London, United Kingdom; 2Nuclear Waste Services, UK

2298-Lai-Implications of groundwater composition on the performance_Video.mp4
2298-Lai-Implications of groundwater composition on the performance_Abstract.pdf

12:14pm - 12:16pm
2 min poster
ID: 2431

Role of poromechanical couplings in gas fracturing around an excavation

Mohammad-Youssef FALLAH-SOLTANABAD1, Amade POUYA1, Laurent BROCHARD1, Minh-ngoc VU2, Christophe DE LESQUEN2

1Navier Laboratory, Ecole des Ponts ParisTech, Gustave Eiffel University, CNRS, 77455 Marne la Vallée, France; 2Andra R&D, 92290 Châtenay-Malabry, France

2431-FALLAH-SOLTANABAD-Role of poromechanical couplings in gas fracturing around an excavation_Video.mp4
2431-FALLAH-SOLTANABAD-Role of poromechanical couplings in gas fracturing around an excavation_Abstract.pdf
12:30pm - 1:30pmLunch Break
Location: Eilenriedehalle A
1:30pm - 2:30pmPoster exhibition #1
Location: Eilenriedehalle A
ID: 395

Gas Transport in the Barrier – Lessons learnt from BenVaSim-II, EURAD-GAS and DECOVALEX2023

Michael Pitz1,2, Gesa Ziefle1, Jobst Maßmann1, Eike Radeisen1,4, Norbert Grunwald3,2, Olaf Kolditz3,4, Thomas Nagel2,3

1Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources; 2Technische Universität Bergakademie Freiberg; 3Helmholtz Center for Environmental Research; 4Technical University Dresden

395-Maßmann-Gas Transport in the Barrier – Lessons learnt from BenVaSim-II, EURAD-GAS and.pdf

ID: 118

An Assessment Strategy for the Evaluation of Radionuclide Migration from Potential Repositories in Claystone

Christoph Behrens, Merle Bjorge, Julia Dose, Marlene Gelleszun, Niklas Meindl, Florian Panitz, Shorash Miro, Alexander Renz, Robert Seydewitz, Wolfram Rühaak, Stephanie Zeunert, Phillip Kreye

Bundesgesellschaft für Endlagerung mbH, Eschenstraße 55, 31224 Peine, Germany

118-Behrens-An Assessment Strategy for the Evaluation of Radionuclide Migration.pdf

ID: 327

CIGEO project - Analysis of the effect of segmental lining joints on the tunnel mechanical behaviour during the operational phase and over the long term

Marco Camusso1, Minh-Ngoc Vu2

1ITASCA Consultants S.A.S., Lyon, France; 2ANDRA, Châtenay-Malabry, France

327-Camusso-CIGEO project - Analysis of the effect of segmental lining joints.pdf

Appl. Poster Award
ID: 185

Adapting disposal concepts to reflect emerging UK geologiccal environments

Matthew Edward Kirby, Simon Norris

Nuclear Waste Services, United Kingdom

185-Kirby-Adapting disposal concepts to reflect emerging UK geologiccal environments_Abstract.pdf

ID: 271

New data on the compositional-structural characteristics of the Opalinuston Formation from Southern Germany: Facies-based investigations and mineralogical analyses

Tilo Kneuker1, Thomas Mann1, Reiner Dohrmann1,2, Kristian Ufer1, Jochen Erbacher1, André Bornemann1, Bernhard Schuck1, Lukas Pollok1

1Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources, Hannover, Germany; 2State Authority for Mining, Energy and Geology (LBEG), Hannover, Germany

271-Kneuker-New data on the compositional-structural characteristics.pdf

Appl. Poster Award
ID: 142

Effects of ionic strength on cation exchange selectivities of Ca(II), Mg(II), K(I) for Na(I) in compacted and dispersed montmorillonite

Ryo Yasuda1, Shingo Tanaka1, Daisuke Hayashi1, Hitoshi Owada1, Tomoko Ishii3, Yukinobu Kimura2

1Radioactive Waste Management Funding and Research Center, Japan; 2Obayashi Corporation Co., Ltd.; 3Taiheiyo Consultant Co., Ltd

142-Yasuda-Effects of ionic strength on cation exchange selectivities_Abstract.pdf

ID: 229

Geochemical investigation of veins and evidence for paleo fluid flow in Opalinus Clay

Lukas Aschwanden1, Nathan Looser2, Martin Mazurek1, Thomas Gimmi1,3, Daniel Traber4

1University of Bern, Switzerland; 2ETH Zürich, Switzerland; 3Paul Scherrer Institut, Villigen, Switzerland; 4NAGRA, Wettingen, Switzerland

229-Aschwanden-Geochemical investigation of veins and evidence for paleo fluid flow.pdf

ID: 300

Comparison of the clay mineralogy of fault and host rocks in the Opalinus Clay, Switzerland

Jonas Strasser, Susanne Gier, Kurt Decker

University of Vienna, Austria

300-Gier-Comparison of the clay mineralogy of fault and host rocks.pdf

ID: 343

CO2 Long-term Periodic Injection Experiment (Mont Terri URL): Introduction to the in-situ experiment and results of the first phase

Martin Ziegler1, David Jaeggi1, Rolf Kipfer2, Antonio Pio Rinaldi3, Anne Obermann3, Jonas Junker3, Hua Shao4, Markus Furche4

1Federal Office of Topography, Mont Terri Underground Rock Laboratory, St. Ursanne, Switzerland; 2Department Water Resources and Drinking Water, EAWAG, Dübendorf, Switzerland; 3Swiss Seismological Service, ETH Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland; 4Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources, Hannover, Germany

343-Ziegler-CO2 Long-term Periodic Injection Experiment.pdf

ID: 360

Extraction, Quantification and Isotopic Characterisation of Gases Dissolved in Porewater of Argillaceous Rocks - Method Comparison and Evaluation

Florian Eichinger1, Laura Kennell2, Niko Kampman3

1Hydroisotop GmbH, Germany; 2NWMO, Canada; 3Nuclear Waste Services, UK

360-Eichinger-Extraction, Quantification and Isotopic Characterisation.pdf

ID: 157

GeM-DB – A basis for planning surface exploration programs

Raphael Dlugosch, Thies Beilecke, Tilo Kneuker, Lukas Pollok, Lisa Richter, Nicole Schubarth-Engelschall, Ralf Semroch

Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources, Germany

157-Dlugosch-GeM-DB – A basis for planning surface exploration programs.pdf

ID: 260

Influence of Rescue Chambers on the Design of Geological Repositories in Clay

Felix Lehnen, Berit Rauscher

Brenk Systemplanung GmbH, Germany

260-Lehnen-Influence of Rescue Chambers on the Design of Geological Repositories.pdf

ID: 333

MiniSandwich experiment – performance test in laboratory of a bentonite-based shaft sealing system

Christopher Rölke1, Katja Emmerich2, Eleanor Bakker2, Hua Shao3

1Institut für Gebirgsmechanik GmbH Leipzig (IfG), Germany; 2Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT), Germany; 3Bundesanstalt für Geologie und Rohstoffe (BGR), Germany

333-Rölke-MiniSandwich experiment – performance test in laboratory.pdf

ID: 404

Long term monitoring of physical and chemical parameters of a ce-mento-bentonitic filling material (CBFM) and of corrosion potential of a horizontal pipe made of carbon steel, submerged by the CBFM into a sealed cell of underground gallery

Ioannis IGNATIADIS1, Yendoube Charles SANO MOYEME2, Johan BERTRAND3, Stéphanie BETELU4

1BRGM, France; 2BRGM, France; 3ANDRA, France; 4BRGM, France

404-BETELU-Long term monitoring of physical and chemical parameters.pdf

Appl. Poster Award
ID: 126

Multi-scale modelling of the Sandwich experiment in Mont Terri

Larissa Friedenberg, Matthias Hinze, Klaus Wieczorek

Gesellschaft für Anlagen- und Reaktorsicherheit (GRS) gGmbH, Germany

126-Friedenberg-Multi-scale modelling of the Sandwich experiment in Mont Terri_Abstract.pdf

Appl. Poster Award
ID: 454

Study on the construction of disposal scenarios and a tentative migration modelling of cesium for the final disposal of radioactive-ly contaminated waste outside of Fukushima Prefecture

Eriko Minari, Kazuo Yamada, Kazuto Endo

National Institute of Environmental Studies, Japan

454-Minari-Study on the construction of disposal scenarios and a tentative migration modelling_Video.mp4
454-Minari-Study on the construction of disposal scenarios and a tentative migration modelling_Abstract.pdf

Appl. Poster Award
ID: 204

All‑solid‑state reference electrode based on lithium lanthanum tita-nium oxide (LLTO) for the long term monitoring of nuclear waste dis-posals

Djouhar AOUBIDA1,3, quoc-nghi PHAM3, Stéphanie BETELU1, Johan BERTRAND2, Nita DRAGOE3, Ioannis IGNATIADIS1

1BRGM (French Geological Survey), Orleans, France; 2ANDRA (French national radioactive waste management agency), Châtenay-Malabry, France; 3ICMMO (Institute of Molecular Chemistry and Materials), Orsay, France

204-AOUBIDA-All‑solid‑state reference electrode based on lithium lanthanum tita-nium_Abstract.pdf

Appl. Poster Award
ID: 310

Direct Mineral Content Prediction from Drill Core Images via Transfer Learning

Romana Boiger1, Sergey V. Churakov1,2, Ignacio Ballester Llagaria1,3, Georg Kosakowski1, Raphael Wüst4,5, Nikolaos I. Prasianakis1

1Paul Scherrer Institute, Switzerland; 2University of Bern, Switzerland; 3ETH Zürich, Switzerland; 4Nagra, Switzerland; 5James Cook University, Australia

310-Boiger-Direct Mineral Content Prediction from Drill Core Images via Transfer Learning_Abstract.pdf

ID: 368

OpenWorkFlow - Open-source synthesis-platform for safety in-vestigations in the site selection process

Olaf Kolditz1,4, Christoph Lehmann1, Thomas Nagel2, Christoph Behrens3, Alexander Renz3, Phillip Kreye3, Wolfram Rühaak3

1Helmholtz-Zentrum für Umweltforschung GmbH UFZ, Germany; 2TU Bergakademie Freiberg; 3BGE Bundesgesellschaft für Endlagerung mbH; 4Dresden University of Technology

368-Kolditz-OpenWorkFlow - Open-source synthesis-platform for safety in-vestigations.pdf

ID: 184


Stéphane Brassinnes1, Benoît Madé2, Will Bower3

1Belgian Agency for Radioactive Waste and Enriched Fissile Materials (ONDRAF/NIRAS); 2Agence nationale pour la gestion des déchets radioactifs (Andra); 3Nuclear Waste Services (NWS)


Appl. Poster Award
ID: 130

Investigating the Effects of Small Organic Molecules on the Adsorption of Uranyl on Clay Minerals with Molecular Dynamics

Jakub Ličko, Andrey G. Kalinichev

SUBATECH (UMR 6457 – IMT Atlantique, Nantes Université, CNRS-IN2P3), France

130-Ličko-Investigating the Effects of Small Organic Molecules_Video.mp4
130-Ličko-Investigating the Effects of Small Organic Molecules_Abstract.pdf

Appl. Poster Award
ID: 156

Numerical investigation of pore characteristics in spherical and platelet particle beds

Otono Miura1, Ryunosuke Oishi1, Tsubasa Yagi2, Shusaku Harada1

1Hokkaido University, Japan; 2Radioactive Waste Management Funding and Research Center, Japan

156-Miura-Numerical investigation of pore characteristics in spherical and platelet particle_Video.mp4
156-Miura-Numerical investigation of pore characteristics in spherical and platelet particle_Abstract.pdf

ID: 244

Influence of salinity gradients on the diffusion of water and ionic species in dual porosity clay samples

Emmanuel Tertre1, Thomas Dabat1, Jingyi Wang2, Sebastien Savoye2, Fabien Hubert1, Baptiste Dazas1, Christophe Tournassat3,4, Eric Ferrage1

1Université de Poitiers/CNRS, UMR 7285 IC2MP, Equipe HydrASA, 5 rue Albert Turpain, Bât. B8, TSA - 51106, 86073 Poitiers cedex 9, France; 2Université Paris-Saclay, CEA, Service d'Etude du Comportement des Radionucléides, 91191 Gif-sur Yvette, France; 3ISTO, UMR 7327, Univ. Orleans, CNRS, BRGM, OSUC, F-45071 Orléans, France; 4Earth and Environmental Sciences Area, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, 1 Cyclotron Road, Berkeley, CA, USA

244-Tertre-Influence of salinity gradients on the diffusion of water and ionic species.pdf

ID: 270

Diffusion experiment (36Cl, 3H) across concrete/claystone interface

Urs Mäder1, Lukas Martin2, Carmen Zwahlen3, Sandra Baur4, Christoph Vockenhuber5, Andreas Jenni3, Martin Heule4, Marcus Christl5, Mirjam Kiczka3, Josep Soler6

1Rock-Water Consulting, Boll, Switzerland; 2Nagra, Wettingen, Switzerland; 3University of Bern, Switzerland; 4Paul Scherrer Institut, Switzerland; 5ETH Zuerich, Switzerland; 6CSIC Barcelona, Spain

270-Mäder-Diffusion experiment.pdf

ID: 313

Long Term Safety studies at EDF with code_saturne


EDF, France

313-BONELLE-Long Term Safety studies at EDF with code_saturne.pdf

Appl. Poster Award
ID: 325

Interaction of groundwater in crystalline rock and a compacted bentonite buffer

Michael Kröhn, Klaus-Peter Kröhn

GRS gGmbH, Germany

325-Kröhn-Interaction of groundwater in crystalline rock and a compacted bentonite_Abstract.pdf

Appl. Poster Award
ID: 378

Migration of caesium decreases with increasing compaction of MX-80 bentonite

Theresa Hennig1, Sina Grossmann2, Jens Mibus3, Luc R. Van Loon4, Martin A. Glaus4, Vinzenz Brendler5

1GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences, Fluid Systems Modelling, Potsdam, Germany; 2VKTA Radiation Protection, Analytics and Disposal Rossendorf Inc., Environmental and Radionuclide Analyses, Dresden, Germany; 3Federal Office for the Safety of Nuclear Waste Management (BASE), Department A Supervision, Berlin, Germany; 4Paul Scherrer Institut, Laboratory for Waste Management, Villigen PSI, Switzerland; 5Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden Rossendorf e.V., Institute of Resource Ecology, Dresden, Germany

378-Hennig-Migration of caesium decreases with increasing compaction_Video.mp4
378-Hennig-Migration of caesium decreases with increasing compaction_Abstract.pdf

Appl. Poster Award
ID: 397

Impact of temperature on the transfer of mobile tracers in the Toarcian clayrock at the Tournemire URL

Maïwenn Humbezi Desfeux1, Jean-Michel Matray1, Manuel Marcoux2

1Institut de Radioprotection et de Sûreté Nucléaire (IRSN), PSE-ENV/SPDR/LETIS, Fontenay-aux-Roses, F-92260, France;; 2Institut de Mécanique des Fluides de Toulouse, UMR 5502 CNRS/INP/UPS 31400 Toulouse, France

397-Humbezi Desfeux-Impact of temperature on the transfer of mobile tracers_Abstract.pdf

ID: 236

Diffusion of Np through Illite du Puy

Claudia Joseph1,2, Bianca Schacherl1, Tonya Vitova1, Polina Lavrova1, Theresa Hennig3, Michael Kühn3,4

1Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Institute for Nuclear Waste Disposal (INE), Germany; 2Bundesgesellschaft für Endlagerung, Germany; 3GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences, Fluid Systems Modelling, Germany; 4University of Potsdam, Institute of Geosciences, Germany

236-Joseph-Diffusion of Np through Illite du Puy.pdf

ID: 150

Optimizing Wellbore Sealing with Japanese Na-Bentonite: In-sights from Two Vertical Wells at Grimsel Test Site, Switzerland

Takanori Kunimaru1, Raphael Schneeberger2, Armin Pechstein2, Stratis Vomvoris2

1NUMO, Japan; 2Nagra, Switzerland

150-Schneeberger-Optimizing Wellbore Sealing with Japanese Na-Bentonite.pdf

ID: 254

Experimental and modelling study of the hydro-chemo-mechanical behaviour of sand bentonite mixtures in hyperalkaline conditions

Christophe IMBERT1, Andrés IDIART2, Sebastien SAVOYE1, Wissem DRIDI1, Marcelo LAVIÑA2, Miquel DE LA IGLESIA2, Nicolas MICHAU3, Benoit COCHEPIN3, Jean TALANDIER3

1Paris-Saclay University, CEA, DRMP, 91191, Gif-sur-Yvette, France; 2Amphos 21 Consulting S.L., Barcelona, Spain; 3Andra, R&D Division, F-92298 Châtenay Malabry, France

254-IDIART-Experimental and modelling study of the hydro-chemo-mechanical behaviour.pdf

ID: 111

Reactive Transport Modelling of Material Interface Evolution in the HLW Near-field

Georg Kosakowski1, Lukas Martin2

1Paul Scherrer Institut, Switzerland; 2Nagra, Switzerland

111-Kosakowski-Reactive Transport Modelling of Material Interface Evolution.pdf

Appl. Poster Award
ID: 172

Understanding the Effect of Indigenous Microorganisms in Bentonite on the Biocorrosion of Metal Canisters, for the Final Disposal of Nuclear waste (Under Relevant DGR Conditions)

Adam David Mumford1, Marcos Martinez-Moreno2, Cristina Povedano-Priego2, Mar Morales-Hidalgo2, Miguel Ruiz-Fresneda2, Yon Ju-Nam1, Mohamed L. Merroun2, Jesus J. Ojeda1

1Swansea University, Department of Chemical Engineering, United Kingdom; 2University of Granada, Department of Microbiology, Spain

172-Mumford-Understanding the Effect of Indigenous Microorganisms_Video.mp4
172-Mumford-Understanding the Effect of Indigenous Microorganisms_Abstract.pdf

ID: 226

Cation exchange parameters for Opalinus Clay and its confining units

Paul Wersin, Lukas Aschwanden, Mirjam Kiczka

University of Bern, Switzerland

226-Wersin-Cation exchange parameters for Opalinus Clay and its confining units.pdf

ID: 257

Geochemical alteration in selected bentonites affected by thermal interaction with steel and saline solution hydration

Raúl Fernández, Carlos Mota-Heredia, Jaime Cuevas

Autonomous University of Madrid, Spain

257-Cuevas-Geochemical alteration in selected bentonites affected.pdf

ID: 275

Iron-bentonite interaction in a water-saturated low temperature environment: mineralogy and microstructure

María Jesús Turrero1, Elena Torres1, Pedro Luis Martín1, Raúl Fernández2, Ana Isabel Ruiz2, Almudena Ortega2, Antonio Garralón1,2, Belén Notario3, Carlos Mota2, Jaime Fernando Cuevas2

1Ciemat, Madrid, Spain; 2UAM, Madrid, Spain; 3CENIEH, Burgos, Spain

275-Turrero-Iron-bentonite interaction in a water-saturated low temperature environment.pdf

ID: 305

Mineralogical evolution of COx claystone during in situ MCO experiment

Isabella Pignatelli1, Nicolas Michau2, Yannick Linard2

1Université de Lorraine, Laboratoire CRPG, CNRS UMR 7358, 15 rue Notre-Dame des Pauvres, 54500, Vandœuvre-lès-Nancy, France; 2Andra, Scientific & Technical Division, Waste, Radionuclides, Chemicals & Geochemistry Department, 1/7 rue Jean Monnet, F-92298 Châtenay-Malabry CEDEX, France

305-Michau-Mineralogical evolution of COx claystone during in situ MCO experiment.pdf

ID: 376

Anoxic corrosion of carbon steel in different cementitious media and high temperature conditions: comparison between laboratory test and in situ experiment results

Charles Wittebroodt1, Jules Goethals2, Bojan Zajec3, Valery Detilleux4, Laurent De Windt5

1IRSN, France; 2CEA, France; 3ZAG, Slovenia; 4Bel-V, Belgium; 5Mines Paris, France

376-Wittebroodt-Anoxic corrosion of carbon steel in different cementitious media and high.pdf

Appl. Poster Award
ID: 420

Redox buffering by iron-bearing clay minerals in the ferrous iron/smectite system

Harry J. L. Brooksbank2, Anke Neumann1,2

1PSI Paul Scherrer Institut, Switzerland; 2Newcastle University, UK

420-Neumann-Redox buffering by iron-bearing clay minerals in the ferrous ironsmectite_Abstract.pdf

Appl. Poster Award
ID: 445

Modelling the reactive transport processes in unsaturated clay barriers – inclusion of capillary geochemistry

Shao-Jie Wu, Majid Sedighi, Andrey Jivkov

The University of Manchester, United Kingdom

445-Sedighi-Modelling the reactive transport processes in unsaturated clay barriers – inclusion_Abstract.pdf

ID: 225

Microbial ecology of engineered barrier components of a deep geological repository for used nuclear fuel

Rachel C. Beaver1, Rhiannon Punch1, Cailyn Perry1, Claire S. Tully2, Katja Engel1, Melody A. Vachon1, W. Jeffrey Binns3, Chang Seok Kim3, James J. Noël2, Josh D. Neufeld1

1University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Canada; 2Western University, London, Canada; 3Nuclear Waste Management Organization, Toronto, Canada

225-Engel-Microbial ecology of engineered barrier components.pdf

ID: 423

Steel corrosion and reactive transport model in bentonite for predicting spent fuel disposal package lifetime

Milan Hokr1, Lucie Baborová2, Jan Šembera1, Vratislav Žabka1, Jan Stoulil3, Dušan Vopálka2, Eva Bedrníková4, Petr Večerník4, David Dobrev4

1Technical University of Liberec, Czech Republic; 2Czech Technical University in Prague, Faculty of Nuclear Sciences and Physical Engineering, Czechia; 3University of Chemistry and Technology Prague, Czechia; 4ÚJV Řež, a.s., Czechia

423-Hokr-Steel corrosion and reactive transport model in bentonite.pdf

ID: 117

Experimental study of swelling and permeability of a Bavarian bentonite, Friedland clay, and Opalinus clay at 35–150 °C

Artur Meleshyn, Matthias Hinze, Marvin Middelhoff

GRS gGmbH, Germany

117-Meleshyn-Experimental study of swelling and permeability of a Bavarian bentonite, Friedland.pdf

ID: 238

A new experimental system for studying gas formation and release during laboratory rock core heating experiments

Christian Ostertag-Henning, Oliver Helten

Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources (BGR), Germany

238-Helten-A new experimental system for studying gas formation and release during laboratory.pdf

Appl. Poster Award
ID: 293

Temperature Influence on Swelling Pressure of Ca-Bentonite up to 150 °C

Deuk-Hwan Lee, Gi-Jun Lee, Seeun Chang, Minhyeong Lee, Seok Yoon, Chnagsoo Lee, Dong-Keun Cho

Korea Advanced Energy Research Institute, Korea, Republic of (South Korea)

293-Lee-Temperature Influence on Swelling Pressure of Ca-Bentonite up_Video.mp4
293-Lee-Temperature Influence on Swelling Pressure of Ca-Bentonite up_Abstract.pdf

ID: 334

The CHENILLE experiment: Coupled beHaviour undErstaNdIng of fauLts: from the Laboratory to the fiEld

Rüdiger Giese1, Audrey Bonnelye2, Pierre Dick3, Carolin Böse1, Stefan Lueth1, Ben Norden1, Katrin Plenkers4, Roman Esefelder5, Christian Cunow1, Sven Fuchs1

1German Research Centre for Geosciences GFZ, Germany; 2Université de Lorraine, Georessources, Ecole des Mines de Nancy, France; 3Institut de Radioprotection et de Sûreté Nucléaire (IRSN), PSE-ENV/SPDR/LETIS, Fontenay-aux-Roses, F-92260, France; 44 Gesellschaft für Material­prüfung und Geophysik (GmuG), Bad Nauheim, Germany; 5Friedrich-Schiller-Universität, Institut für Geowissenschaften, Jena, Germany

334-Giese-The CHENILLE experiment Coupled beHaviour undErstaNdIng.pdf

ID: 393

COCONS: A numerical tool for Thermo-Hydro-Mecanical dimensioning of a deep geological repository High Level Waste area

Florian Escoffier, Sylvie Granet, Geoffroy Mélot, Isabelle Rupp

EDF R&D, France


ID: 120

HotBENT at the Grimsel Test Site - Early THMC evolution of a buffer at up to 200°C

Florian Kober1, Raphael Schneeberger1, Stefan Finsterle2, Stratis Vomvoris1, Bill Lanyon3

1Nagra, Switzerland; 2Finsterle GeoConsulting, LLC, Kensington, CA, United States; 3Fracture Systems Ltd., St. Ives, Great Britain

120-Kober-HotBENT at the Grimsel Test Site.pdf

ID: 153

Thermo-hydraulic characterization of bentonite in partially saturated conditions at two temperature levels

Eleonora Crisci1, Raphael Schneeberger2, Alexandros Papafotiou2, Florian Kober2

1Nesol Numerical Engineering Solutions, Lausanne, Switzerland; 2Nagra, National Cooperative for the Disposal of Radioactive Waste, Wettingen, Switzerland

153-Crisci-Thermo-hydraulic characterization of bentonite in partially saturated conditions.pdf

ID: 175

Identification of key parameters in coupled thermal-hydraulic analysis model for unsaturated Kunigel V1 bentonite

Yusaku Takubo1, Yusuke Takayama2, Keisuke Ishida1

1Nuclear Waste Management Organization of Japan (NUMO), Japan; 2Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA), Japan

175-Takubo-Identification of key parameters in coupled thermal-hydraulic analysis model.pdf

ID: 207

Thermally Aged (165oC-200oC) Bentonite Performance

Sirpa Kumpulainen1, Jari Martikainen1, Teemu Laurila1, Olivier Leupin2, Florian Kober2

1MITTA, Finland; 2Nagra, Switzerland

207-Kumpulainen-Thermally Aged (165oC-200oC) Bentonite Performance.pdf

ID: 213

Swelling, outflow, and permeability characteristics of bentonite in NaCl solutions of various concentrations

Masanori Kohno, Shun Kohdo, Tsuyoshi Nishimura

Tottori University, Japan

213-Kohno-Swelling, outflow, and permeability characteristics.pdf

ID: 219

Modelling air convection in a segmented buffer

Peter Eriksson

SKB, Sweden

219-Eriksson-Modelling air convection in a segmented buffer.pdf

Appl. Poster Award
ID: 295

Mineralogical and geotechnical characterization of two German bentonites from Westerwald and Bavaria

Ali Asaad1, Antonia Nitsch2, Wiebke Baille2, Katja Emmerich1

1Institute of Concrete Structures and Building Materials (IMB, MPA, CMM), Karlsruhe Institute of Tech-nology (KIT), Karlsruhe, Germany; 2Chair of Soil Mechanics, Foundation Engineering and Environmental Geotechnics, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Ruhr-University Bochum, Bochum, Germany

295-Asaad-Mineralogical and geotechnical characterization of two German bentonites_Abstract.pdf

Appl. Poster Award
ID: 298

Implications of groundwater composition on the performance of ben-tonite components in nuclear waste disposal facilities

Han Ming Lai1, Lidija Zdravkovic1, David M. Potts1, Matthew Kirby2

1Imperial College London, United Kingdom; 2Nuclear Waste Services, UK

298-Lai-Implications of groundwater composition on the performance_Video.mp4
298-Lai-Implications of groundwater composition on the performance_Abstract.pdf

ID: 338

The alteration of bentonite in contact with carbon steel

Šárka Šachlová1, Petr Bezdička2, Michaela Matulová3, Vlastislav Kašpar1, Karol Kočan1, Zbyněk Veselka4, Petr Večerník1

1ÚIJV Řež, a.s., Radioactive waste and decommissioning; 2Institute of Inorganic Chemistry of the Czech Academy of Sciences; 3Radioactive Waste Repository Authority; 4ÚJV Řež, a. s., Integrity and Technical Engineering,

338-Šachlová-The alteration of bentonite in contact with carbon steel.pdf

Appl. Poster Award
ID: 455

Numerical Modelling of Volume Change Behaviour in Bentonite Buffer Exposed to Thermo-Hydraulic Gradients

Pavan Kumar Bhukya1, Nandini Adla1, Wang Xuerui2, Dali Naidu Arnepalli1

1Department of Civil Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Madras, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India; 2Gesellschaft für Anlagen- und Reaktorsicherheit (GRS) gGmbH, Braunschweig, Germany

455-Bhukya-Numerical Modelling of Volume Change Behaviour in Bentonite Buffer Exposed_Abstract.pdf

ID: 180

Shear resistance of bentonite with non-uniformity distribution in suction

Tomoyoshi Nishimura1, Takayuki Motoshima2, Sachie Iso2

1Department of Civil Engineering, Ashikaga University, Tochigi, Japan; 2Nuclear Facilities Division, Taisei Corporation, Tokyo, Japan

180-Nishimura-Shear resistance of bentonite with non-uniformity distribution.pdf

ID: 259

Verification of Von Mises and modified Cam clay models’ imple-mentation using analytical solutions. Triaxial tests simulation.

Jordi Alcoverro1, Xavier Pintado2, Juha Kuutti3, Ville Heino4

1Technical University of Catalonia, Spain; 2Mitta Engineering Oy, Finland; 3VTT, Finland; 4Posiva Oy, Finland

259-Pintado-Verification of Von Mises and modified Cam clay models’ imple-mentation using.pdf

ID: 440

Reactive transport models of the interactions of corrosion products and unsaturated FEBEX bentonite in laboratory and in situ tests

Javier Samper, Alba Mon, Luis Montenegro

Universidad de A Coruña, Spain

440-Samper-Reactive transport models of the interactions of corrosion products and unsaturated.pdf

ID: 114

The impact of NaNO3 on the diffusion of dissolved gases in clay

Elke Jacops1, Chloé Roonacker2, Hannes Claes3, Lander Frederickx1, Anneleen Vanleeuw1, Phung Quoc Tri1, Jerry Peprah Owusu4,6, Jon Harrington5, Andy Wiseall5,7, Christophe Bruggeman1

1SCK CEN, Belgium; 2ULg, Belgium; 3KU Leuven, Belgium; 4PSI, Switzerland; 5BGS, United Kingdom; 6University of Bern, Switzerland; 7NWS, United Kingdom

114-Jacops-The impact of NaNO3 on the diffusion of dissolved gases.pdf

ID: 128

Modelling of mock-up tests for bentonite seals

Sonja Kaiser1, Aqeel Afzal Chaudhry1, Martin Hofmann1, Thomas Nagel1,2

1TU Bergakademie Freiberg, Freiberg, Germany; 2Freiberg Center for Water Research - ZeWaF, Freiberg, Germany

128-Kaiser-Modelling of mock-up tests for bentonite seals.pdf

ID: 173

A study on buffer-material erosion under constant water head condition

Kenji Ishii1, Akihiro Matsumoto1, Ichizo Kobayashi1, Hirohito Kikuchi2, Daisuke Hayashi2

1Kajima Corporation, Tokyo, Japan; 2Radioactive Waste Management Funding and Research Center, Tokyo, Japan

173-Ishii-A study on buffer-material erosion under constant water head condition.pdf

ID: 230

Filling efficiency of mono-sized pellets for sealing boreholes for a wide range of borehole-to-pellet diameter ratios

Ayaka Sakaki1, Toshihiro Sakaki2

1International Christian University, Japan; 2ESE Consulting LLC, Japan

230-Sakaki-Filling efficiency of mono-sized pellets for sealing boreholes.pdf

ID: 358

Gas in radwaste deep geological repositories: example from Bure URL in clay rich formation


ANDRA, France

358-DE LESQUEN-Gas in radwaste deep geological repositories.pdf

Appl. Poster Award
ID: 377

Particle size evolution of granular bentonite on wetting and loading

Hao Zeng1, Laura Gonzalez-Blanco2,1, Enrique Romero1,2

1Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC), Barcelona, Spain; 2International Centre for Numerical Methods in Engineering (CIMNE), Barcelona, Spain

377-Zeng-Particle size evolution of granular bentonite on wetting and loading_Abstract.pdf

Appl. Poster Award
ID: 431

Role of poromechanical couplings in gas fracturing around an excavation

Mohammad-Youssef FALLAH-SOLTANABAD1, Amade POUYA1, Laurent BROCHARD1, Minh-ngoc VU2, Christophe DE LESQUEN2

1Navier Laboratory, Ecole des Ponts ParisTech, Gustave Eiffel University, CNRS, 77455 Marne la Vallée, France; 2Andra R&D, 92290 Châtenay-Malabry, France

431-FALLAH-SOLTANABAD-Role of poromechanical couplings in gas fracturing around an excavation_Video.mp4
431-FALLAH-SOLTANABAD-Role of poromechanical couplings in gas fracturing around an excavation_Abstract.pdf

ID: 337

Impact of Heterogeneity in 3D THM-G Modelling of Laboratory to Field-Scale Tests in the Context of Nuclear Waste Repository Design

Erdem Toprak, Sebastia Olivella

CIMNE, Spain

337-Toprak-Impact of Heterogeneity in 3D THM-G Modelling of Laboratory.pdf

ID: 436

Assessment of the effect of heterogeneities on the hydromechanically coupled behavior of two German bentonites

Wiebke Baille1, Antonia Nitsch1, Torsten Wichtmann1, Ali Asaad2, Katja Emmerich2

1Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Germany; 2Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Germany

436-Baille-Assessment of the effect of heterogeneities on the hydromechanically coupled.pdf
2:30pm - 3:50pmPS #1: EDZ related processes
Location: Roter Saal
Session Chair: Johanna Lippmann-Pipke, Bundesanstalt für Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe, BGR, Germany
Session Chair: Christophe Nussbaum, swisstopo, Switzerland
2:30pm - 2:50pm
ID: 383 / PS #1: 001

Design of HLW emplacement drifts in the Swiss deep geological repository in squeezing conditions

Julia Leuthold1, Linard Cantieni1, Peter Kirchhofer2

1Nagra, Switzerland; 2AFRY Schweiz AG, Switzerland

383-Leuthold-Design of HLW emplacement drifts in the Swiss deep geological repository.pdf

2:50pm - 3:10pm
ID: 294 / PS #1: 002

Influence of geological and geotechnical boundary conditions on the host rock behavior – experiences from the twin niches in Mont Terri

Gesa Ziefle1, Tuanny Cajuhi1, Stephan Costabel1, Antoine Fourriere1, Markus Furche1, Jana Gerowski1, Bastian Graupner2, Jürgen Hesser1, David Jaeggi3, Kyra Jantschik4, Tilo Kneuker1, Olaf Kolditz5,6, Herbert Kunz1, Jobst Maßmann1, Andreas Möri3, Christian Ostertag-Henning1, Marc Wengler7

1Bundesanstalt für Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe (BGR), Germany; 2Eidgenössisches Nuklearsicherheitsinspektorat (ENSI), Switzerland; 3Bundesamt für Landestopografie (swisstopo), Switzerland; 4Gesellschaft für Anlagen- und Reaktorsicherheit (GRS), Germany; 5Helmholtz-Zentrum für Umweltforschung GmbH (UFZ), Germany; 6Technische Universität Dresden (TU Dresden), Germany; 7Bundesgesellschaft für Endlagerung (BGE), Germany

294-Ziefle-Influence of geological and geotechnical boundary conditions.pdf

3:10pm - 3:30pm
ID: 322 / PS #1: 003

Non-isothermal behavior of excavation damaged zone around deep radioactive waste disposal

Saeed Tourchi1, Arash Lavasan1, Antonio Gens2

1University of Luxembourg; 2Barcelona Tech (UPC)

322-Tourchi-Non-isothermal behavior of excavation damaged zone around deep radioactive waste.pdf

3:30pm - 3:50pm
ID: 348 / PS #1: 004

Pore-water pressure response and permeability evolution around excavations in claystone beyond the EDZ

Álvaro D. Suárez1, Miguel A. Mánica1, Eric Simo2,4, Sandra E. Perales3, Thomas Nagel4

1Institute of Engineering, National Autonomous University of Mexico, Mexico City, Mexico; 2BGE TECHNOLOGY GmbH, Peine, Germany; 3Mextypsa, Mexico City, Mexico; 4Geotechnical Institute, TU Bergakademie Freiberg, Germany

348-Suárez-Pore-water pressure response and permeability evolution around excavations.pdf
2:30pm - 3:50pmPS #2: Bentonite stability
Location: Bonatz Saal
Session Chair: Lucie Hausmannova, SÚRAO, Czech Republic
Session Chair: Patrik Sellin, SKB, Sweden
2:30pm - 2:50pm
ID: 277 / PS #2: 001

Advances on investigation of chemical effects on the hydro-mechanical behavior of compacted bentonite

Weimin YE, Puhuai LU, Qiong Wang, Yonggui Chen

Tongji University, China, People's Republic of

277-YE-Advances on investigation of chemical effects on the hydro-mechanical behavior.pdf

2:50pm - 3:10pm
ID: 274 / PS #2: 002

Five years of evolution in the mineralogy and chemistry of Milos bentonite caused by a saline (Na-Ca-Cl) hydration front against a heat source

Jaime Fernando Cuevas1, María Victoria Villar2, Andrés Idiart3, Ana Melón2, Ana Isabel Ruiz1, Almudena Ortega1, Heino Ville4

1UAM, Madrid, Spain; 2CIEMAT, Madrid, Spain; 3Amphos 21 Consulting, S.L.; 4POSIVA Oy, Finland

274-Cuevas-Five years of evolution in the mineralogy and chemistry.pdf

3:10pm - 3:30pm
ID: 345 / PS #2: 003

Kinetics of rehydration in smectites and bentonites

Karolina Rybka1, Artur Kuligiewicz1, Stephan Kaufhold2, Reiner Dohrman2,3, Arkadiusz Derkowski1

1Institute of Geological Sciences, Polish Academy of Sciences, Senacka 1, 31-002, Krakow, Poland; 2BGR, Bundesanstalt für Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe, Stilleweg 2, D-30655 Hannover, Germany; 3LBEG, Landesamt für Bergbau, Energie und Geologie, Stilleweg 2, D-30655 Hannover, Germany

345-Rybka-Kinetics of rehydration in smectites and bentonites.pdf

3:30pm - 3:50pm
ID: 188 / PS #2: 004

Cementation effect on one-dimensional swelling deformation property of bentonite ore

Daichi Ito, Hailong Wang, Hideo Komine

Waseda University, Japan

188-Ito-Cementation effect on one-dimensional swelling deformation property.pdf
2:30pm - 3:50pmPS #3: Radionuclide diffusion and sorption
Location: Blauer Saal
Session Chair: Erika Anne Cornelia Neeft, COVRA, Netherlands, The
Session Chair: Thorsten Schäfer, Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena, Germany
2:30pm - 2:50pm
ID: 417 / PS #3: 001

In-situ radionuclides diffusion experiment in a thermal gradient in the sandy facies of Opalinus Clay

Guillaume Pochet1, David Jaeggi2, Frank Heberling3, Bastian Graupner4, Will Bower5, Guido Deissmann6, Myriam Agnel7, Fabiano Magri8, Agnes Vinsot7, Christoph Borkel8, Carl Dietl8, Frederic Bernier1, Cedric Barroo1, Maryna Surkova1, Yuankai Yang6, Sanduni Ratnayake3, Vanessa Montoya9

1FANC, Brussels, Belgium; 2Swisstopo, Wabern, Switzerland; 3KIT, Karlsruhe, Germany; 4ENSI, Brugg, Switzerland; 5NWS, Cumbria, UK; 6Forschungszentrum Juelich, Juelich, Germany; 7ANDRA, Bure, France; 8BASE, Berlin, Germany; 9SCK CEN, Mol, Belgium

417-Montoya-In-situ radionuclides diffusion experiment in a thermal gradient.pdf

2:50pm - 3:10pm
ID: 311 / PS #3: 002

A batch and diffusion investigation of the mobility of selenide into the Callovo-oxfordian argillite

Sebastien SAVOYE1, Nathalie COREAU1, Serge LEFEVRE1, Emilie THORY1, Benoit MADE2, Jean-Charles ROBINET2, Romain DAGNELIE1

1Paris Saclay University, CEA, France; 2Andra, France

311-SAVOYE-A batch and diffusion investigation of the mobility.pdf

3:10pm - 3:30pm
ID: 438 / PS #3: 003


Dimitra Zerva1,2, Martin Glaus1, Sergey Churakov1,2

1Paul Scherrer Institute; 2Univerisity of Bern


3:30pm - 3:50pm
ID: 272 / PS #3: 004

Predictive modelling of radionuclide sorption on Boom Clay

Delphine Durce1, Lian Wang1, Liesbeth Van Laer1, Norbert Maes1, Stephane Brassinnes2

1SCK CEN, Belgium; 2ONDRAF/NIRAS, Belgium

272-Durce-Predictive modelling of radionuclide sorption on Boom Clay.pdf
3:50pm - 4:20pmCoffee Break
Location: In front of the lecture halls
4:20pm - 6:00pmPS #4: Repository projects and programmes
Location: Roter Saal
Session Chair: Astrid Göbel, BGE, Germany
Session Chair: Shigeru Kubota, Nuclear Waste Management Organization of Japan, Japan
4:20pm - 4:40pm
ID: 194 / PS #4: 001

BGR research on claystone in the Mont Terri rock laboratory

Jürgen Hesser, Gesa Ziefle

Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources, Germany

194-Ziefle-BGR research on claystone in the Mont Terri rock laboratory.pdf

4:40pm - 5:00pm
ID: 198 / PS #4: 002

Nagra’s post-closure safety case for the general license application

Olivier X Leupin1, Ashley Brown1, Valentyn Bykov1, Nikitas Diomidis1, Typhaine Guillemot1, Priska Hunkeler1, Hoda Javanmard1, Thomas Kämpfer2, Xiaoshuo Li1, Paul Marschall1, Lukas Martin1, Alexandros Papafotiou1, Martin Schoenball1, Paul Smith3, Raphael Wüst1

1Nagra, Switzerland; 2Eastern Switzerland University of Applied Sciences; Oberseestrasse 10, 8640 Rap-perswil, Switzerland; 3SAM-LTD, Switzerland

198-Leupin-Nagra’s post-closure safety case for the general license application.pdf

5:00pm - 5:20pm
ID: 429 / PS #4: 003

Demonstration testing program on backfill system for the post-closure phase of the French radioactive waste disposal

Youssef Fawaz1, Rémi de La Vaissière1, Jean Talandier2, Jad Zghondi1, Gilles Armand1

1Andra, Meuse/Haute-Marne Underground Research Laboratory, Bure, France; 2Andra, Châtenay-Malabry, France

429-Fawaz-Demonstration testing program on backfill system for the post-closure phase.pdf

5:20pm - 5:40pm
ID: 357 / PS #4: 004

Design of concrete-based segmental liners for a potential German HLW/SF repository in claystone

Philipp Herold1, Ajmal Gafoor1, Eric Simo1, David Seidel1, Andreas Hucke2, Sven Bock2, Benedikt Wöhrl2, Axel Studeny2

1BGE TECHNOLOGY GmbH, Germany; 2DMT GmbH & Co. KG

357-Herold-Design of concrete-based segmental liners for a potential German HLWSF repository.pdf

5:40pm - 6:00pm
ID: 451 / PS #4: 005

Excavation of the Konrad 2 shaft landing station in a clay and marl claystone: numerical modelling of excavation and support measures

Mirko Polster1, Lothar te Kamp2, Michael Breustedt3, Stephan Gehne3

1BGE Technology, Germany; 2ITASCA, Gelsenkirchen, Germany; 3BGE, Germany

451-Polster-Excavation of the Konrad 2 shaft landing station in a clay and marl claystone.pdf
4:20pm - 6:00pmPS #5: Geological setting and clay host rock
Location: Bonatz Saal
Session Chair: Simon Norris, Nuclear Waste Services, United Kingdom
Session Chair: Amade Halasz, PURAM, Hungary
4:20pm - 4:40pm
ID: 281 / PS #5: 001

Hydrogeological model of northern Switzerland

Jens Becker1, Jaouhar Kerrou2, Ellen Milnes2, Olivier Masset2, Laurent Tacher3, Nicolas Roy1, Daniel Traber1, Pierre Perrochet2

1Nagra, Switzerland; 2CHYN, Uni Neuchatel, Switzerland; 3Terreplus, Switzerland

281-Becker-Hydrogeological model of northern Switzerland.pdf

4:40pm - 5:00pm
ID: 364 / PS #5: 002

Geotechnical clay core characterisation for deep geological disposal of radioactive waste in the Netherlands

Vidushi Toshniwal1, Ties de Jong1, Hemmo Abels1, Wout Broere1, Ana Maria Fernández2, Michael A. Hicks1, Dirk Munsterman3, Erika Neeft4, Philip J. Vardon1, Anne-Catherine Dieudonné1

1Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands; 2CIEMAT, Madrid, Spain; 3TNO, Geological Survey of the Netherlands, Utrecht, The Netherlands; 4COVRA, Nieuwdorp, The Netherlands

364-Toshniwal-Geotechnical clay core characterisation for deep geological disposal.pdf

5:00pm - 5:20pm
ID: 296 / PS #5: 003

Calibrated clay formation characterization using multi-scale data, clustering and stochastic approaches

Serge Marnat1, Jens Becker2

1Ad Terra Group, Geneva, Switzerland; 2National Cooperative for the Disposal of Radioactive Waste (Nagra), Wettingen, Switzerland

296-Marnat-Calibrated clay formation characterization using multi-scale data, clustering and.pdf

5:20pm - 5:40pm
ID: 453 / PS #5: 004

Characterizing claystone with NMR logs as repository host rock.

Joachim Strobel

BGE, Germany

453-Strobel-Characterizing claystone with NMR logs as repository host rock.pdf

5:40pm - 6:00pm
ID: 252 / PS #5: 005

Self-Sealing of the Mont Terri Opalinus Clay Main Fault following a Mesoscale Activation Experiment

Yves Guglielmi1, Christophe Nussbaum2, Frédéric Cappa3, Tanner Shadoan4, Jonathan Ajo-Franklin4, Florian Soom1, Bill Lanyon5, Paul Cook1, Chet Hopp1, Verónica Rodríguez Tribaldos1, Michelle Robertson1, Todd Wood1, Senecio Schefer2, Jens Birkholzer1

1Energy Geosciences Division, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, California, USA; 2Swiss Geological Survey, swisstopo, Wabern, Switzerland; 3Université Côte d’Azur, CNRS, Observatoire de la Côte d’Azur, IRD, Géoazur, Sophia Antipolis, France; 4Rice University, Dept. of Earth, Environmental, and Planetary Science, Houston, TX, USA; 5Fracture Systems Ltd, Tregurrian, Ayr, St. Ives, Cornwall, UK

252-Nussbaum-Self-Sealing of the Mont Terri Opalinus Clay Main Fault following a Mesoscale.pdf
4:20pm - 6:00pmPS #6: Clay-iron/-cement interaction
Location: Blauer Saal
Session Chair: Reiner Dohrmann, LBEG, Germany
Session Chair: Mika Olavi Niskanen, Posiva Oy, Finland
4:20pm - 4:40pm
ID: 352 / PS #6: 001

Preliminary study of iron-clay interactions in clay samples col-lected in the Kiirunavaara iron mine, Kiruna, northern Sweden

Satoru Suzuki1, Tatsuya Fujimura2, Kanya Kimura2, Ryosuke Kikuchi2, Takahiro Goto1, Ulf B Andersson3, Tsubasa Otake2, Tsutomu Sato2

1Science and Technology Department, NUMO, Japan; 2Hokkaido University, Japan; 3LKAB, Kiruna, Sweden

352-Sato-Preliminary study of iron-clay interactions in clay samples col-lected.pdf

4:40pm - 5:00pm
ID: 143 / PS #6: 002

The microbial community in bentonites B27 and GMZ and its in-fluence on cast iron corrosion

Sean Ting-Shyang Wei, Sindy Kluge, Paul Chekhonin, Vanessa Dykas, Cornelia Kaden, Nicole Matschiavelli

Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf, Germany

143-Matschiavelli-The microbial community in bentonites B27 and GMZ and its in-fluence.pdf

5:00pm - 5:20pm
ID: 176 / PS #6: 003

Modelling the evolution of a bentonite-cementitious backfilling grout for HLW disposal cell

Kevins Rhino1, Nicolas Marty1, Sylvain Grangeon1, Nicolas Maubec1, Catherine Lerouge1, Esra Orucoglu1, Mathieu Debure1, Sebastien Jego1, Nicolas Michau2, Xavier Bourbon2, Christelle Martin2

1BRGM, F-45060 Orléans, France; 2Andra, 1/7 Rue Jean Monnet, 92298, Châtenay-Malabry CEDEX, France

176-Rhino-Modelling the evolution of a bentonite-cementitious backfilling grout.pdf

5:20pm - 5:40pm
ID: 380 / PS #6: 004

Evolution upon contact with water of a bentonite-cement backfilling grout: insights from laboratory and in situ mineralogical characteriza-tions and from geochemical modelling

Sylvain Grangeon1, Mathieu Debure1, Valerie Montouillout2, Erik Elkaïm3, Catherine Lerouge1, Nicolas Maubec1, Nicolas Michau4, Xavier Bourbon4, Christelle Martin4, Benoit Cochepin4, Nicolas Marty1

1BRGM, F-45060 Orléans, France; 2Conditions Extrêmes et Matériaux : Haute Température et Irradiation (CEMHTI), CNRS UPR 3079, 1D avenue de la Recherche Scientifique 45071 Orléans, France; 3Synchrotron SOLEIL, L'Orme des Merisiers, Saint-Aubin 91190, France; 4Andra, 1/7 Rue Jean Monnet, 92298, Châtenay-Malabry CEDEX, France

380-Grangeon-Evolution upon contact with water of a bentonite-cement backfilling grout.pdf

5:40pm - 6:00pm
ID: 200 / PS #6: 005

In-situ long-term interactions between different concrete formulas and COx claystone in a deep disposal context

Catherine Lerouge1, Nicolas Maubec1, Guillaume Wille1, Christine Flehoc1, Catherine Guerrot1, Stéphane Gaboreau1, Yannick Linard2, Francis Claret1

1BRGM, France; 2ANDRA, France

200-Lerouge-In-situ long-term interactions between different concrete formulas and COx claystone.pdf
6:00pm - 8:00pmNetworking event / Get-together
Location: Eilenriedehalle A
Date: Tuesday, 26/Nov/2024
8:00am - 8:30amRegistration
8:30am - 10:00amPlenary #2: Geochemistry
Location: Eilenriedehalle B
Session Chair: Thorsten Schäfer, Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena, Germany
Session Chair: Erika Anne Cornelia Neeft, COVRA, Netherlands, The
8:30am - 9:00am
ID: 144 / Plenary #2: 001

Porewater extraction techniques from clay-rich sedimentary rocks

Martin Mazurek1, Paul Wersin1, Florian Eichinger2, Adrian Bath3, Tom Al4, Ian D. Clark4, Laura Kennell-Morrison5, Niko Kampman6, Daniel Traber7

1University of Bern, Switzerland; 2Hydroisotop GmbH, Schweitenkirchen, Germany; 3Intellisci, Willoughby on the Wolds, UK; 4University of Ottawa, Ottawa, Canada; 5Nuclear Waste Management Organization, Toronto, Canada; 6Nuclear Waste Services, Didcot, UK; 7Nagra, Wettingen, Switzerland

144-Mazurek-Porewater extraction techniques from clay-rich sedimentary rocks.pdf

9:00am - 9:20am
ID: 426 / Plenary #2: 002

Elucidating the fate of hydrogen by means of deuterium gas injections: an in-situ experiment in Opalinus Clay

Mélanie Lundy1, Christian Ostertag-Henning2, Paul Königer2, Stefan Wechner3, Yanick Lettry4, Myriam Agnel1, Agnès Vinsot1

1Andra, France; 2BGR, Germany; 3Hydroisotop GmbH, Germany; 4Solexperts AG, Switzerland

426-Lundy-Elucidating the fate of hydrogen by means of deuterium gas injections.pdf

9:20am - 9:40am
ID: 231 / Plenary #2: 003

Effect of nitrate on in situ Se(VI) reduction in Opalinus Clay

Nele Bleyen1, Katrien Hendrix1, Kristel Mijnendonckx1, Catherine Lerouge2, Veerle Van Gompel1, Jef Mathijs1, Elie Valcke1

1SCK CEN, Belgium; 2BRGM, France

231-Bleyen-Effect of nitrate on in situ Se.pdf

9:40am - 10:00am
ID: 147 / Plenary #2: 004

High-resolution, integrated, chemically consistent sorption and diffusion data for radionuclide transport models: Examples from Switzerland for site characterisation

Raphael Wuest1, Martin Glaus2, Dmitrii Kulik2, Luc Van Loon3, Maria Marques Fernandes2, Dan Miron2, Olha Marinich2, Jens Becker1, Bart Baeyens3, Xiaoshuo Li1

1Nagra, Switzerland; 2PSI Switzerland; 3CWL Solutions, Switzerland

147-Wuest-High-resolution, integrated, chemically consistent sorption and diffusion.pdf
10:00am - 10:30amCoffee Break
Location: Eilenriedehalle A
10:30am - 12:00pmPlenary #3: High temperature effects
Location: Eilenriedehalle B
Session Chair: Irina Gaus, Nagra, Switzerland
Session Chair: Reiner Dohrmann, LBEG, Germany
Invited Keynote: Liange Zheng (Lawrence Berkeley National Lab, United States of America) "Understanding bentonite buffer under high temperature: modeling and tests"
10:30am - 11:00am
Invited Keynote
ID: 458 / Plenary #3: 001

Understanding bentonite buffer under high temperature: modeling and tests

Liange Zheng

Lawrence Berkeley National Lab, United States of America

458-Zheng-Understanding bentonite buffer under high temperature.pdf

11:00am - 11:20am
ID: 342 / Plenary #3: 002

Clays at elevated temperature – key results of EURAD HITEC WP

Markus Olin1, Dragan Grgic2, Jiří Svoboda3

1VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland Ltd, Espoo, Finland; 2University of Lorraine, Nancy, France; 3CTU in Prague, Prague, Czech Republic

342-Olin-Clays at elevated temperature – key results of EURAD HITEC WP.pdf

11:20am - 11:40am
ID: 223 / Plenary #3: 003

Smectite alteration in ABM bentonites? New insights from layer charge measurements

Nadine J. Kanik1, Reiner Dohrmann2,3, Stephan Kaufhold2, Arkadiusz Derkowski1

1Institute of Geological Sciences, PAS, Poland; 2Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources (BGR), Hannover, Germany; 3State Authority of Mining, Energy and Geology (LBEG), Hannover, Germany

223-Kanik-Smectite alteration in ABM bentonites New insights.pdf

11:40am - 12:00pm
ID: 137 / Plenary #3: 004

Heating load increase after 8 years of heating and related THM processes observed in the Full-Scale Emplacement (FE) experiment at Mont Terri

Berrak Firat Lüthi1, Dr. Raphael Schneeberger1, Bill Lanyon2

1Nagra, Switzerland; 2Fracture Systems Ltd.

137-Firat Lüthi-Heating load increase after 8 years of heating and related THM processes.pdf
12:00pm - 12:30pm2 min poster presentation #2
Location: Eilenriedehalle B
12:00pm - 12:02pm
2 min poster
ID: 2243

Unravelling the depositional model of the Opalinus Clay using grain-size variability

Géraldine Nicole Zimmerli1, Stephan Wohlwend2, Gaudenz Deplazes3, Thomas Mann4, Anneleen Foubert1

1Department of Geosciences, University of Fribourg, Fribourg, Switzerland; 2Institute of Geological Sciences, University of Bern, Bern, Switzerland; 3Nagra (National Cooperative for the Disposal of Radioactive Waste), Wettingen, Switzerland; 4Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources (BGR), Hannover, Germany

2243-Zimmerli-Unravelling the depositional model of the Opalinus Clay using grain-size_Video.mp4
2243-Zimmerli-Unravelling the depositional model of the Opalinus Clay using grain-size_Abstract.pdf

12:02pm - 12:04pm
2 min poster
ID: 2385

3D Hydro-Mechanical modelling to support the design of the REG experiment in the Callovo-Oxfordian Claystone

Gilles Corman1, Abhishek Rawat1, Jean Talandier2, Rémi de La Vaissiere2, Youssef Fawaz2, Frédéric Collin1

1University of Liège, Belgium; 2Andra, France

2385-Corman-3D Hydro-Mechanical modelling to support the design_Video.mp4
2385-Corman-3D Hydro-Mechanical modelling to support the design_Abstract.pdf

12:04pm - 12:06pm
2 min poster
ID: 2245

Differentiation of fractures and rock mass deformation in clay rocks by Machine Learning

Rushan Wang1,2, Andrea Manconi1,2, Martin Ziegler3

1WSL Institute for Snow and Avalanche Research SLF; 2Climate Change, Extremes and Natural Hazards in Alpine Regions Research Centre CERC; 3Swiss Federal Office of Topography (swisstopo)

2245-Wang-Differentiation of fractures and rock mass deformation_Video.mp4
2245-Wang-Differentiation of fractures and rock mass deformation_Abstract.pdf

12:06pm - 12:08pm
2 min poster
ID: 2283

Mechanochemical activation of synthetic Na-n-micas – applications in retention of high-level radioactive waste

Aníbal López-Marín1, Rosa Martín-Rodríguez1,2, Fernando Aguado2,3, Ana C. Perdigón1,2

1QUIPRE Department, University of Cantabria, Avda. Los Castros, 46, 39005, Santander, Spain.; 2Nanomedicine Group, IDIVAL, Avda. Cardenal Herrera Oria s/n, 39011, Santander, Spain.; 3CITIMAC Department, Universidad de Cantabria, Avda. Los Castros, 48, 39005, Santander, Spain.

2283-López-Marín-Mechanochemical activation of synthetic Na-n-micas – applications_Video.mp4
2283-López-Marín-Mechanochemical activation of synthetic Na-n-micas – applications_Abstract.pdf

12:08pm - 12:10pm
2 min poster
ID: 2318

Development of a separation method for Am-, Sr-, Pu- and U-isotopes in concrete using extraction chromatography

Gloria Steckholzer, Claudia Landstetter, Krystle Elbers, Rainer Kadan

AGES- Austrian Agency for Health and Food Safety, Austria

2318-Steckholzer-Development of a separation method for Am-, Sr-, Pu- and U-isotopes_Video.mp4
2318-Steckholzer-Development of a separation method for Am-, Sr-, Pu- and U-isotopes_Abstract.pdf

12:10pm - 12:12pm
2 min poster
ID: 2382

Neptunium migration in Opalinus Clay - one experiment with multiple numerical geochemical solutions

Theresa Hennig1, Madlen Stockmann2, Claudia Joseph2, Vinzenz Brendler3, Tobias Reich4, Michael Kühn1,5

1GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences, Fluid Systems Modelling, Potsdam, Germany; 2Bundesgesellschaft für Endlagerung mbH (BGE), Peine, Germany; 3Helmholtz Zentrum Dresden Rossendorf e.V., Institute of Resource Ecology, Dresden, Germany; 4Johannes Gutenberg Universität Mainz, Department of Chemistry, Mainz, Germany; 5University of Potsdam, Institute of Geosciences, Potsdam, Germany

2382-Hennig-Neptunium migration in Opalinus Clay_Video.mp4
2382-Hennig-Neptunium migration in Opalinus Clay_Abstract.pdf

12:12pm - 12:14pm
2 min poster
ID: 2138

Harnessing microbial processes consuming hydrogen in radioac-tive waste repositories

Camille Rolland1, Olivier Leupin2, Rizlan Bernier-Latmani1

1École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) Environmental Microbiology Labo-ratory, CH-1015 Lausanne, Switzerland; 2National Cooperative for the Disposal of Radioactive Waste CH-5430, Wettingen, Switzerland

2138-Rolland-Harnessing microbial processes consuming hydrogen_Video.mp4
2138-Rolland-Harnessing microbial processes consuming hydrogen_Abstract.pdf

12:14pm - 12:16pm
2 min poster
ID: 2233

Current status of the in-situ interaction experiment at the Bukov URF

Anna Golubko1, Jan Smutek1, Jiří Svoboda2

1Radioactive Waste Repository Authority - SÚRAO, Czech Republic; 2Czech Technical University in Prague, Czech Republic

2233-Golubko-Current status of the in-situ interaction experiment_Video.mp4
2233-Golubko-Current status of the in-situ interaction experiment_Abstract.pdf

12:16pm - 12:18pm
2 min poster
ID: 2341

3D Modelling of Coupled Hydro-Mechanical Processes in Fractured Opalinus Clay Shale

Muhammad Raharsya Andiva1, Qinghua Lei1, Martin Ziegler2

1Department of Earth Sciences, Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden; 2Federal Office of Topography (swisstopo), Mont Terri URL, St-Ursanne, Switzerland

2341-Andiva-3D Modelling of Coupled Hydro-Mechanical Processes_Video.mp4
2341-Andiva-3D Modelling of Coupled Hydro-Mechanical Processes_Abstract.pdf
12:30pm - 1:30pmLunch Break
Location: Eilenriedehalle A
1:30pm - 2:30pmPoster exhibition #2
Location: Eilenriedehalle A
ID: 182

Microstructural Examination of Gas Migration Influence in Heterogeneous Pellet/Powder Bentonite Mixtures Using X-ray Computed Micro-Tomography

Mohammed ZAIDI, Nadia MOKNI, Magdalena DYMITROWSKA, Kui LIU

Institut de Radioprotection et de Sûreté Nucléaire (IRSN), PSE-ENV/SPDR/LETIS, Fontenay-aux-Roses, F-92260, France

182-MOKNI-Microstructural Examination of Gas Migration Influence.pdf

Appl. Poster Award
ID: 133

Suitability investigations of Lithuanian clay formations for the deep geological repository of radioactive wastes

Roma Kanopiene

Lithuanian geological survey, Lithuania

133-Kanopiene-Suitability investigations of Lithuanian clay formations_Abstract.pdf

ID: 356

Modelling of unsaturated homogenisation with an enhanced bentonite material model using COMSOL Multiphysics

Alex Spetz, Ola Kristensson, Daniel Malmberg

Clay Technology, Sweden

356-Spetz-Modelling of unsaturated homogenisation with an enhanced bentonite material model.pdf

ID: 165

CEC as quality proof for smectitic phases in lower Cretaceous clay rocks – illite-smectite ± pure smectite?

Reiner Dohrmann1,2, Kristian Ufer1, Tilo Kneuker1, Jochen Erbacher1,2, André Bornemann1

1BGR, Germany; 2LBEG, Germany

165-Dohrmann-CEC as quality proof for smectitic phases in lower Cretaceous clay rocks –.pdf

ID: 170

Multi-scale 2D and 3D characterisation for enhanced understanding of UK lower strength sedimentary rocks.

Kevin G Taylor, Lin Ma, Holly Mills, Xin Zhong, Ke Wang

University of Manchester, United Kingdom

170-Taylor-Multi-scale 2D and 3D characterisation for enhanced understanding.pdf

Appl. Poster Award
ID: 243

Unravelling the depositional model of the Opalinus Clay using grain-size variability

Géraldine Nicole Zimmerli1, Stephan Wohlwend2, Gaudenz Deplazes3, Thomas Mann4, Anneleen Foubert1

1Department of Geosciences, University of Fribourg, Fribourg, Switzerland; 2Institute of Geological Sciences, University of Bern, Bern, Switzerland; 3Nagra (National Cooperative for the Disposal of Radioactive Waste), Wettingen, Switzerland; 4Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources (BGR), Hannover, Germany

243-Zimmerli-Unravelling the depositional model of the Opalinus Clay using grain-size_Video.mp4
243-Zimmerli-Unravelling the depositional model of the Opalinus Clay using grain-size_Abstract.pdf

ID: 253

Influence of texture on the chloride accessible porosity fraction explored by SEM and µCT data

Carmen Andrea Zwahlen1, Thomas Gimmi1,2, Andreas Jenni1, Martin Mazurek1, Daniel Traber3, Raphael Wüst3

1University of Bern, Switzerland; 2Paul Scherrer Institut, Switzerland; 3Nagra, Switzerland

253-Jenni-Influence of texture on the chloride accessible porosity fraction explored.pdf

ID: 308

Exploring the dynamics of aquifer - aquitard systems: new insights from 81Kr model ages

Daniel Traber1, Nicolas Roy1, Emiliano Stopelli1, Michael Heidinger2, Florian Eichinger2, Christoph Wanner3, Thomas Gimmi3, H. Niklaus Waber4, Jin Ma3

1Nagra, Wettingen, Switzerland; 2Hydroisotop GmbH, Schweitenkirchen, Germany; 3University of Bern, Bern, Switzerland; 4WaterGeoChem Consulting, Bern, Switzerland

308-Traber-Exploring the dynamics of aquifer.pdf

ID: 344

Mont Terri BIM — Project overview and technical realisation

Martin Ziegler1, Senecio Schefer1, Stefan Volken2

1Swiss Federal Office of Topography (swisstopo), St-Ursanne, Switzerland; 2Swiss Federal Office of Topography (swisstopo), Wabern, Switzerland

344-Ziegler-Mont Terri BIM — Project overview and technical realisation.pdf

ID: 425

Geochemistry and pore water in the lower confining units of the Opalinus Clay at Mont Terri Rock Laboratory (Switzerland)

Ana María Fernández1, Catherine Lerouge2, Francisco Javier León1, Paula Nieto1, David Jaeggi3, Michael Kühn4

1CIEMAT, Spain; 2BRGM, France; 3Swisstopo, Switzeland; 4Helmholtz-Zentrum Potsdam, Germany

425-Fernández-Geochemistry and pore water in the lower confining units.pdf

ID: 328

Underground storage of high-grade radioactive waste in mudrock: In search of the Holy Grail

Laurence Warr, Georg Grathoff

University of Greifswald, Germany

328-Warr-Underground storage of high-grade radioactive waste.pdf

ID: 131

Development and Emplacement of an Annular Grout Envisaged for HLW Emplacement Drifts to Study Long-Term Interaction with Opalinus Clay

Lukas Martin1, Wolfgang Seidl2, Sebastian Kernbichl2, Nicole Wieser2, René Bolliger3, Julien Bizzozero3

1Nagra, Switzerland; 2Master Builders Solutions Deutschland GmbH, Trostberg, Germany; 3Master Builders Solutions Schweiz AG, Holderbank, Switzerland

131-Martin-Development and Emplacement of an Annular Grout Envisaged.pdf

ID: 292

Monitoring fluid movement and swelling pressure development in semi-technical scale Sandwich sealing system experiments

Martin Hofmann1, Eleanor Bakker2, Franz Königer3, Thomas Nagel1, Rainer Schuhmann3, Katja Emmerich2

1TU Bergakademie Freiberg, Germany; 2Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany; 3ISU mbH, Germany

292-Nagel-Monitoring fluid movement and swelling pressure development.pdf

Appl. Poster Award
ID: 385

3D Hydro-Mechanical modelling to support the design of the REG experiment in the Callovo-Oxfordian Claystone

Gilles Corman1, Abhishek Rawat1, Jean Talandier2, Rémi de La Vaissiere2, Youssef Fawaz2, Frédéric Collin1

1University of Liège, Belgium; 2Andra, France

385-Corman-3D Hydro-Mechanical modelling to support the design_Video.mp4
385-Corman-3D Hydro-Mechanical modelling to support the design_Abstract.pdf

ID: 186

Development of Boron-Enhanced Metakaolin-Based Geopolymers for the Immobilisation of Radioactive Debris with the potential of Neutron Absorption

Xiaobo Niu, Yogarajah Elakneswaran, Ryosuke Kikuchi

Hokkaido University, Japan

186-Elakneswaran-Development of Boron-Enhanced Metakaolin-Based Geopolymers.pdf

Appl. Poster Award
ID: 205

Performance of MoxOy pH sensor prepared by thermal oxidation for the long term monitoring of nuclear waste disposals

Djouhar AOUBIDA1,3, Stéphanie BETELU1, Johan BERTRAND2, quoc-nghi PHAM3, Nita DRAGOE3, Ioannis IGNATIADIS1

1BRGM (French Geological Survey), Orleans, France; 2ANDRA (French national radioactive waste management agency), Châtenay-Malabry, France; 3ICMMO (Institute of Molecular Chemistry and Materials), Orsay, France

205-AOUBIDA-Performance of MoxOy pH sensor prepared by thermal oxidation_Abstract.pdf

ID: 1464

Cation exchange capacity measurement for bentonite-cement reactions in a nuclear waste disposal - what are we really measuring?

Arkadiusz Derkowski1, Adam Zięba1, Reiner Dohrmann2,3, Stephan Kaufhold3

1Institute of Geological Sciences, Polish Academy of Sciences, Krakow, Poland; 2tate Authority for Mining, Energy and Geology (LBEG), Hannover, Germany; 3Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources (BGR), Hannover, Germany

1464-Derkowski-Cation exchange capacity measurement for bentonite-cement reactions.pdf

Appl. Poster Award
ID: 441

Influence of microstructure and pore saturation in measuring corro-sion rates of a carbon steel API 5L X65 in contact with cement grout in future nuclear waste disposal program

Yendoube Charles SANO MOYEME1, Stéphanie BETELU1, Johan BERTRAND2, Stéphane GABOREAU1, Karine GROENEN-SERRANO3

1BRGM, France; 2ANDRA, France; 3LGC, France

441-SANO MOYEME-Influence of microstructure and pore saturation in measuring corro-sion_Abstract.pdf

Appl. Poster Award
ID: 245

Differentiation of fractures and rock mass deformation in clay rocks by Machine Learning

Rushan Wang1,2, Andrea Manconi1,2, Martin Ziegler3

1WSL Institute for Snow and Avalanche Research SLF; 2Climate Change, Extremes and Natural Hazards in Alpine Regions Research Centre CERC; 3Swiss Federal Office of Topography (swisstopo)

245-Wang-Differentiation of fractures and rock mass deformation_Video.mp4
245-Wang-Differentiation of fractures and rock mass deformation_Abstract.pdf

ID: 400

Large-scale reactive transport simulations of uranium migration in Opalinus Clay accelerated by means of surrogate models

Marco De Lucia1, Max Lübke2, Theresa Hennig1, Bettina Schnor2

1GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences, Fluid Systems Modelling, Potsdam, Germany; 2University of Potsdam, Institute of Computer Science, Potsdam, Germany

400-De Lucia-Large-scale reactive transport simulations of uranium migration.pdf

ID: 109

Measurement of pore water density in a bentonite using decalin

Hailong Wang

Waseda University, Japan

109-Wang-Measurement of pore water density in a bentonite using decalin.pdf

ID: 145

Development of test specimens for evaluating permeability measurements of tight rocks

Carlo Dietl

Federal Office for the Safety of Nuclear Waste Management (BASE), Germany

145-Dietl-Development of test specimens for evaluating permeability measurements.pdf

ID: 163

CP1 and Tribicarb-3D: unique long term and large scale in situ migration tests in Boom Clay at the HADES Underground Research Laboratory

Marc Aertsens1, Eef Weetjens1, Joan Govaerts1, Norbert Maes1, Stéphane Brassinnes2

1SCK CEN, Belgium; 2ONDRAF/NIRAS, Belgium

163-Aertsens-CP1 and Tribicarb-3D.pdf

ID: 266


Esra Orucoglu1, Sylvain Grangeon1, Myriam Agnel2, Benoît Madé3, Mathieu Debure1

1BRGM, Orléans, France; 2ANDRA, Centre de Meuse/Haute-Marne, Bure, France; 3ANDRA, R&D Division, Châtenay-Malabry, France


Appl. Poster Award
ID: 283

Mechanochemical activation of synthetic Na-n-micas – applications in retention of high-level radioactive waste

Aníbal López-Marín1, Rosa Martín-Rodríguez1,2, Fernando Aguado2,3, Ana C. Perdigón1,2

1QUIPRE Department, University of Cantabria, Avda. Los Castros, 46, 39005, Santander, Spain.; 2Nanomedicine Group, IDIVAL, Avda. Cardenal Herrera Oria s/n, 39011, Santander, Spain.; 3CITIMAC Department, Universidad de Cantabria, Avda. Los Castros, 48, 39005, Santander, Spain.

283-López-Marín-Mechanochemical activation of synthetic Na-n-micas – applications_Video.mp4
283-López-Marín-Mechanochemical activation of synthetic Na-n-micas – applications_Abstract.pdf

Appl. Poster Award
ID: 318

Development of a separation method for Am-, Sr-, Pu- and U-isotopes in concrete using extraction chromatography

Gloria Steckholzer, Claudia Landstetter, Krystle Elbers, Rainer Kadan

AGES- Austrian Agency for Health and Food Safety, Austria

318-Steckholzer-Development of a separation method for Am-, Sr-, Pu- and U-isotopes_Video.mp4
318-Steckholzer-Development of a separation method for Am-, Sr-, Pu- and U-isotopes_Abstract.pdf

ID: 332

Migration behaviour of Ra-226 in the sandy facies of Opalinus Clay

Naila Ait-Mouheb1, Victor Vinograd Vinograd1, Martina Klinkenberg1, Jenna Poonoosamy1, Guido Deissmann1, Luc R. Van Loon2, Dirk Bosbach1

1Institute of Energy and Climate Research – Nuclear Waste Management (IEK-6), Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH, 52428 Jülich, Germany; 2Laboratory for Waste Management, Paul Scherrer Institut, CH-5232 Villigen PSI, Switzerland

332-Ait-Mouheb-Migration behaviour of Ra-226 in the sandy facies.pdf

ID: 405

Donnan equilibrium in compacted bentonite

Magnus Hedström1, Ya-Wen Hsiao2

1Clay Technology, Sweden; 2Hartree Centre, STFC Daresbury Laboratory, Daresbury WA4 4AD, UK

405-Hedström-Donnan equilibrium in compacted bentonite.pdf

Appl. Poster Award
ID: 382

Neptunium migration in Opalinus Clay - one experiment with multiple numerical geochemical solutions

Theresa Hennig1, Madlen Stockmann2, Claudia Joseph2, Vinzenz Brendler3, Tobias Reich4, Michael Kühn1,5

1GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences, Fluid Systems Modelling, Potsdam, Germany; 2Bundesgesellschaft für Endlagerung mbH (BGE), Peine, Germany; 3Helmholtz Zentrum Dresden Rossendorf e.V., Institute of Resource Ecology, Dresden, Germany; 4Johannes Gutenberg Universität Mainz, Department of Chemistry, Mainz, Germany; 5University of Potsdam, Institute of Geosciences, Potsdam, Germany

382-Hennig-Neptunium migration in Opalinus Clay_Video.mp4
382-Hennig-Neptunium migration in Opalinus Clay_Abstract.pdf

ID: 407

Effective diffusivity prediction by considering multivariable regression and rock properties

Nikolaos Prasianakis1, Romana Boiger1, Georg Kosakowski1, Raphael Wüst2, Sergey Churakov1,3

1Laboratory for Waste Management, Paul Scherrer Institute, CH-5232 Villigen, Switzerland; 2Nagra, Wettingen, Switzerland; 3University of Bern, Institute of Geological Sciences, CH-3012 Bern, Switzerland

407-Prasianakis-Effective diffusivity prediction by considering multivariable regression and rock.pdf

ID: 179

Successful gas tests at the GAs permeable Seal Test (GAST) - Highlights and lessons learned (Grimsel Test Site, CH)

Emiliano Stopelli1, Thomas Spillmann1, Bill Lanyon2, Rémi de La Vaissière3, Jean Talandier3, Jeremy Chen4, Simon Norris5, Stratis Vomvoris1, Irina Gaus1, Florian Kober1

1Nagra, Switzerland; 2Fracture Systems Ltd, United Kingdom; 3ANDRA, France; 4NWMO, Canada; 5NWS, United Kingdom

179-Kober-Successful gas tests at the GAs permeable Seal Test.pdf

Appl. Poster Award
ID: 138

Harnessing microbial processes consuming hydrogen in radioac-tive waste repositories

Camille Rolland1, Olivier Leupin2, Rizlan Bernier-Latmani1

1École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) Environmental Microbiology Labo-ratory, CH-1015 Lausanne, Switzerland; 2National Cooperative for the Disposal of Radioactive Waste CH-5430, Wettingen, Switzerland

138-Rolland-Harnessing microbial processes consuming hydrogen_Video.mp4
138-Rolland-Harnessing microbial processes consuming hydrogen_Abstract.pdf

ID: 234

Geochemical processes in a repository with clay barriers at high saline conditions

Claudia Joseph

Bundesgesellschaft für Endlagerung, Germany

234-Joseph-Geochemical processes in a repository with clay barriers.pdf

ID: 321

Cement-Bentonite Interaction with Different Cement Materials at Elevated Temperatures 2: Modeling

Sohtaro ANRAKU1, Ryohei KAWAKITA1, Yuji HANAMACHI2, Seiichiro MITSUI1, Hiroshi SASAMOTO1, Morihiro MIHARA1

1Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA), Japan; 2QJ Science Ltd., Japan

321-ANRAKU-Cement-Bentonite Interaction with Different Cement Materials.pdf

ID: 127

Comparison of different iron/bentonite exhibition tests and effect of the type of exchangeable cation on corrosion products

Stephan Kaufhold1, Kristian Ufer1, Reiner Dohrmann2, Franz Renz3, Rene Lucka3, Maximilian Kilic3

1BGR, Germany; 2LBEG; 3LUH

127-Kaufhold-Comparison of different ironbentonite exhibition tests and effect of the.pdf

ID: 424

Sulfide Transport Through MX-80 Bentonite Under Various Geochemical Conditions

Magdalena Krol1, Farhana Chowdhury1, Sifat Papry1, Md Abullah Asad1, Pulin Mondal1, Tarek Rashwan2, Ian Molnar3, Mehran Behazin4, Peter Keech4

1Department of Civil Engineering, Lassonde School of Engineering, York University, Toronto, Canada; 2Department of Engineering and Innovation, The Open University (UK), Milton Keynes, England, United Kingdom; 3School of Geosciences, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, Scotland, United Kingdom; 4Nuclear Waste Management Organization, Toronto, ON, Canada

424-Krol-Sulfide Transport Through MX-80 Bentonite Under Various Geochemical Conditions.pdf

ID: 241

Concrete-clay interaction – a systematic review and modelling study

Marcelo Laviña1, Andrés Idiart1, Olga Riba1, Fidel Grandia1, Nicolas Michau2, Xavier Bourbon2, Benoit Cochepin2

1Amphos 21 Consulting SL, Spain; 2Andra, France

241-Laviña-Concrete-clay interaction – a systematic review and modelling study.pdf

Appl. Poster Award
ID: 258

Studying the reactive transport of CO2 in Opalinus Clay with experimental and numerical analyses

Shuang Chen1, Christian Ostertag-Henning1, Vinay Kumar1, Haibing Shao2, Gesa Ziefle1, Jobst Maßmann1

1Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources, BGR, Germany; 2Department of Environmental Informatics, Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research - UFZ, Leipzig, Germany

258-Chen-Studying the reactive transport of CO2 in Opalinus Clay with experimental and_Abstract.pdf

ID: 284

Exchangeable and soluble ion populations in semi-technical scale Sandwich sealing system experiments

Eleanor Bakker1, Martin Hofmann2, Thomas Nagel2, Franz Königer3, Rainer Schuhmann3, Katja Emmerich1

1Institut für Massivbau und Baustofftechnologie (IMB/MPA/CMM), Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Karlsruhe, Germany; 2Institut für Geotechnik, TU Bergakademie Freiberg, Germany; 3Ingenieur-Gesellschaft für Sensorik in der Umwelttechnik mbH (ISU), Karlsruhe, Germany

284-Emmerich-Exchangeable and soluble ion populations in semi-technical scale Sandwich sealing.pdf

ID: 309

Delving into Bentonite Sedimentation Dynamics

Macarena Leal Olloqui1, Daniel Svensson1, Heikki Laitinen1, Kenji Ishii2, Patrik Sellin1

1SKB (Svensk Kärnbränslehantering AB), Oskarshamn, Sweden; 2Kajima Corporation, Tokyo, Japan

309-Leal Olloqui-Delving into Bentonite Sedimentation Dynamics.pdf

ID: 384

Leaching kinetics of metakaolin in alkaline solution

Ryosuke Kikuchi, Xiaobo Niu, Yogarajah Elakneswaran

Hokkaido University, Japan

384-Kikuchi-Leaching kinetics of metakaolin in alkaline solution.pdf

ID: 444

Reactive transport model of the long-term geochemical evolution in the near field of a HLW repository at the disposal cell scale: sensitivi-ties, variants and model simplifications

Javier Samper, Alba Mon, Luis Montenegro

Universidad de A Coruña, Spain

444-Samper-Reactive transport model of the long-term geochemical evolution.pdf

ID: 450

MINFF: A new classical forcefield for (clay-)minerals

Michael Holmboe

Umeå University, Sweden

450-Holmboe-MINFF A new classical forcefield for.pdf

ID: 202

Five-year laboratory tests of thermo-hydro-mechanical-chemical evolution of compacted bentonite: an experimental and modelling study

María Victoria Villar1, Andrés Idiart2, Emilie Coene2, Jaime Cuevas3, Ana María Melón1, Ana Isabel Ruiz3, Almudena Ortega3, Rubén Iglesias1, Ville Heino4

1CIEMAT, Spain; 2Amphos 21 Consulting S.L., Spain; 3UAM, Spain; 4POSIVA, Finland

202-Villar-Five-year laboratory tests of thermo-hydro-mechanical-chemical evolution.pdf

ID: 141

Deriving a Method for Host Rock specific Temperature Compatibility: Clay Rock

Kim-Marisa Mayer, Oliver Czaikowski, Bernd Förster, Matthias Hinze, Artur Meleshyn, Marvin Middelhoff, André Rübel, Klaus Wieczorek, Jens Wolf

Gesellschaft für Anlagen- und Reaktorsicherheit, Germany

141-Mayer-Deriving a Method for Host Rock specific Temperature Compatibility.pdf

ID: 251

Influence of temperature on the self-sealing of fractures in the Callovo-Oxfordian claystone

Mensan AGBOLI, Dragan GRGIC, Mohamed MOUMNI

University of Lorraine-CNRS, France

251-GRGIC-Influence of temperature on the self-sealing of fractures.pdf

ID: 320

Conclusions on the post-yield behaviour of Opalinus claystone from multistage triaxial tests

Eleni Gerolymatou1, Martin Kracht2, Maximiliano Vergara3

1TU Clausthal, Germany; 2gbm Gesellschaft für Baugeologie und -meßtechnik mbH - Baugrundinstitut, Ettlingen, Germany; 3Skava Consulting, Salzburg, Austria

320-Gerolymatou-Conclusions on the post-yield behaviour of Opalinus claystone.pdf

Appl. Poster Award
ID: 372

Effect of pore water salinity on the tensile strength of Boom Clay

Ties de Jong, Bhini Chandan Malagar, Philip J. Vardon, Anne-Catherine Dieudonné

Delft University of Technology, Delft, The Netherlands

372-de Jong-Effect of pore water salinity on the tensile strength_Abstract.pdf

Appl. Poster Award
ID: 394

THM-Modelling of the ALC1605 in situ heating experiment in Cal-lovo-Oxfordian clay formation

Eric Simo1,2, David Seidel1, Thomas Nagel2, Alexandru Tatomir5, Miguel Mánica4, Jörg Buchwald3, Dmitri Naumov3

1BGE TECHNOLOGY GmbH, Peine, Germany; 2Geotechnical Institute, TU Bergakademie Freiberg, Freiberg, Germany; 3Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research – UFZ, Leipzig, Germany; 4Institute of Engineering, National Autonomous University of Mexico, Mexico City, Mexico; 5BGE, Peine, Germany

394-Simo-THM-Modelling of the ALC1605 in situ heating experiment_Abstract.pdf

ID: 212

Open-source implementation of a transversely isotropic elasto-visco-plastic damage model for clay shales in MFront and OpenGeoSys

Mehran Ghasabeh1, Kavan Khaledi2, Bastian Graupner3, Florian Amann2,4, Thomas Nagel1

1Chair of Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering, Geotechnical Institute, TU Bergakademie Freiberg, Germany; 2Fraunhofer Research Institution for Energy Infrastructure and Geothermal Systems IEG, Competence Center Geomechanics and Georisks, Aachen, Germany; 3Swiss Federal Nuclear Safety Inspectorate (ENSI), Brugg, Switzerland; 4Chair of Engineering Geology and Hydrogeology, RWTH Aachen, Germany

212-Ghasabeh-Open-source implementation of a transversely isotropic elasto-visco-plastic damage.pdf

Appl. Poster Award
ID: 216

Numerical simulation of bentonite saturation at different temperatures

Larissa Friedenberg, Artur Meleshyn, Matthias Hinze

Gesellschaft für Anlagen- und Reaktorsicherheit (GRS) gGmbH, Germany

216-Friedenberg-Numerical simulation of bentonite saturation at different temperatures_Abstract.pdf

Appl. Poster Award
ID: 187

Temperature history effect on swelling pressure of Kunigel-V1 bentonite cured in confined condition

Kunlin RUAN

Waseda University, Japan

187-RUAN-Temperature history effect on swelling pressure of Kunigel-V1 bentonite_Abstract.pdf

ID: 208

Evolution of gases in an unsaturated bentonite buffer

Mattias Åkesson, Heikki Laitinen, Patrik Sellin

SKB, Sweden

208-Åkesson-Evolution of gases in an unsaturated bentonite buffer.pdf

ID: 214

Changes in swelling and hydrological characteristics of compacted bentonite by heating at 200 °C

Yasutaka Watanabe1, Ema Yoshikawa1, Misato Shimbashi1, Shingo Yokoyama1, Takahiro Goto2, Yoichi Yamamoto2

1Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry, Japan; 2Nuclear Waste Management Organization of Japan, Japan

214-Watanabe-Changes in swelling and hydrological characteristics.pdf

Appl. Poster Award
ID: 233

Current status of the in-situ interaction experiment at the Bukov URF

Anna Golubko1, Jan Smutek1, Jiří Svoboda2

1Radioactive Waste Repository Authority - SÚRAO, Czech Republic; 2Czech Technical University in Prague, Czech Republic

233-Golubko-Current status of the in-situ interaction experiment_Video.mp4
233-Golubko-Current status of the in-situ interaction experiment_Abstract.pdf

ID: 269

Sampling, Measurements and Analysis of the Clay Barriers in the Prototype Repository at Äspö HRL

Magnus Kronberg1, Patrik Sellin1, Daniel Svensson1, Fredrik Vahlund1, Torbjörn Sandén2

1SKB, Swedish Nuclear Fuel and Waste Management Company; 2Clay Technology

269-Kronberg-Sampling, Measurements and Analysis of the Clay Barriers.pdf

Appl. Poster Award
ID: 303

Investigating thermal coupling in a bentonite buffer

Stamatina Alexandropoulou1, Lidija Zdravkovic1, David Potts1, Matthew Kirby2, Simon Norris2

1Imperial College London, United Kingdom; 2Nuclear Waste Services, United Kingdom

303-Alexandropoulou-Investigating thermal coupling in a bentonite buffer_Abstract.pdf

Appl. Poster Award
ID: 1462

Research into the Impact of Non-homogeneity on the Integrity of Bentonite Materials

Markéta Kučerová, Jiří Svoboda

Czech Technical University in Prague, Czech Republic

1462-Kučerová-Research into the Impact of Non-homogeneity on the Integrity_Abstract.pdf

ID: 401

TH-Modelling for the in-situ HotBENT experiment at the Grimsel Test Site

Victoria Burlaka1, Eric Simo1,2, Tymofiy Gerasimov1, David Seidel1, Thomas Nagel2, Christoph Lehmann3, Jörg Buchwald3, Dmitry Naumov3, Alexandru Tatomir4

1BGE TECHNOLOGY GmbH, Germany; 2Geotechnical Institute, TU Bergakademie Freiberg; 3Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research – UFZ; 4BGE mbH, Federal Company for Radioactive Waste Disposal

401-Burlaka-TH-Modelling for the in-situ HotBENT experiment at the Grimsel Test Site.pdf

ID: 123

Influence of sand mixture on gas pressure for bentonite

Tomoyoshi Nishimura

Ashikaga University, Japan

123-Nishimura-Influence of sand mixture on gas pressure for bentonite.pdf

ID: 369

Changing of axial strains in creep performance for bentonite-sand mixture

Tomoyoshi Nishimura

Ashikaga University, Japan

369-Nishimura-Changing of axial strains in creep performance for bentonite-sand mixture.pdf

ID: 262

Cation exchange simulation in Wyoming-type bentonite considering mechanical issues

Xavier Pintado1, Rubén López-Vizcaíno2, Ángel Yustres2, Vicente Navarro2, Laura Asensio2, Sirpa Kumpulainen1, Mika Niskanen3

1Mitta Engineering Oy, Finland; 2Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha, Spain; 3Posiva Oy, Finland

262-Pintado-Cation exchange simulation in Wyoming-type bentonite considering mechanical.pdf

Appl. Poster Award
ID: 391

Benchmarking of Double-Structure Models for the Numerical Simulation of Swelling Clays

Christian B. Silbermann1, Matthias Hinze2, Larissa Friedenberg2, Philipp Schädle3, Markus Knauth4, Thomas Nagel1

1Geotechnical Institute, TU Bergakademie Freiberg, Germany; 2Gesellschaft für Anlagen- und Reaktorsicherheit (GRS) gGmbH, Braunschweig, Germany; 3Swiss Federal Nuclear Safety Inspectorate (ENSI), Brugg, Switzerland; 4Institut für Gebirgsmechanik GmbH, Leipzig, Germany

391-Silbermann-Benchmarking of Double-Structure Models for the Numerical Simulation_Abstract.pdf

Appl. Poster Award
ID: 341

3D Modelling of Coupled Hydro-Mechanical Processes in Fractured Opalinus Clay Shale

Muhammad Raharsya Andiva1, Qinghua Lei1, Martin Ziegler2

1Department of Earth Sciences, Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden; 2Federal Office of Topography (swisstopo), Mont Terri URL, St-Ursanne, Switzerland

341-Andiva-3D Modelling of Coupled Hydro-Mechanical Processes_Video.mp4
341-Andiva-3D Modelling of Coupled Hydro-Mechanical Processes_Abstract.pdf

ID: 116

Impact of desaturation on the diffusion of gases in clay-based samples

Elke Jacops1, Aadithya Gowrishankar1,2, Norbert Maes1,2, Pieter Verboven2, Hans Janssen2

1SCK CEN, Belgium; 2KU Leuven, Belgium

116-Jacops-Impact of desaturation on the diffusion of gases in clay-based samples.pdf

ID: 136

Young’s modulus in claystones – adding complexity, reducing uncertainty

Sandra Schumacher, Werner Gräsle

Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources, Germany

136-Schumacher-Young’s modulus in claystones – adding complexity, reducing uncertainty.pdf

Appl. Poster Award
ID: 160

Gas breakthrough simulation using bimodal porosity and mul-tiscale approach

Eike Radeisen1,3, Hua Shao1, Jürgen Hesser1, Michael Pitz1,4, Wenqing Wang2, Olaf Kolditz2,3

1Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources (BGR), Germany; 2Helmholtz Center for Environmental Research (UFZ), Germany; 3Dresden University of Technology (TUD), Germany; 4Technische Universität Bergakademie Freiberg (TUBAF), Germany

160-Radeisen-Gas breakthrough simulation using bimodal porosity and mul-tiscale approach_Abstract.pdf

ID: 250

Development of a two-phase hysteretic model accounting for water and gas entry pressure for evaluating hysteretic hydrodynamic properties of clay-based materials in a deep geological repository for radioactive waste

Zakaria Saâdi

Institut de Radioprotection et de Sûreté Nucléaire (IRSN), France

250-Saâdi-Development of a two-phase hysteretic model accounting.pdf

ID: 371

Testing device for the visualisation of gas-driven cracks in clays

Joaquín Liaudat, Philip J. Vardon, Michael A. Hicks, Anne-Catherine Dieudonné

Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands

371-Dieudonné-Testing device for the visualisation of gas-driven cracks.pdf

ID: 387

Erosion of compacted bentonite at elevated temperature

Majid Sedighi, Ziheng Wang, Linhau He, Huaxiang Yan, Mojgan Hadi Mosleh, Andrey Jivkov

The University of Manchester, United Kingdom

387-Sedighi-Erosion of compacted bentonite at elevated temperature.pdf

Appl. Poster Award
ID: 412

Observations and Quantification of Gas Flow in Sand-Bentonite Mixtures using Analogue Tests

Elliot James Muir Bird, Robert Cuss, Phil Neep

British Geological Survey, United Kingdom

412-Bird-Observations and Quantification of Gas Flow in Sand-Bentonite Mixtures using_Abstract.pdf

ID: 178

FE-G: 10 years of gas dynamics observations at the Full-Scale Emplacement experiment (Opalinus Clay, Mont Terri, CH)

Emiliano Stopelli1, Typhaine Guillemot1, Myriam Agnel2, Scott Briggs3, Fraser King4, Rolf Kipfer5, Simon Norris6, Nikitas Diomidis1, Irina Gaus1, Raphael Schneeberger1

1Nagra, Switzerland; 2ANDRA, France; 3NWMO, Canada; 4ICC Ltd, Canada; 5Eawag, Switzerland; 6NWS, United Kingdom

178-Schneeberger-FE-G 10 years of gas dynamics observations at the Full-Scale Emplacement experiment.pdf

ID: 159

14 years long Gas Experiment in borehole PAC1011 at ANDRA’s Un-derground Research Laboratory: Modelling the injection and transport of an Argon/Helium gas mixture in the Callovo-Oxfordian Claystone under in situ conditions

Nicolas Barret1, Jean Croisé2, Agnès Vinsot3, Myriam Agnel3, Rémi de La Vaissière3

1INTERA, France; 2INTERA, Switzerland; 3ANDRA, France

159-Agnel-14 years long Gas Experiment in borehole PAC1011 at ANDRA’s Un-derground Research.pdf
2:30pm - 3:50pmPS #7: Mineralogical and hydrogeochemical characteristics
Location: Roter Saal
Session Chair: Christophe Tournassat, Universtité d'Orléans (France) / Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (USA), France
Session Chair: Johanna Lippmann-Pipke, Bundesanstalt für Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe, BGR, Germany
2:30pm - 2:50pm
ID: 134 / PS #7: 001

Which porosity domains in clay-rich rocks are sampled by squeezing and advective displacement tests?

Mirjam Kiczka1, Martin Mazurek1, Andreas Jenni1, Carmen Zwahlen1, Lukas Aschwanden1, Urs Mäder2, Daniel Traber3

1University of Bern, Switzerland; 2Rock Water Consulting, Boll, Switzerland; 3Nagra, Wetting, Switzerland

134-Kiczka-Which porosity domains in clay-rich rocks are sampled.pdf

2:50pm - 3:10pm
ID: 329 / PS #7: 002

Oxygen isotope exchange between groundwater and calcite unravels million-year long hydrogeochemical evolution of a deep sedimentary aquifer

Christoph Wanner1, Lukas Aschwanden1, Mirjam Kiczka1, Daniel Traber2

1University of Bern, Switzerland; 2NAGRA

329-Wanner-Oxygen isotope exchange between groundwater and calcite unravels million-year long.pdf

3:10pm - 3:30pm
ID: 414 / PS #7: 003

Ab initio MD modelling of Ni2+, Zn2+, and Lu3+ cation adsorption on saponite edge surfaces

Vasyl Stotskyi1,2, Fulvio Di Lorenzo1,2, Maria Marques Fernandes1, Matthias Krack1, Andreas C. Scheinost3,4, Martine Lanson5, Bruno Lanson5, Sergey V. Churakov1,2

1Paul Scherrer institute, Switzerland; 2University of Bern; 33 Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rosendorf (HZDR), Insitute of Resource Ecology; 4The Rossendorf Beamline (ROBL), European Synchrotron Radiation Fascility (ESRF); 5Univ. Grenoble Alpes, Univ. Savoie Mont Blanc, CNRS, IRD, Univ. Gustave Eiffel, ISTerre

414-Stotskyi-Ab initio MD modelling of Ni2, Zn2, and Lu3 cation adsorption.pdf

3:30pm - 3:50pm
ID: 449 / PS #7: 004

A XAS study on the effect of ionizing radiation on the redox state of the structural iron in Bentonite clay

Nathan Lavauzelle1, Mats Jonsson2, Michael Holmboe1

1Umeå University, Sweden; 2KTH, Sweden

449-Lavauzelle-A XAS study on the effect of ionizing radiation on the redox state.pdf
2:30pm - 3:50pmPS #8: THM heater experiments
Location: Bonatz Saal
Session Chair: Patrik Sellin, SKB, Sweden
Session Chair: Weimin YE, Tongji University, China, People's Republic of
2:30pm - 2:50pm
ID: 335 / PS #8: 001

Dismantling of the Mock-Up-Josef in-situ experiment after 10 years of operation – Comprehensive analysis of the bentonite barrier

Radek Vašíček1, Šárka Šachlová2, Jana Steinová3, Irena Hanusová4, Michaela Matulová5, Jiří Svoboda1, Markéta Kučerová1, Kateřina Černochová1, Vlastislav Kašpar2, Milan Zuna2, Petr Večerník2, Karol Kočan2, Kateřina Černá4, Miroslava Mecová5

1Czech Technical University in Prague, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Czech Republic; 2ÚJV Řež, a. s., Radioactive waste and decommissioning, Husinec Řež, Czech Republic; 3Technical University of Liberec, Institute for Nanomaterials, Advanced Technologies and Innovations, Czech Republic; 4National Radiation Protection Institute (SÚRO), Prague, Czech Republic; 5Radioactive Waste Repository Authority, Prague (SÚRAO), Czech Republic

335-Vašíček-Dismantling of the Mock-Up-Josef in-situ experiment after 10 years.pdf

2:50pm - 3:10pm
ID: 220 / PS #8: 002

The LOT S2 and A3 experiments at Äspö hard rock laboratory, Sweden – impact on bentonite performance after 20 years of heat-ing at 90 and 130°C

Daniel Svensson1, Terese Bladström1, Torbjörn Sandén2, Patrik Sellin1

1Department of Research and Safety Assessment, Swedish Nuclear Fuel and Waste Management Co (SKB), Äspö Hard Rock Laboratory; 2Clay Technology AB, Lund, Sweden.

220-Svensson-The LOT S2 and A3 experiments at Äspö hard rock laboratory, Sweden –.pdf

3:10pm - 3:30pm
ID: 282 / PS #8: 003

THM modelling for HotBENT experiment using the water retention curve assumed by Bayesian inference

Shin Sato1, Tomoyuki Shimura1, Florian Kober2

1Obayashi corporation, Japan; 2Nagra, Switzerland

282-Sato-THM modelling for HotBENT experiment using the water retention curve assumed.pdf

3:30pm - 3:50pm
ID: 183 / PS #8: 004

Elastic-viscoplastic modelling of the PRACLAY large-scale in situ heater test

Guillaume Flood-Page1, Arnaud Dizier1, Temenuga Georgieva1, Mieke De Craen1, Séverine Levasseur2

1EURIDICE, Mol, Belgium; 2ONDRAF/NIRAS, Brussels, Belgium

183-Flood-Page-Elastic-viscoplastic modelling of the PRACLAY large-scale.pdf
2:30pm - 3:50pmPS #9: THM modelling
Location: Blauer Saal
Session Chair: Wolfram Rühaak, BGE Bundesgesellschaft für Endlagerung mbH, Germany
Session Chair: Olaf Kolditz, Helmholtz-Zentrum für Umweltforschung GmbH UFZ, Germany
2:30pm - 2:50pm
ID: 316 / PS #9: 001

The International DECOVALEX Initiative - Building Confidence Via Model Comparison

Jens Birkholzer1, Alex Bond2, LianGe Zheng1

1Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, United States of America; 2Quintessa Ltd., United Kingdom

316-Zheng-The International DECOVALEX Initiative.pdf

2:50pm - 3:10pm
ID: 169 / PS #9: 002

Numerical modelling of heating induced cracking process by phase-field method considering thermo-hydromechanical coupling

Zhan YU1, Jianfu SHAO1, Minh-Ngoc VU2

1University of Lille, France; 2Andra, France

169-SHAO-Numerical modelling of heating induced cracking process.pdf

3:10pm - 3:30pm
ID: 349 / PS #9: 003

Implementation of a temperature-dependent constitutive model for argillaceous hard soils – weak rocks in MFront

Miguel A. Mánica1, Eric Simo2,4,5, Philipp Herold2, Thomas Helfer3, Thomas Nagel4, Alexandru Tatomir5

1Institute of Engineering, National Autonomous University of Mexico, Mexico City, Mexico; 2BGE TECHNOLOGY GmbH, Peine, Germany; 3CEA, DES, IRESNE, DEC, Cadarache, France; 4Geotechnical Institute, TU Bergakademie Freiberg, Germany; 5BGE, Peine, Germany

349-Mánica-Implementation of a temperature-dependent constitutive model.pdf

3:30pm - 3:50pm
ID: 363 / PS #9: 004

Outcome of a THM modelling benchmark on the effect of heating on clay formations

Christophe de Lesquen1, Arnaud Dizier2, Carlos Plúa1, Gilles Armand1, Eric Simo3

1Andra, France; 2EURIDICE, Belgium; 3BGE, Germany

363-de Lesquen-Outcome of a THM modelling benchmark on the effect.pdf
3:50pm - 4:20pmCoffee Break
Location: In front of the lecture halls
4:20pm - 6:00pmPS #10: Geochemistry and fluid migration
Location: Roter Saal
Session Chair: Christophe Tournassat, Universtité d'Orléans (France) / Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (USA), France
Session Chair: Juan Carlos Mayor, Enresa, Spain
4:20pm - 4:40pm
ID: 287 / PS #10: 001

Profiles of natural tracers in porewater of a Mesozoic rock sequence in northern Switzerland

Thomas Gimmi1,2, Paul Wersin1, Lukas Aschwanden1, Jin Ma1, H. Niklaus Waber3, Martin Mazurek1, Carmen Zwahlen1, Christoph Wanner1, Daniel Traber4

1University of Bern, Bern, Switzerland; 2Paul Scherrer Institut, Villigen, Switzerland; 3WaterGeoChem Consulting, Bern, Switzerland; 4NAGRA, Wettingen, Switzerland

287-Gimmi-Profiles of natural tracers in porewater of a Mesozoic rock sequence.pdf

4:40pm - 5:00pm
ID: 359 / PS #10: 002

Quantifying the evolution and transport of helium in porewater across the Mesozoic sedimentary sequence in northern Switzerland

Daniel Rufer1, Jin Ma1, Christoph Wanner1, H. Niklaus Waber2, Daniel Traber3

1University of Bern, Switzerland; 2WaterGeochem Consulting, Bern, Switzerland; 3Nagra, Wettingen, Switzerland

359-Rufer-Quantifying the evolution and transport of helium.pdf

5:00pm - 5:20pm
ID: 288 / PS #10: 003

Transport characteristics and barrier quality of a 134 m thick Opalinus Clay formation in southern Germany obtained from its porewater noble gas profile

Johanna Lippmann-Pipke1, Samuel Niedermann2, Karsten Osenbrück1, Hua Shao1, Daniel Rufer3, Thomas Mann1

1Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources (BGR), Hannover, Germany; 2German Research Centre for Geosciences (GFZ), Potsdam, Germany; 3University of Bern, Bern, Switzerland

288-Lippmann-Pipke-Transport characteristics and barrier quality of a 134 m thick Opalinus Clay.pdf

5:20pm - 5:40pm
ID: 312 / PS #10: 004

Multiscale experimental comparison of water diffusion by neutron tomography in a porous clay medium partially water-saturated

Lucas Désert1,2,3, Sébastien Savoye3, Emmanuel Tertre1, Alessandro Tengattini4, Arnaud Mazurier1, Baptiste Dazas1, Laurent Michot5, Pierre Henocq2, Christophe Tournassat6, Eric Ferrage1

1Université de Poitiers, IC2MP, France; 2Andra, France; 3CEA, France; 4ILL, France; 5Sorbonne Université, Phénix, France; 6ISTO, France

312-Désert-Multiscale experimental comparison of water diffusion.pdf

5:40pm - 6:00pm
ID: 161 / PS #10: 005

Streamlined modelling approach for transport of natural organic matter linked transport of radionuclides in Boom Clay

Norbert Maes1, Joan Govaerts1, Stéphane Brassinnes2

1SCK CEN, Belgium; 2ONDRAF/NIRAS, Belgium

161-Maes-Streamlined modelling approach for transport of natural organic matter linked.pdf
4:20pm - 6:00pmPS #11: THM bentonite
Location: Bonatz Saal
Session Chair: Weimin YE, Tongji University, China, People's Republic of
Session Chair: María Victoria Villar, CIEMAT, Spain
4:20pm - 4:40pm
ID: 227 / PS #11: 001

Homogenisation in small-scale swelling tests with different water inflow rates

Ann Dueck1, Daniel Malmberg1, Patrik Sellin2

1Clay Technology Lund AB, Sweden; 2Svensk Kärnbränslehantering AB (SKB), Sweden

227-Dueck-Homogenisation in small-scale swelling tests with different water inflow.pdf

4:40pm - 5:00pm
ID: 158 / PS #11: 002

Cross-scale assessment of the hydromechanically coupled behavior of two German bentonites

Antonia Nitsch1, Ali Asaad2, Katja Emmerich2, Torsten Wichtmann1, Wiebke Baille1

1Chair of Soil Mechanics, Foundation Engineering and Environmental Geotechnics, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Ruhr-University Bochum, Bochum, Germany; 2Institute of Concrete Structures and Building Materials (IMB/MPA/CMM), Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Karlsruhe, Germany

158-Nitsch-Cross-scale assessment of the hydromechanically coupled behavior.pdf

5:00pm - 5:20pm
ID: 408 / PS #11: 003

Thermo-hydro-mechanical modelling of bentonite using a double-porous hypoplastic bentonite model in OpenGeoSys/MFront: implementation, verification and validation

Tymofiy Gerasimov1, Eric Simo1,2, Thomas Nagel2, Christoph Lehmann3, David Masin4, Tomas Krejci5, Jaroslav Kruis5, Thomas Helfer6, Alexandru Tatomir7

1BGE TECHNOLOGY GmbH, Germany; 2TU Bergakademie Freiberg, Germany; 3Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research – UFZ, Germany; 4Charles University, Czech Republic; 5Czech Technical University in Prague, Czech Republic; 6CEA, DES, IRESNE, DEC, France; 7BGE mbH, Federal Company for Radioactive Waste Disposal, Germany

408-Gerasimov-Thermo-hydro-mechanical modelling of bentonite using a double-porous hypoplastic.pdf

5:20pm - 5:40pm
ID: 112 / PS #11: 004

Modelling the Full Scale Heater Experiment: Results of the international Benchmark Project DECOVALEX

Bastian Johannes Graupner1, Kate Thatcher2, Rebecca Newson2, Michael Pitz3, Jan Thiedau3, Sonja Kaiser4, Thomas Nagel4, Luca Urpi5, Peng-Zhi Pan6, Wenbo Hou6, Larissa Friedenberg7, Taehyun Kim8, Chan-Hee Park9, Changsoo Lee8, Jonny Rutqvist10, Ruiping Guo11, Teklu Hadgu12, Edward Matteo12

1Swiss Federal Nuclear Safety Inspectorate (ENSI), Brugg, Switzerland; 2Quintessa Ltd, Warrington, UK; 3Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources (BGR), Hanover, Germany; 4Technische Universität Bergakademie Freiberg, Germany; 5CSD, Aarau, Switzerland; 6Chinese Academy of Science, China; 7Gesellschaft für Anlagen- und Reaktorsicherheit (GRS) gGmbH, Braunschweig, Germany; 8Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute (KAERI), Daejeon, Korea; 9Korea Institute of Geoscience and Mineral Resources (KIGAM), Daejeon, Korea; 10Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL), Berkeley, California, USA; 11Nuclear Waste Management Organization NWMO, Canada; 12Sandia National Laboratories, USA

112-Graupner-Modelling the Full Scale Heater Experiment.pdf

5:40pm - 6:00pm
ID: 197 / PS #11: 005

Hierarchical benchmarking of Richards-based thermo-hydro-mechanical coupled models for repositories of high-level radioactive waste

Jörg Buchwald1,2, Wenqing Wang1, Norbert Grunwald1, Thomas Nagel2, Olaf Kolditz1

1Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research (UFZ), Leipzig, Germany; 2Technische Universität Bergakademie Freiberg - TABAF, Freiberg, Germany

197-Buchwald-Hierarchical benchmarking of Richards-based thermo-hydro-mechanical coupled models.pdf
4:20pm - 6:00pmPS #12: Performance and uncertainty assessment
Location: Blauer Saal
Session Chair: Xavier Sillen, ONDRAF/NIRAS, Belgium
Session Chair: Wolfram Rühaak, BGE Bundesgesellschaft für Endlagerung mbH, Germany
4:20pm - 4:40pm
ID: 237 / PS #12: 001

Performance assessment modeling at the repository and component level for the Swiss deep geological repository

Dominik Zbinden1, Ursula Lengler1, Keurfon Luu1, Babak Shabani2, Chao Li1, Alexandros Papafotiou3, Paul Marschall3

1INTERA Inc. Swiss Branch, Wettingen, Switzerland; 2INTERA Inc., Bloomington, IN, USA; 3Nagra, Wettingen, Switzerland

237-Papafotiou-Performance assessment modeling at the repository and component level.pdf

4:40pm - 5:00pm
ID: 171 / PS #12: 002

Post-closure evolution of voids in geological disposal facility vaults and implications for containment

Sam Parsons1, Simon Norris1, Javier Corral2, David Holton3

1Nuclear Waste Services; 2Jacobs; 3MCM Environmental Services Ltd

171-Norris-Post-closure evolution of voids in geological disposal facility vaults and.pdf

5:00pm - 5:20pm
ID: 315 / PS #12: 003

Uncertainty quantification of the elasto-viscoplastic behavior of COx claystone and long-term stability assessment of the drift’s concrete liner

Duc Phi DO1, Minh Ngoc VU2, Dashnor HOXHA1, Gilles ARMAND2

1Univ Orléans, Univ Tours, INSA CVL, Lamé, EA 7494, France; 2Andra, 92298 Chatenay-Malabry, France

315-DO-Uncertainty quantification of the elasto-viscoplastic behavior.pdf

5:20pm - 5:40pm
ID: 222 / PS #12: 004

Comparing uncertainty quantification methods in the context of safety analyses for high-level nuclear waste disposal systems

Merle Marie Bjorge1,2, Aqeel Afzal Chaudhry2, Kata Kurgyis2, Wolfram Rühaak1,3, Thomas Nagel2,4

1Bundesgesellschaft für Endlagerung mbH (BGE), Peine, Germany; 2Geotechnical Institute, Technische Universität Bergakademie Freiberg, Freiberg, Germany; 3Technische Universität Darmstadt, Department of Geothermal Science and Technology, Darmstadt, Germany; 4Freiberg Center for Water Research (ZeWaF), Freiberg, Germany

222-Bjorge-Comparing uncertainty quantification methods in the context.pdf

5:40pm - 6:00pm
ID: 232 / PS #12: 005

Modelling the impact of design variations in a spent nuclear fuel repository on near-field sulfide fluxes and Cu canister corrosion depths

Jin Ma1, Peter Alt-Epping1, Mika Niskanen2, Barbara Pastina2, Paul Wersin1

1University of Bern, Switzerland; 2Posiva Oy, Finland

232-Ma-Modelling the impact of design variations in a spent nuclear fuel repository.pdf
6:00pm - 11:59pmConference dinner
Location: Hangar No. 5
Date: Wednesday, 27/Nov/2024
8:00am - 8:30amRegistration
8:30am - 10:00amPlenary #4: Gas
Location: Eilenriedehalle B
Session Chair: Maarten Van Geet, ONDRAF/NIRAS, Belgium
Session Chair: Simon Norris, Nuclear Waste Services, United Kingdom
8:30am - 9:00am
ID: 201 / Plenary #4: 001

EURAD-GAS, a step forward in understanding gas transport in clay-ey materials

Séverine Levasseur1, Xavier Sillen1, Frédéric Collin2, Magdalena Dymitrowska3, Jon Harrington4, Elke Jacops5, Olaf Kolditz6, Paul Marschall7, Simon Norris8, Jean Talandier9, Laurent Truche10, Jacques Wendling9

1ONDRAF/NIRAS, Belgium; 2ULiège, Belgium; 3IRSN, France; 4BGS, UK; 5SCK CEN, Belgium; 6UFZ, Germany; 7NAGRA, Switzerland; 8Nuclear Waste Services, UK; 9Andra, France; 10Université Grenoble-Alpes, France

201-Levasseur-EURAD-GAS, a step forward in understanding gas transport.pdf

9:00am - 9:20am
ID: 167 / Plenary #4: 002

Ten years of laboratory gas testing in Boom Clay at the UPC/CIMNE Geotechnical Laboratory

Laura Gonzalez-Blanco1,2, Enrique Romero2,1, Séverine Levasseur3

1International Centre for Numerical Methods in Engineering (CIMNE), Spain; 2Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC), Spain; 3Belgian Agency for Radioactive Waste and Enriched Fissile Materials (ONDRAF/NIRAS), Belgium

167-Gonzalez-Blanco-Ten years of laboratory gas testing in Boom Clay at the UPCCIMNE Geotechnical.pdf

9:20am - 9:40am
ID: 366 / Plenary #4: 003

Advective gas migration in Opalinus Clay at the Mont Terri URL

Robert Cuss1, Jocelyn Gisiger2, Antonio Rinaldi3, Manuel Sentis4, Andrew Wiseall5, Jon Harrington1

1British Geological Survey, United Kingdom; 2Solexperts AG, Mönchaltorf, Switzerland; 3ETH Zurich, Swiss Seismological Service, Zurich, Switzerland; 4Swiss Federal Nuclear Safety Inspectorate (ENSI), Brugg, Switzerland; 5Now at Nuclear Waste Services, United Kingdom

366-Cuss-Advective gas migration in Opalinus Clay at the Mont Terri URL.pdf

9:40am - 10:00am
ID: 314 / Plenary #4: 004

Molecular scale understanding of gas transport in clays

Sergey Churakov1,2, Jerry Owusu1,2, Athanasios Mokos1, Konstantinos Karalis2, Nikolaos Prasianakis1

1Paul Scherrer Institute, Switzerland; 2University of Berne, Switzerland

314-Churakov-Molecular scale understanding of gas transport in clays.pdf
10:00am - 10:30amCoffee Break
Location: Eilenriedehalle A
10:30am - 12:00pmPlenary #5: Competence building and transfer
Location: Eilenriedehalle B
Session Chair: Juan Carlos Mayor, Enresa, Spain
Session Chair: Astrid Göbel, BGE, Germany
Invited Keynote: Christophe Bruggeman (Belgian Nuclear Research Center) "Competence building in the frame of radioactive waste management: challenges and expectations"
10:30am - 11:00am
Invited Keynote
ID: 457 / Plenary #5: 001

Competence building in the frame of radioactive waste management: challenges and expectations

Christophe Bruggeman

SCK CEN, Belgian Nuclear Research Center, Belgium

457-Bruggeman-Competence building in the frame of radioactive waste management.pdf

11:00am - 11:20am
ID: 330 / Plenary #5: 002

High performance reactive transport model for cement-claystone interface simulations

Micha Baur1,2, Sergey Churakov1,2, Nikolaos Prasianakis1

1Laboratory for Waste Management, Paul Scherrer Institute; 2University of Bern, Institute of Geological Sciences

330-Baur-High performance reactive transport model for cement-claystone interface.pdf

11:20am - 11:40am
ID: 392 / Plenary #5: 003

Hydro-chemo-mechanical and transport coupled phenomenon to explain overpressure in Callovo-Oxfordien clay formation

Lucile Rouïl1,2,3, Stephane Gaboreau2, Julio Gonçalvès3, Jean Talandier1, Jean-Charles Robinet1

1Andra, France; 2BRGM, France; 3CNRS, France

392-Rouïl-Hydro-chemo-mechanical and transport coupled phenomenon.pdf

11:40am - 12:00pm
ID: 210 / Plenary #5: 004

Towards site specific R&D to underpin the management of gas generation in a UK Geological Disposal Facility (GDF)

Andy Cooke1, Simon Norris1, Ben Swift2, Joseph Elmes2, Pedram Mahzari2

1Nuclear Waste Services, United Kingdom; 2Jacobs, United Kingdom

210-Cooke-Towards site specific R&D to underpin the management.pdf
12:00pm - 12:30pm2 min poster presentation #3
Location: Eilenriedehalle B
12:00pm - 12:02pm
2 min poster
ID: 2319

Insights into the Interactions of Clay Minerals and Humic Acids: A Molecular Dynamics Study

Kanato Matsushima1, Yuta Fukatsu2, Takamitsu Ishidera2, Ayano Eguchi2, Kenji Yotsuji2, Yukio Tachi3, Takahiro Ohkubo1

1Graduate School of Engineering, Chiba University, Japan; 2Nuclear Fuel Cycle Engineering Laboratories, Japan Atomic Energy Agency, Japan; 3Horonobe Underground Research Center, Japan Atomic Energy Agency, Japan

2319-Matsushima-Insights into the Interactions of Clay Minerals and Humic Acids_Video.mp4
2319-Matsushima-Insights into the Interactions of Clay Minerals and Humic Acids_Abstract.pdf

12:02pm - 12:04pm
2 min poster
ID: 2221

Tracking bentonite-water interactions by stable-H- and O-isotope exchange over a thermal gradient: First isotopic results from the Alternative Buffer Materials 2 and 5 bentonites

Nadine J. Kanik1, Fred J. Longstaffe2, Arkadiusz Derkowski1, H. Albert Gilg3

1Institute of Geological Sciences, PAS, Poland; 2The University of Western Ontario; 3Technical University of Munich

2221-Kanik-Tracking bentonite-water interactions by stable-H- and O-isotope exchange over a_Video.mp4
2221-Kanik-Tracking bentonite-water interactions by stable-H- and O-isotope exchange over a_Abstract.pdf

12:04pm - 12:06pm
2 min poster
ID: 2139

Experimental Study on Evaluation Method of Apparent Erosion Rate Constant of Bentonite using X-ray CT Images

Norihisa Osawa1, Tomoko Ishii1,2, Kenji Ishii3, Yuichi Niibori2

1Taiheiyo Consultant Co., Ltd., Japan; 2Tohoku University, Japan; 3Kajima Corporation, Japan

2139-Osawa-Experimental Study on Evaluation Method of Apparent Erosion Rate Constant_Video.mp4
2139-Osawa-Experimental Study on Evaluation Method of Apparent Erosion Rate Constant_Abstract.pdf

12:06pm - 12:08pm
2 min poster
ID: 2373

The Hydro-mechanical Interaction between Different Tunnel Support Strategies and the Excavation Damaged Zone (EDZ)

Sina Shivaei1, Maximilian Schoen1, Arash Alimardani Lavasan2, Torsten Wichtmann1

1Chair of Soil Mechanics, Foundation Engineering and Environmental Geotechnics, Ruhr University Bochum, Bochum, Germany; 2Department of Civil Engineering, Luxembourg University, Luxembourg, Luxembourg

2373-Shivaei-The Hydro-mechanical Interaction between Different Tunnel Support Strategies and the_Video.mp4
2373-Shivaei-The Hydro-mechanical Interaction between Different Tunnel Support Strategies and the_Abstract.pdf

12:08pm - 12:10pm
2 min poster
ID: 2151

Gas transport along granite/bentonite interfaces

Vanesa Gutiérrez Rodrigo, Pedro Luis Martín Martín, María Victoria Villar Galicia


2151-Gutiérrez Rodrigo-Gas transport along granitebentonite interfaces_Video.mp4
2151-Gutiérrez Rodrigo-Gas transport along granitebentonite interfaces_Abstract.pdf
12:30pm - 1:30pmLunch Break
Location: Eilenriedehalle A
1:30pm - 2:30pmPoster exhibition #3
Location: Eilenriedehalle A
ID: 1463

What limits the temperature at canister surface in clay-based HLRW concepts? – Discussion in an international context

Saleem Chaudry, Reiner Dohrmann, Robert Lippmann

State Authority for Mining, Energy and Geology (LBEG), Hannover, Germany

1463-Chaudry-What limits the temperature at canister surface in clay-based HLRW concepts –.pdf

ID: 299

The role of bentonite in the high-level radioactive waste repository design

Eva-Maria Gottron, Merle Bjorge, Stephen Klimke, Marc Wengler, Anne Bartetzko, Wolfram Rühaak

Federal Company for Radioactive Waste Disposal (BGE), Germany

299-Gottron-The role of bentonite in the high-level radioactive waste repository design.pdf

ID: 402

Preliminary design of a disposal facility for high-level radioactive waste in claystone

Michael Werres1, Stephen Klimke1, Dominik Gottron1, Frederik Fahrendorf1, Niklas Bertrams2, Thomas Lohser1, Wolfram Rühaak1

1Bundesgesellschaft für Endlagerung mbH, Germany; 2BGE Technology GmbH, Germany

402-Werres-Preliminary design of a disposal facility for high-level radioactive waste.pdf

ID: 132

Characterization of the Lower Cambrian and the Lower Triassic clayey formations in terms of the potential for the sitting of Deep Geological Repository of radioactive waste in Lithuania

Jurga Lazauskienė1,2, Jolanta Čyžienė2

1Vilnius University, Lithuania; 2Lithuanian Geological Survey under Ministry of Environment

132-Lazauskienė-Characterization of the Lower Cambrian and the Lower Triassic clayey formations.pdf

ID: 302

Geological variability of the Opalinuston-Formation in Southern Germany: new insights from the research project SEPIA

Thomas Mann1, Tilo Kneuker1, Géraldine Nicole Zimmerli2, Jochen Erbacher1,3, André Bornemann1, Bernhard Schuck1, Reiner Dohrmann1,3, Christoph Neukum1, Lukas Pollok1

1Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources (BGR), Hannover, Germany; 2Department of Geosciences, University of Fribourg, 1700 Fribourg, Switzerland; 3State Authority for Mining, Energy and Geology (LBEG), Hannover, Germany

302-Mann-Geological variability of the Opalinuston-Formation.pdf

ID: 191



GeoRem Oy, Finland


ID: 280

Kiirunavaara Ca-smectite, northern Sweden: a natural analogue of long-term clay stability

Raphael Schneeberger1, Ulf. B Andersson2, Albert Gilg3, Illya Bindeman4, Reiner Dohrmann5, Sirpa Kumpulainen6, Leena Kiviranta6, W. Crawford Elliott7, J. Marion Wampler7, Cyprian Ozigbo8, Igor Villa9, Tsubasa Otake10, Ryosuke Kikuchi10, Tatsuya Fujimura11, Tsutomu Sato10, Satoru Suzuki12, Takahiro Goto12, Shuhei Nemoto12, Rizlan Bernier-Latmani13, Natalia Jakus13, Russell W. Alexander14, Nicolas Michau15, Mehran Behazin16, Alex Hughes17, Simon Norris17, Ville Heino18, Patrik Sellin19, Daniel Svensson19, Olivier X. Leupin1

1Nagra, Switzerland; 2LKAB, Sweden; 3Technische Universität München, Germany; 4University of Oregon, USA; 5BGR, Germany; 6Mitta, Finland; 7Georgia State University, USA; 8Columbine Corporation, USA; 9University of Bern, Switzerland and University of Milan Bicocca, Italy; 10Faculty of Engineering, Hokkaido University, Japan; 11Graduate School of Engineering, Hokkaido University, Japan (currently: Civil Engineering Department, Nuclear Facilities Division, Taisei Corporation, Japan); 12NUMO, Japan; 13EPFL, Switzerland.; 14Bedrock Geosciences, Switzerland; 15Andra, France; 16NWMO, Canada; 17NWS, UK; 18Posiva, Finland; 19SKB, Sweden

280-Schneeberger-Kiirunavaara Ca-smectite, northern Sweden.pdf

ID: 278

Unveiling early diagenetic carbonate precipitation: Sequential C-isotope analysis of calcite and siderite in Opalinus Clay

Stephan Wohlwend1, Lukas Aschwanden1, Carmen Zwahlen1, Martin Mazurek1, Gaudenz Deplazes2

1Institute of Geological Sciences, University of Bern, 3012 Bern, Switzerland; 2Nagra, 5430 Wettingen, Switzerland

278-Wohlwend-Unveiling early diagenetic carbonate precipitation.pdf

ID: 340

Geochemistry of pore waters in Opalinus Clay at the Mont Terri Rock Laboratory within the Bitumen-Nitrate-Clay interaction experiment

Torben Weyand1, Michael Jendras1, Katrien Hendrix2, Nele Bleyen2

1Bundesamt für die Sicherheit der nuklearen Entsorgung (BASE), Germany; 2Belgian Nuclear Research Centre (SCK CEN), Belgium

340-Weyand-Geochemistry of pore waters in Opalinus Clay at the Mont Terri Rock Laboratory.pdf

ID: 361

39Ar and 37Ar in deep groundwater: Evaluation regarding young components, cross-formation flow and in-situ production

Daniel Rufer1, Roland Purtschert2, H. Niklaus Waber3, Michael Heidinger4, Daniel Traber5, Jens Becker5

1Institute of Geological Sciences, University of Bern, Bern, Switzerland; 2Climate & Environmental Physics, Physics Institute, University of Bern, Bern, Switzerland; 3WaterGeoChem Consulting, Bern, Switzerland; 4Hydroisotop GmbH, Schweitenkirchen, Germany; 5Nagra, Wettingen, Switzerland

361-Rufer-39Ar and 37Ar in deep groundwater.pdf

ID: 355

Geochemical profiles in the hydrogeological system of the Opalinus Clay at Mont Terri, Switzerland

Marie Bonitz1, Anja Maria Schleicher2, Theresa Hennig1, David Jaeggi4, Michael Kühn1,3

1GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences, Fluid Systems Modelling, Potsdam, Germany; 2GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences, Inorganic and Isotope Geochemistry, Potsdam, Germany; 3University of Potsdam, Institute of Geosciences, Potsdam, Germany; 4Federal Office of Topography Swisstopo, Wabern, Switzerland

355-Schleicher-Geochemical profiles in the hydrogeological system.pdf

Appl. Poster Award
ID: 177

Crushed claystone used as material for the construction of EBS-components in repositories for nuclear waste – A generic methodology for material selection

Marvin Middelhoff

Gesellschaft für Anlagen- und Reaktorsicherheit (GRS) gGmbH, Germany

177-Middelhoff-Crushed claystone used as material for the construction_Abstract.pdf

ID: 297

Rock mass response to processes in a Sandwich shaft sealing system

Jürgen Hesser1, Matthias Hinze2, Markus Furche1, David Jaeggi3, Senecio Schefer3

1Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources (BGR), Germany; 2Gesellschaft für Anlagen- und Reaktorsicherheit (GRS) gGmbH, Germany; 3Bundesamt für Landestopografie (swisstopo), Switzerland

297-Hesser-Rock mass response to processes in a Sandwich shaft sealing system.pdf

Appl. Poster Award
ID: 235

Modelling sulfide corrosion in the Swiss HLW repository under various repository settings

Jin Ma1, Paul Wersin1, Nikitas Diomidis2

1University of Bern, Switzerland; 2Nagra, Switzerland

235-Ma-Modelling sulfide corrosion in the Swiss HLW repository under various repository_Abstract.pdf

ID: 119

As-Placed Dry Density of Gap Fill Material in Overbreak Zones within the Placement Room


Nuclear Waste Management Organization, Canada

119-KIM-As-Placed Dry Density of Gap Fill Material in Overbreak Zones.pdf

ID: 427

Excavation of the Konrad 2 shaft landing station in a clay and marl claystone: geotechnical challenges and support solutions

Stephan Gehne1, Mike Lieske1, Jan Bauer1, Rainer Weißmann1, Mirko Polster2, Volker Busse1

1Bundesgesellschaft für Endlagerung mbH, Germany; 2BGE TECHNOLOGY GmbH, Germany

427-Polster-Excavation of the Konrad 2 shaft landing station in a clay and marl claystone.pdf

ID: 434

Feedback on the multi-scale mechanical and technical demonstration of drift construction at the French URL

Jad Zghondi, Gilles Armand, Jana Jaber, Minh-ngoc Vu, Jan Cornet, Carlos Plua, Roy Chaaya

Andra, France

434-Zghondi-Feedback on the multi-scale mechanical and technical demonstration.pdf

ID: 195

A wireless data transmission system for the future deep geological repository

José Luis García-Siñeriz1, Susana Tuñón1, María Rey1, Juan Carlos Mayor2, Katja Emmerich3, Matthias Hinze4, David Jaeggi5, Senecio Schefer5

1Amphos 21 Consulting S.L., Spain; 2Empresa nacional de residuos radiactivos (Enresa), Spain; 3Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), IMB/MPA/CMM, Karlsruhe, Germany; 4Gesellschaft für Anlagen- und Reaktorsicherheit (GRS) gGmbH, Braunschweig, Germany; 5Bundesamt für Landestopografie (swisstopo), St-Ursanne, Switzerland

195-García-Siñeriz-A wireless data transmission system for the future deep geological repository.pdf

ID: 317

Observation of saturation processes in the Sandwich experiment with ERT (URL Mont Terri)

Markus Furche

Bundesanstalt für Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe, Germany

317-Furche-Observation of saturation processes in the Sandwich experiment with ERT.pdf

Appl. Poster Award
ID: 442

Influence of polysulfide radicals in measuring corrosion rates of a carbon steel API 5L X65 in contact with cement grout in future nucle-ar waste disposal program

Yendoube Charles SANO MOYEME1, Stéphanie BETELU1, Johan BERTRAND2, Stéphane GABOREAU1, Karine GROENEN-SERRANO3

1BRGM, Orléans, France; 2ANDRA, Châtelet-Malabry, France; 3LGC, Toulouse, France

442-SANO MOYEME-Influence of polysulfide radicals in measuring corrosion rates_Abstract.pdf

Appl. Poster Award
ID: 290

Estimating Water Retention of Compacted Bentonite with Cat-Boost: Integrating Physical Model Residuals and Penalized Learning

Muntasir Shehab, Reza Taherdangkoo, Christoph Butscher

Institute of Geotechnics, TU Bergakademie Freiberg, Gustav-Zeuner-Str. 1,Freiberg, 09599, Germany

290-Shehab-Estimating Water Retention of Compacted Bentonite with Cat-Boost_Abstract.pdf

ID: 261

Full-Scale In-Situ System Test (FISST) at the Finnish spent nuclear fuel disposal facility. Analysis and simulation.

Xavier Pintado1, Mika Niskanen2

1Mitta Engineering Oy, Finland; 2Posiva Oy, Finland

261-Pintado-Full-Scale In-Situ System Test.pdf

ID: 146


Stéphane Brassinnes1, Marta López-García2, Darío Pérez2, Maria Abada2, Irene Canals2, Albert Nardi2, Lara Duro2, David García2

1Belgian Agency for Radioactive Waste and Enriched Fissile Materials (ONDRAF/NIRAS); 2Amphos21


ID: 155

Numerical analysis of permeability in sphere-platelet mixtures

Ryunosuke Oishi1, Tsubasa Yagi2, Otono Miura1, Shusaku Harada1

1Hokkaido University, Japan; 2Radioactive Waste Management Funding and Research Center, Japan

155-Yagi-Numerical analysis of permeability in sphere-platelet mixtures.pdf

ID: 193

Trace elements in Dutch Paleogene clays

Erika Neeft1, Thilo Behrends2, Alwina Hoving3, Jasper Griffioen3, Anne-Catherine Dieudonné4, Phil Vardon4, Marja Vuorio1

1COVRA, Netherlands, The; 2Utrecht University; 3TNO; 4Delft University of Technology

193-Neeft-Trace elements in Dutch Paleogene clays.pdf

ID: 268

Effect of environmental conditions on the sorption of 241Am(III) on natural clayrocks and their main constituents

Liesbeth Van Laer1, Dorien Verhaegen1, Greet Verstrepen1, Delphine Durce1, Norbert Maes1, Stéphane Brassinnes2

1SCK CEN, Belgium; 2NIRAS/ONDRAF, Belgium

268-Van Laer-Effect of environmental conditions on the sorption.pdf

Appl. Poster Award
ID: 307

Radionuclide transport in variably water-saturated compacted clays: a pore-scale view

Yuankai Yang1, Ravi A. Patel2, Yaoting Zhang3, Nikolaos I. Prasianakis4, Jenna Poonoosamy1, Guido Deissmann1, Sergey V. Churakov4,5, Dirk Bosbach1

1Forschungszentrum Jülich, Germany; 2Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Germany; 3Queen’s University, Canada; 4Paul Scherrer Institut, Switzerland; 5University of Bern, Switzerland

307-Yang-Radionuclide transport in variably water-saturated compacted clays_Abstract.pdf

Appl. Poster Award
ID: 319

Insights into the Interactions of Clay Minerals and Humic Acids: A Molecular Dynamics Study

Kanato Matsushima1, Yuta Fukatsu2, Takamitsu Ishidera2, Ayano Eguchi2, Kenji Yotsuji2, Yukio Tachi3, Takahiro Ohkubo1

1Graduate School of Engineering, Chiba University, Japan; 2Nuclear Fuel Cycle Engineering Laboratories, Japan Atomic Energy Agency, Japan; 3Horonobe Underground Research Center, Japan Atomic Energy Agency, Japan

319-Matsushima-Insights into the Interactions of Clay Minerals and Humic Acids_Video.mp4
319-Matsushima-Insights into the Interactions of Clay Minerals and Humic Acids_Abstract.pdf

Appl. Poster Award
ID: 346

Transport Properties of Water in a Polydisperse Coarse-Grained Model of Sodium Montmorillonite

Yaoting Zhang1, Mikaella Brillantes2, Justine Kuczera1, Keyvan Ferasat1, Scott Briggs3, Chang Seok Kim3, Jason D. Giallonardo3, Thomas G. Tranter4, George Opletal5, Yuankai Yang6, Jane Howe2, Laurent K. Beland1

1Department of Mechanical and Materials Engineering, Queen’s University, Kingston, Canada.; 2Department of Materials Science and Engineering, University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada; 3Nuclear Waste Management Organization, Toronto, Canada; 4Ionworks Technologies Inc, Pittsburgh, United States of America; 5Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization, Data61, Melbourne, Australia; 6Institute of Energy and Climate Research – Nuclear Waste Management (IEK-6) and JARA-CSD, Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH, Jülich, Germany

346-Zhang-Transport Properties of Water in a Polydisperse Coarse-Grained Model_Abstract.pdf

ID: 406

Comparison of experimental diffusion data of various cationic elements in rock samples from the deep-hole drilling campaign in northern Switzerland with model predictions by the ClaySorDif model

Martin A. Glaus1, Petar Bunic1, Dmitrii A. Kulik1, Cyrill Lang1, George D. Miron1, Luc R. Van Loon1, Raphael A.J. Wüst2

1Paul Scherrer Institut, Switzerland; 2Nagra, Switzerland

406-Glaus-Comparison of experimental diffusion data of various cationic elements.pdf

ID: 389

Iron(II)-montmorillonite interaction: experimental results and model-ling for dispersed and compacted systems

Jebril HADI1, Mirjam KICZKA1, Andreas JENNI1, Paul WERSIN1, Jules GOETHALS2, Jean-Marc GRENECHE3, Olivier LEUPIN4, Nikitas DIOMIDIS4

1Institute of Geological Sciences, University of Bern, Bern, Switzerland; 2Laboratoire Subatech, Nantes, France; 3Le Mans Université, Le Mans, France; 4Nagra, Wettingen, Switzerland

389-HADI-Iron(II)-montmorillonite interaction.pdf

ID: 418

Electrostatic interactions at clay mineral surfaces: linking geochem-istry with geomechanical properties

Christophe Tournassat1,2, Wenming Dong2, Nicolas Marty3, Sylvain Grangeon3, Carl Steefel2

1Institut des Sciences de la Terre d’Orléans, Université d’Orléans, CNRS, BRGM, OSUC, Orléans 45071, France; 2Earth and Environmental Sciences Area, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, CA, USA; 3BRGM, Orléans, France

418-Tournassat-Electrostatic interactions at clay mineral surfaces.pdf

ID: 323

Transport experiments in claystone: electrostatic effects and preferential pathways

Andreas Jenni1, Mirjam Kiczka1, Carmen Zwahlen1, Urs Mäder2, Hans Meeussen3, Thomas Gimmi1,4

1University of Bern, Bern, Switzerland; 2Rock-Water Consulting, Boll, Switzerland; 3NRG, Petten, the Netherlands; 4Laboratory for Waste Management, Paul Scherrer Institut, Villigen, Switzerland

323-Jenni-Transport experiments in claystone.pdf

ID: 162

Experimental investigation of the changes in transport properties of Opalinus claystone/concrete interface samples from the Mont Terri CI experiment

Norbert Maes1, Quoc Tri Phung1, Thi Nhan Nguyen1,2, Anneleen Vanleeuw1

1SCK CEN, Belgium; 2KULeuven, Belgium

162-Maes-Experimental investigation of the changes in transport properties.pdf

ID: 291

Cement-Bentonite Interaction with Different Cement Materials at Elevated Temperatures 1: Experiments

Ryohei Kawakita1, Sohtaro Anraku1, Yuji Hanamachi2, Seiichiro Mitsui1, Hiroshi Sasamoto1, Morihiro Mihara1

1Japan Atomic Energy Agency, Japan; 2QJ Science Ltd., Japan

291-Kawakita-Cement-Bentonite Interaction with Different Cement Materials.pdf

ID: 411

Gains and losses of exchangeable cations in ‘alternative bentonite buffer material in-situ tests’ (ABM-1, -2 and -5) after heating from 140 °C to 250 °C - what has caused observed differences?

Reiner Dohrmann1,2, Jens Gröger-Trampe1,2, Stephan Kaufhold2

1LBEG, Germany; 2BGR, Germany

411-Dohrmann-Gains and losses of exchangeable cations in ‘alternative bentonite buffer material.pdf

ID: 430

Evolution of microbial populations under the influence of increasing temperature in the Callovian-Oxfordian clay-rich rock

Mélanie Lundy1, Marc Labat2, Sylvie Daumas3, Stefan Wechner4, Yannick Linard1

1Andra, France; 2Aix-Marseille Université, France; 3CFG, France; 4Hydroisotop GmbH, Germany

430-Lundy-Evolution of microbial populations under the influence.pdf

ID: 217

Differences between the basal spacings of random powder patterns and air-dried oriented aggregates of bentonite samples

Ana Beatriz Zabala1, María Victoria Villar1, Jaime F. Cuevas2

1CIEMAT, Spain; 2UAM, Spain

217-Cuevas-Differences between the basal spacings of random powder patterns and air-dried.pdf

Appl. Poster Award
ID: 246

Hydrogeochemical processes occurring in excavated argillaceous rocks stored at the surface as heaps and consequences on water chemistry

Myriam I. Agnel1, Adrien Schwindt1, Mathieu Debure2, Joachim Tremosa3, Yves Thiry1, Paul-Olivier Redon1

1Andra, Centre de Meuse/Haute-Marne, 55290 Bure, France; 2BRGM, French Geological Survey, 3 av. Claude-Guillemin, 45060 Orléans, France; 3Geostock, 92500 Rueil-Malmaison, France

246-Agnel-Hydrogeochemical processes occurring in excavated argillaceous rocks stored_Abstract.pdf

ID: 265

A mechanistic understanding of bentonite alteration at corroding iron interfaces

Haydn Martin Haynes1, Graham Kenyon1, James Hesketh1, Cristiano Padovani1, Lorraine Field2, Nikitas Diomidis3

1Jacobs Clean Energy, Didcot, United Kingdom; 2British Geological Survey, Keyworth, United Kingdom; 3Nagra, Wettingen, Switzerland

265-Haynes-A mechanistic understanding of bentonite alteration.pdf

ID: 301

Mutual effects of pH, matrix elements and organic ligands on the mobility of U(VI) in bentonite systems

Katja Schmeide1, Thimo Philipp1,2, Claudia Sieber1, Nina Huittinen1

1Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden - Rossendorf, Institute of Resource Ecology, Germany; 2Present address: Federal Office for the Safety of Nuclear Waste Management (BASE), Germany

301-Schmeide-Mutual effects of pH, matrix elements and organic ligands.pdf

ID: 375

Quantitative analysis of the mineralogical composition of bentonites by full pattern fitting using the powdR package

Stephen Hillier1,2, Stephan Kaufhold3, Kristian Ufer3, Jan Dietel4, Adrián Lorenzo5, Mercedes Suárez5

1James Hutton Institute, United Kingdom; 2Department of Soil and Environment, SLU, Uppsala, Sweden; 3BGR, Hannover, Germany; 4Landeslabor Berlin-Brandenburg, Berlin, Germany; 5Universidad de Salamanca, Salamanca, Spain

375-Hillier-Quantitative analysis of the mineralogical composition.pdf

ID: 396

Acidification and CO2-degassing in bentonites triggered by oxida-tion of Fe(II)–containing minerals

Stefan Dultz

Leibniz Universität Hannover, Germany

396-Dultz-Acidification and CO2-degassing in bentonites triggered.pdf

ID: 437

Dynamic and static experiments for the identification of the effect of transient processes on corrosion

Ana María Fernández, Ursula Alonso, Paula Nieto, Manuel Mingarro, Tiziana Missana


437-Fernández-Dynamic and static experiments for the identification of the effect.pdf

ID: 152

Effect of organic molecules on radionuclide retention in COx clay rock: the case of Ni-TBP/EDTA mixtures

Romain V.H. Dagnelie1, Marwa Assaf1, Emilie Thory1, Pierre Henocq2

1Université Paris-Saclay, CEA, Service de Physico-Chimie, 91191, Gif-sur-Yvette; 2Andra, R&D Division, parc de la Croix Blanche, 92298, Châtenay-Malabry

152-Dagnelie-Effect of organic molecules on radionuclide retention.pdf

ID: 386

Distorting mirrors – new perspectives on the layer charge reduction phenomena in heat-treated smectites: implications for CEC measurements in bentonites

Artur Kuligiewicz, Arkadiusz Derkowski, Nadine J. Kanik

Institute of Geological Sciences, Polish Academy of Sciences, Poland

386-Kuligiewicz-Distorting mirrors – new perspectives on the layer charge reduction phenomena.pdf

ID: 367

Self-sealing potential of fractures as a result of hydration, shear, and temperature

Robert Cuss1, Andrew Wiseall2, Jon Harrington1

1British Geological Survey, United Kingdom; 2now at Nuclear Waste Services, United Kingdom

367-Cuss-Self-sealing potential of fractures as a result of hydration, shear, and.pdf

Appl. Poster Award
ID: 192

Effect of Sodium Occupancy and Solute Concentration on the Swelling Behaviour of Poorly Indurated Boom Clay

Hassan AL MAIS1,2,3, Frederic COLLIN1, Yu-Jun CUI2, XiangLing LI3, Elie VALCKE3, Lian WANG3, Suresh SEETHARAM3, Temenuga GEORGIEVA3

1Université de Liège, Belgium; 2Ecole des Ponts et Chaussées, Champs-sur-Marne, France; 3SCK-CEN, Mol, Belgium

192-AL MAIS-Effect of Sodium Occupancy and Solute Concentration_Abstract.pdf

Appl. Poster Award
ID: 286

The anisotropic creep behaviour and the long-term strength of Opalinus Clay

Lina Gotzen1, Lisa Winhausen1, Mohammadreza Jalali1, Florian Amann1,2

1Department of Engineering Geology and Hydrogeology, RWTH Aachen, Germany; 2Fraunhofer Research Institution for Energy Infrastructures and Geothermal Systems IEG, Germany

286-Gotzen-The anisotropic creep behaviour and the long-term strength_Abstract.pdf

ID: 331

Numerical analyses of geological barrier integrity under parameter uncertainty

Jan Thiedau, Maximilian Bittens, Maßmann Jobst, Mayr Sibylle

Bundesanstalt für Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe, Germany

331-Thiedau-Numerical analyses of geological barrier integrity under parameter uncertainty.pdf

ID: 374

Assessment of in-situ heater experiments conducted in the Callo-vo-Oxfordian claystone based on the French high-level radioactive waste disposal concept

Carlos Plúa1, Minh-Ngoc Vu2, Frédéric Bumbieler2, Armand Gilles1

1Andra, Meuse/Haute-Marne Underground Research Laboratory, Bure, France; 2Andra, Châtenay-Malabry, France

374-Plúa-Assessment of in-situ heater experiments conducted.pdf

ID: 121

HE-E heating experiment in the Mont Terri rock laboratory - sampling of a hot, unconsolidated granular bentonite buffer after 12 years of heating during continued operation

Florian Kober1, Urs Mäder2, Maria Villar3, Bill Lanyon4

1Nagra, Switzerland; 2Rock Water Consulting, Boll, Switzerland; 3CIEMAT, Madrid, Spain; 4Fracture Systems Ltd., St. Ives, Great Britain

121-Kober-HE-E heating experiment in the Mont Terri rock laboratory.pdf

ID: 419

A standard thermodynamic-based extension of the Modified Cam-Clay model for plastic-viscoplastic geomaterials

Simon Raude, Goustan Bacquaert, Kyrylo Kazymyrenko, David Haboussa

EDF, France

419-Raude-A standard thermodynamic-based extension of the Modified Cam-Clay model.pdf

ID: 148

Enhancements to a Hydromechanical Material Model for Compacted Bentonite

Ola Kristensson1, Mattias Åkesson2

1Clay Technology, Lund, Sweden; 2Swedish Nuclear Fuel and Waste Management Co, Solna, Sweden

148-Kristensson-Enhancements to a Hydromechanical Material Model for Compacted Bentonite.pdf

ID: 381

Numerical analysis of the re-saturation of bentonites under isothermal and non-isothermal conditions using a double-porosity model

Ramon Vasconcelos1, Antonio Gens1, Carlos Eduardo Rodríguez1, Jean Vaunat1, María Victoria Villar2

1Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC) - CIMNE, Barcelona, Spain; 2Centro de Investigaciones Energéticas, Medioambientales y Tecnológicas (CIEMAT), Madrid, Spain

381-Vaunat-Numerical analysis of the re-saturation of bentonites under isothermal and.pdf

Appl. Poster Award
ID: 203





ID: 215

Geochemical modelling of mineral-water reaction between Bavarian bentonite B25 and Opalinus clay pore solution

Kyra Jantschik, Artur Meleshyn

GRS gGmbH, Germany

215-Jantschik-Geochemical modelling of mineral-water reaction between Bavarian bentonite B25 and.pdf

ID: 239

Thermochemical alterations in montmorillonite: Experiment constraints in the presence of organic anion ligands

Ritwick Sudheer Kumar, Laurence N. Warr, Georg H. Grathoff, Balu R. Thombare

University of Greifswald, Institute for Geography and Geology, Department of Economic Geology and Mineralogy, Greifswald, Germany

239-Grathoff-Thermochemical alterations in montmorillonite.pdf

Appl. Poster Award
ID: 221

Tracking bentonite-water interactions by stable-H- and O-isotope exchange over a thermal gradient: First isotopic results from the Alternative Buffer Materials 2 and 5 bentonites

Nadine J. Kanik1, Fred J. Longstaffe2, Arkadiusz Derkowski1, H. Albert Gilg3

1Institute of Geological Sciences, PAS, Poland; 2The University of Western Ontario; 3Technical University of Munich

221-Kanik-Tracking bentonite-water interactions by stable-H- and O-isotope exchange over a_Video.mp4
221-Kanik-Tracking bentonite-water interactions by stable-H- and O-isotope exchange over a_Abstract.pdf

ID: 336

Engineered Barrier 200C – High temperature in-situ experiment

Jiří Svoboda, Radek Vašíček

Czech Technical University, Czech Republic

336-Svoboda-Engineered Barrier 200C – High temperature in-situ experiment.pdf

ID: 354

Modeling of the HotBENT test using COMSOL Multiphysics

Daniel Malmberg1, Alex Spetz1, Chang Seok Kim2

1Clay Technology Lund AB, Sweden; 2Nuclear Waste Management Organisation, Canada

354-Malmberg-Modeling of the HotBENT test using COMSOL Multiphysics.pdf

Appl. Poster Award
ID: 456

Modelling the Disturbed Rock Zone behaviour in a Deep Geological Repository

Nandini Adla, Pavan Kumar Bhukya, Dali Naidu Arnepalli

Deaprtment of Civil Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Madras, India

456-Bhukya-Modelling the Disturbed Rock Zone behaviour in a Deep Geological Repository_Abstract.pdf

ID: 140

Elastic-plastic components in void ratio with suction

Tomoyoshi Nishimura1, Hanbing Bian2, Isam Shahrour3

1Ashikaga University, Japan; 2Polytech'Lille, Université de Lille, France; 3Polytech'Lille, Université de Lille, France

140-Nishimura-Elastic-plastic components in void ratio with suction.pdf

ID: 439

Benchmark case for non-isothermal multiphase flow and reactive transport for radioactive waste disposal

Javier Samper1, Alba Mon1, Etienne Ausborde2, Tianfu Xu3, Yu Han3, Milan Hokr4, Asta Narkuniene5, Luis Montenegro1, Brahim Amaziane2, Mustapha Elossmani2, Y Yuan3, Jan Sembera4, Povilas Poskas5

1Universidad de A Coruña, Spain; 2E2S UPPA, CNRS, LMAP, Universite de Pau et des Pays de l’Adour, Pau, France; 3College of New Energy and Environment, Jilin University, Changchun 130021, P. R. China; 4Technical University of Liberec (TUL) Czech Republic; 5Lithuanian Energy Institute, Nuclear Engineering Laboratory, Kaunas, Lithuania

439-Samper-Benchmark case for non-isothermal multiphase flow and reactive transport.pdf

Appl. Poster Award
ID: 410

Experimental and numerical modelling of binary bentonite-based mixture compressibility

Arisleidy Mesa-Alcantara1, Enrique Romero1,2, Joel Torres-Serra2, Nadia Mokni3

1International Centre for Numerical Methods in Engineering (CIMNE), Barcelona, Spain; 2Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Barcelona, Spain; 3Institut de Radioprotection et de Sûreté Nucléaire (IRSN), Fontenay-aux-Roses, France

410-Torres-Serra-Experimental and numerical modelling of binary bentonite-based mixture compressibilit_Abstract.pdf

Appl. Poster Award
ID: 421

The influence of faults on the geomechanical properties of Opal-inus Clay – First results from the PF-A experiment

Lisa Winhausen1, Florian Amann1,2, Martin Ziegler3, Chris J. Marone4,5

1Department of Engineering Geology, RWTH Aachen, Germany; 2Fraunhofer Research Institution for Energy Infrastructures and Geothermal Systems IEG, Aachen, Germany; 3Swiss Federal Office of Topography (swisstopo), Mont Terri URL, St-Ursanne, Switzerland; 4Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra La Sapienza Università di Roma, Italy; 5Department of Geosciences, Pennsylvania State University, Pennsylvania, USA

421-Winhausen-The influence of faults on the geomechanical properties_Abstract.pdf

ID: 242

Diffusion of dissolved gases in clay: a collaborative modelling exercise of EURAD GAS

Elke Jacops1, Li Yu1, Joan Govaerts1, Abhishek Gupta2, Michael Pitz3,8, Gesa Ziefle3, Anne-Catherine Dieudonné5, Asta Narkuniene6, Frédéric Collin7, Gilles Corman7, Séverine Levasseur4

1SCK CEN, Belgium; 2Aalto University, Finland; 3BGR, Germany; 4ONDRAF/NIRAS, Belgium; 5TU Delft, The Netherlands; 6Lei, Lithuania; 7ULiège, Belgium; 8TU Bergakademie Freiberg, Germany

242-Jacops-Diffusion of dissolved gases in clay.pdf

Appl. Poster Award
ID: 139

Experimental Study on Evaluation Method of Apparent Erosion Rate Constant of Bentonite using X-ray CT Images

Norihisa Osawa1, Tomoko Ishii1,2, Kenji Ishii3, Yuichi Niibori2

1Taiheiyo Consultant Co., Ltd., Japan; 2Tohoku University, Japan; 3Kajima Corporation, Japan

139-Osawa-Experimental Study on Evaluation Method of Apparent Erosion Rate Constant_Video.mp4
139-Osawa-Experimental Study on Evaluation Method of Apparent Erosion Rate Constant_Abstract.pdf

ID: 164

Modeling of gas propagation along a micro-tunnel in the Meuse / Haute-Marne Underground Research Laboratory

Cécile Coulon1, Guillermo Martinez1, Catherine Yu1, Thomas Cavalera1, Mohamed Hayek1, Rémi de La Vaissière2

1INTERA Incorporated, France/Switzerland/United States; 2ANDRA, Bure, France

164-Yu-Modeling of gas propagation along a micro-tunnel in the Meuse Haute-Marne.pdf

ID: 218

The effect of an alkaline plume on the self-sealing capacity of Boom Clay evidenced by high resolution computed tomography and hy-draulic conductivity measurements

Miroslav Honty1, Ivan Josipovic2, Matthieu N. Boone2, Severine Levasseur3, Xavier Sillen3

1SCK-CEN, Belgian Nuclear Research Center, Mol, Belgium; 2UGent, Department of Physics and Astronomy, Gent University, Belgium; 3ONDRAF/NIRAS, Belgian National Agency for Radioactive Waste and Enriched Fissile Materials, Brussels, Belgium

218-Honty-The effect of an alkaline plume on the self-sealing capacity.pdf

Appl. Poster Award
ID: 350

Modelling gas drainage in argillite pores with SPH method

Kayani Ganeshalingam1,2, Magdalena Dymitrowska1, Djimédo Kondo2

1Institut de Radioprotection et de Sûreté Nucléaire(IRSN), PSE-ENV/SPDR/LETIS, France; 2Institut Jean le Rond d'Alembert, France

350-Ganeshalingam-Modelling gas drainage in argillite pores with SPH method_Abstract.pdf

Appl. Poster Award
ID: 373

The Hydro-mechanical Interaction between Different Tunnel Support Strategies and the Excavation Damaged Zone (EDZ)

Sina Shivaei1, Maximilian Schoen1, Arash Alimardani Lavasan2, Torsten Wichtmann1

1Chair of Soil Mechanics, Foundation Engineering and Environmental Geotechnics, Ruhr University Bochum, Bochum, Germany; 2Department of Civil Engineering, Luxembourg University, Luxembourg, Luxembourg

373-Shivaei-The Hydro-mechanical Interaction between Different Tunnel Support Strategies and the_Video.mp4
373-Shivaei-The Hydro-mechanical Interaction between Different Tunnel Support Strategies and the_Abstract.pdf

Appl. Poster Award
ID: 151

Gas transport along granite/bentonite interfaces

Vanesa Gutiérrez Rodrigo, Pedro Luis Martín Martín, María Victoria Villar Galicia


151-Gutiérrez Rodrigo-Gas transport along granitebentonite interfaces_Video.mp4
151-Gutiérrez Rodrigo-Gas transport along granitebentonite interfaces_Abstract.pdf

Appl. Poster Award
ID: 306

Interactions at the interface between EBS-components of a repository for nuclear waste in claystone formations

Marvin Middelhoff1, Jean Talandier2

1Gesellschaft für Anlagen- und Reaktorsicherheit (GRS) gGmbH, Germany; 2Agence pour la gestion des déchets radioactifs (Andra), France

306-Middelhoff-Interactions at the interface between EBS-components_Abstract.pdf

ID: 388

Mini GAST: Experimental Upscaling of an Engineered Gas Permeable Seal

Enrique Romero1,2, Clara Alvarado2, Antonio Lloret1, Juliana Knobelsdorf2, Thomas Spillmann3

1Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC), Barcelona, Spain; 2International Centre for Numerical Methods in Engineering (CIMNE), Barcelona, Spain; 3National Cooperative for the Disposal of Radioactive Waste (Nagra), Wettingen, Switzerland

388-Romero-Mini GAST.pdf

ID: 416

Laboratory scale experimental assessment of bentonite-sand mixtures

Caroline C. Graham1, Jon F. Harrington1, Qian Zhang1, Jean Talandier2, Remi de La Vaissière2

1British Geological Survey (BGS), United Kingdom; 2Agence nationale pour la gestion des déchets radioactifs (ANDRA), France

416-Graham-Laboratory scale experimental assessment of bentonite-sand mixtures.pdf

ID: 168

Experimental study and numerical modeling of poromechanical be-haviour of Callovo-Oxfordian claystone under drained and undrained conditions

Yuhao ZHANG1, Shouyi XIE1, Jianfu SHAO1, Minh-Ngoc VU2

1University of Lille, France; 2Andra, France

168-SHAO-Experimental study and numerical modeling of poromechanical be-haviour.pdf

Appl. Poster Award
ID: 339

Hydro-mechanical Properties of Rock and Bentonite Mixtures for Gas Management within Geological Disposal Facilities

Elise Wai-Ming Mouat1, Ian L Molnar1, Christopher McDermott1, Bryne Ngwenya1, Clare Bird2, George Towler3

1The University of Edinburgh, United Kingdom; 2Stirling University; 3Quintessa ltd

339-Mouat-Hydro-mechanical Properties of Rock and Bentonite Mixtures_Abstract.pdf
2:30pm - 3:50pmPS #13: HM Processes
Location: Roter Saal
Session Chair: Wiebke Baille, Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Germany
Session Chair: Xavier Sillen, ONDRAF/NIRAS, Belgium
2:30pm - 2:50pm
ID: 189 / PS #13: 001

Hydraulic parameter estimations from borehole testing: evaluating the impact of hydro-mechanical processes in low-permeability clay formations

Luca Urpi1, Rainer Schwarz1, Armin Pechstein2

1CSD Ingenieure AG, Switzerland; 2Nagra, Switzerland

189-Urpi-Hydraulic parameter estimations from borehole testing.pdf

2:50pm - 3:10pm
ID: 285 / PS #13: 002

A physically motivated model concept for the retention behaviour of swelling clayey media in the context of coupled THM simulations

Vinay Kumar1, Steffen Besse1, Thomas Nagel2

1Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources, Hannover, Germany; 2Technische Universität Bergakademie Freiberg, Freiberg, Germany

285-Kumar-A physically motivated model concept for the retention behaviour.pdf

3:10pm - 3:30pm
ID: 181 / PS #13: 003

Changes in swelling pressure distribution on radially swollen bentonite buffer surfaces

Shinya Tachibana1, Tomohide Takeyama1, Atsushi Iizuka1, Daisuke Hayashi2, Hirohito Kikuchi2, Ryo Yasuda2

1Kobe University, Japan; 2Radioactive Waste Management Funding and Research Center, Japan

181-Tachibana-Changes in swelling pressure distribution on radially swollen bentonite buffer.pdf

3:30pm - 3:50pm
ID: 433 / PS #13: 004

Hydro-mechanical behaviour and microstructural evolution of recompacted Opalinus Clay as backfilling material

Alessio Ferrari1, Qazim Llabjani1, Olivier Leupin2, Lyesse Laloui1

1Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne (EPFL), Laboratory of Soil Mechanics, Lausanne, Switzerland; 2Nationale Genossenschaft für die Lagerung radioaktiver Abfälle (NAGRA), Wettingen, Switzerland

433-Ferrari-Hydro-mechanical behaviour and microstructural evolution.pdf
2:30pm - 3:50pmPS #14: Colloid formation from bentonite
Location: Bonatz Saal
Session Chair: Mika Olavi Niskanen, Posiva Oy, Finland
Session Chair: Christophe Tournassat, Universtité d'Orléans (France) / Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (USA), France
2:30pm - 2:50pm
ID: 390 / PS #14: 001

Lessons learned from 25 years of experiments on erosion & colloid formation from compacted bentonite

Ursula Alonso, Tiziana Missana


390-Alonso-Lessons learned from 25 years of experiments on erosion & colloid formation.pdf

2:50pm - 3:10pm
ID: 264 / PS #14: 002

Montmorillonite colloid erosion in low ionic strength water under stagnant and flow conditions studied in artificial fractures

Magnus Hedström1, Ulf Nilsson1, Ralf Lamminmäki2

1Clay Technology, Sweden; 2Posiva Oy, Finland

264-Hedström-Montmorillonite colloid erosion in low ionic strength water under stagnant and flow.pdf

3:10pm - 3:30pm
ID: 113 / PS #14: 003

Numerical modelling of bentonite mass losses due to expansion, erosion, and sedimentation within thin fractures

Arnau Pont1, Virginia Cabrera1, Andrés Idiart1, Mikel Diéguez2, Úrsula Alonso2, Patrik Sellin3, Macarena Leal3

1Amphos 21, Spain; 2CIEMAT, Spain; 3SKB, Sweden

113-Pont-Numerical modelling of bentonite mass losses due to expansion, erosion, and.pdf

3:30pm - 3:50pm
ID: 409 / PS #14: 004

Quantification of bentonite mass loss in shear zone from CT scans using digital rock physics and machine learning approach: example from the LIT experiment (GTS, Switzerland)

Sarah Hupfer1, Janis Pingel1, Bill Lanyon2, Raphael Schneeberger3, Ingo Blechschmidt3, Frieder Enzmann4, Saeid Sadeghnejad1, Thorsten Schäfer1

1Applied Geology, Institute for Geoscience, Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena, Jena, Germany; 2Fracture Systems Ltd., St. Ives, United Kingdom; 3Nagra (National Cooperative for the Disposal of Radioactive Waste), Wettingen, Switzerland; 4Geoscience Institute, Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz, Mainz, Germany

409-Schäfer-Quantification of bentonite mass loss in shear zone.pdf
2:30pm - 3:50pmPS #15: Numerical tools for HMC processes
Location: Blauer Saal
Session Chair: María Victoria Villar, CIEMAT, Spain
Session Chair: Lucie Hausmannova, SÚRAO, Czech Republic
2:30pm - 2:50pm
ID: 240 / PS #15: 001

Hydro-chemo-mechanical modelling of bentonite-based seals - understanding key couplings for long-term performance

Andrés IDIART1, Marcelo LAVIÑA1, Miquel DE LA IGLESIA1, Benoit COCHEPIN2, Nicolas MICHAU2, Jean TALANDIER2

1Amphos 21 Consulting S.L., Barcelona, Spain; 2Andra, Chatenay-Malabry, France

240-IDIART-Hydro-chemo-mechanical modelling of bentonite-based seals.pdf

2:50pm - 3:10pm
ID: 166 / PS #15: 002

Numerical tool for THCM equilibrium conditions in bentonite

Gema Urraca Lara, Adrián Sánchez-Migallón, Rubén López-Vizcaíno, Ángel Yustres, Laura Asensio, Vicente Navarro

Universidad Castilla La-Mancha, Spain

166-Urraca Lara-Numerical tool for THCM equilibrium conditions in bentonite.pdf

3:10pm - 3:30pm
ID: 190 / PS #15: 003

HMC simulation of swelling pressure test on bentonite using the double structure model considering the surface phenomena of mineral crystal

Hiroyuki Kyokawa, Ryuhei Urata

Nagoya Institute of Technology, Japan

190-Kyokawa-HMC simulation of swelling pressure test on bentonite using the double structure.pdf

3:30pm - 3:50pm
ID: 448 / PS #15: 004

VARS global sensitivity analyses of key geochemical variables for the long-term geochemical evolution of a geological repository

Javier Samper1, Carlos López-Vázquez2, Bruno Pisani1, Alba Mon1, Aurora Core Samper-Pilar1, Javier Samper-Pilar1

1Universidad de A Coruña, Spain; 2Universidad ORT Uruguay

448-Samper-VARS global sensitivity analyses of key geochemical variables.pdf
3:50pm - 4:20pmCoffee Break
Location: In front of the lecture halls
4:20pm - 6:00pmPS #16: (T)HM experiments
Location: Roter Saal
Session Chair: Patrik Sellin, SKB, Sweden
Session Chair: Wiebke Baille, Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Germany
4:20pm - 4:40pm
ID: 154 / PS #16: 001

Novel insights into shales and claystones behaviour: results from recent testing campaigns

Eleonora Crisci1, Silvio Giger2

1Nesol Numerical Engineering Solutions, Lausanne, Switzerland; 2Nagra, National Cooperative for the Disposal of Radioactive Waste, Wettingen, Switzerland

154-Crisci-Novel insights into shales and claystones behaviour.pdf

4:40pm - 5:00pm
ID: 304 / PS #16: 002

Innovative use of distributed fibre optics for assessing the strain field evolution of Opalinus Clay during gas invasion

Qazim Llabjani1, Alessio Ferrari1, Paul Marschall2, Lyesse Laloui1

1Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne (EPFL), Laboratory of Soil Mechanics, Lausanne, Switzerland; 2Nationale Genossenschaft für die Lagerung radioaktiver Abfälle (NAGRA), Wettingen, Switzerland

304-Llabjani-Innovative use of distributed fibre optics for assessing the strain field evolution.pdf

5:00pm - 5:20pm
ID: 443 / PS #16: 003

Exploring the thermo-hydro-mechanical behaviour of a plastic deep clayey formation under oedometer conditions

Núria Sau1,2, Enrique Romero2,1, Hervé Van Baelen3

1CIMNE, Spain; 2UPC, Spain; 3ONDRAF/NIRAS, Belgium

443-Sau-Exploring the thermo-hydro-mechanical behaviour of a plastic deep clayey formation.pdf

5:20pm - 5:40pm
ID: 279 / PS #16: 004

Hydro-mechanical behaviour of Boom Clay investigated through high capacity consolidated drained triaxial tests.

Sophie De Kock1, Bertrand François1, Frédéric Collin1, Arnaud Dizier2, Séverine Levasseur3

1Université de Liège, Belgium; 2EURIDICE, Mol, Belgium; 3ONDRAF/NIRAS, Bruxelles, Belgium

279-De Kock-Hydro-mechanical behaviour of Boom Clay investigated through high capacity.pdf

5:40pm - 6:00pm
ID: 276 / PS #16: 005

Thermal effects on the drained triaxial compressive and tensile strengths of a transversely isotropic claystone

Chuanrui Wang1, Christophe de Lesquen2, Minh-Ngoc Vu2, Jean Talandier2, Jianfu Shao1

1University of Lille, France; 2Andra, France

276-Wang-Thermal effects on the drained triaxial compressive and tensile strengths.pdf
4:20pm - 6:00pmPS #17: Repository engineering
Location: Bonatz Saal
Session Chair: Shigeru Kubota, Nuclear Waste Management Organization of Japan, Japan
Session Chair: Amade Halasz, PURAM, Hungary
4:20pm - 4:40pm
ID: 135 / PS #17: 001

The Integrated Geomodel for the Swiss nuclear waste deep geological repository: towards a digital twin for project optimization


NAGRA, Switzerland

135-CLAPS-The Integrated Geomodel for the Swiss nuclear waste deep geological repository.pdf

4:40pm - 5:00pm
ID: 129 / PS #17: 002

Virtual and augmented reality as a cutting-edge technology for modelling of nuclear waste repositories

Kemal Yildizdag, Claus Mindermann, Paul Lorenz

BGE - the Federal Company for Radioactive Waste Disposal, Germany

129-Yildizdag-Virtual and augmented reality as a cutting-edge technology.pdf

5:00pm - 5:20pm
ID: 398 / PS #17: 003

Sand-claystone mixtures: Investigating the impact of sand proportions on hydro-mechanical behavior at different scales


1Université de Lorraine – LEMTA (UMR 7563) CNRS, Vandœuvre-lès-Nancy, France; 2Andra, Châtenay-Malabry, France

398-LEROY-Sand-claystone mixtures.pdf

5:20pm - 5:40pm
ID: 149 / PS #17: 004

Long-term soil-structure interaction for tunnels in poorly indurated clay in the HADES Underground Research Laboratory (Mol, Belgium)

Temenuga Georgieva1, Arnaud Dizier1, Mieke De Craen1, Jan Verstricht1, Dries Nackaerts1, Séverine Levasseur2

1EURIDICE, Belgium; 2ONDRAF/NIRAS, Belgium

149-Georgieva-Long-term soil-structure interaction for tunnels in poorly indurated clay.pdf

5:40pm - 6:00pm
ID: 365 / PS #17: 005

Experimental study on the shear strength and deformation characteristics of normally consolidated reconstituted Boom clay

Bhini Rani Chandan Malagar1, Philip J. Vardon1, André Niemeijer2, Anne-Catherine Dieudonné1

1Delft University of Technology, Delft, The Netherlands; 2Utrecht University, Utrecht, The Netherlands

365-Chandan Malagar-Experimental study on the shear strength and deformation characteristics.pdf
4:20pm - 6:00pmPS #18: Gas related processes
Location: Blauer Saal
Session Chair: Simon Norris, Nuclear Waste Services, United Kingdom
Session Chair: Irina Gaus, Nagra, Switzerland
4:20pm - 4:40pm
ID: 115 / PS #18: 001

NEMESIS: diffusion of dissolved neon in the HADES URL

Elke Jacops1, Li Yu1, Guangjing Chen1,2, Anneleen Vanleeuw1, Temenuga Georgieva2, Xavier Sillen3, Séverine Levasseur3

1SCK CEN, Belgium; 2EURDICE, Belgium; 3ONDRAF/NIRAS, Belgium


4:40pm - 5:00pm
ID: 326 / PS #18: 002

Diffusion measurements in natural and synthetic clay-based materi-als: comparison between volumetrically constrained and isotropically stressed samples with differing mineralogy

Jon Harrington1, Elke Jacops2, Elena Tamayo-Mas1, Andrew Wiseall3, Katherine Daniels4

1British Geological Survey, United Kingdom; 2SCK CEN, Belgium; 3Nuclear Waste Services; 4Cardiff University

326-Wiseall-Diffusion measurements in natural and synthetic clay-based materi-als.pdf

5:00pm - 5:20pm
ID: 122 / PS #18: 003

Full-3D THM-G Modelling of Gas Permeable Seal Test (GAST) Under Localized Gas Flow Configuration

Erdem Toprak1, Sebastia Olivella2, Enrique Romero2

1CIMNE, Spain; 2UPC

122-Toprak-Full-3D THM-G Modelling of Gas Permeable Seal Test.pdf

5:20pm - 5:40pm
ID: 199 / PS #18: 004

Investigation of Gas Transport and Penetration in Saturated Callo-vo-Oxfordian Claystone Using X-ray Microtomography and Digital Volume Correlation

Hailing Shi1, Jian-fu Shao1, Shouyi Xie1, Thomas Rougelot1, Minh-Ngoc Vu2, Jean Talandier2

1Univ. Lille, CNRS, Centrale Lille, UMR9013 - LaMcube - Laboratoire de Mécanique Multiphysique Multiéchelle, F-59000, Lille, France; 2Andra, 92298 Chatenay Malabry, France

199-Shao-Investigation of Gas Transport and Penetration in Saturated Callo-vo-Oxfordian.pdf

5:40pm - 6:00pm
ID: 415 / PS #18: 005

Effect of the heterogeneity on the gas transport properties of dif-ferent pellet/powder bentonite mixtures

Arisleidy Mesa-Alcantara1,2, Enrique Romero1,2, Laura Gonzalez-Blanco1,2, Juan Mauricio Macías2, Nadia Mokni3

1International Centre for Numerical Methods in Engineering (CIMNE), Barcelona, Spain; 2Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC), 08034 Barcelona, Spain; 3Institut de Radioprotection et de Sûreté Nucléaire IRSN, 92260 Fontenay-aux-Roses, France

415-Mesa-Alcantara-Effect of the heterogeneity on the gas transport properties.pdf
Date: Thursday, 28/Nov/2024
8:00am - 8:30amRegistration
8:30am - 10:00amPlenary #6: Technology
Location: Eilenriedehalle B
Session Chair: Christophe Nussbaum, swisstopo, Switzerland
Session Chair: Stéphan Schumacher, Andra, France
Invited Keynote: Thomas Lautsch (Bundesgesellschaft für Endlagerung, Germany) "KONRAD REPOSITORY - GROUND-CONTROL IN CHALLENGING CLAY STRATA"
8:30am - 9:00am
Invited Keynote
ID: 461 / Plenary #6: 001


Thomas Lautsch

Bundesgesellschaft für Endlagerung, Germany


9:00am - 9:20am
ID: 228 / Plenary #6: 002

Evaluating the Performance of the Composite Seals at Canada's Underground Research Laboratory (2008-2023)

Priyanto Deni1, Kim Chang Seok2

1Canadian Nuclear Laboratories, Canada; 2Nuclear Waste Management Organization, Canada

228-Deni-Evaluating the Performance of the Composite Seals.pdf

9:20am - 9:40am
ID: 206 / Plenary #6: 003

A vertical Sandwich shaft sealing system at the Mont Terri rock laboratory

Katja Emmerich1, Eleanor Bakker1, Matthias Hinze2, Klaus Wieczorek2, Thomas Nagel3, David Jaeggi4, Senecio Schefer4, Jürgen Hesser5, Markus Furche5, Rainer Schuhmann6, Franz Königer6, Uwe Glaubach7, Christopher Rölke8, Ralf Diedel9, Juan Carlos Mayor10, José Luis García-Siñeriz11, Philipp Schädle12

1Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Germany; 2Gesellschaft für Anlagen- und Reaktorsicherheit (GRS) gGmbH, Germany; 3TU Bergakademie Freiberg, Germany; 4Bundesamt für Landestopografie (swisstopo), Switzerland; 5Bundesanstalt für Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe (BGR), Germany; 6Ingenieur-Gesellschaft für Sensorik in der Umwelttechnik mbH (ISU), Germany; 7Ingenieurpartnerschaft für Bergbau, Wasser und Deponietechnik (IBeWa), Germany; 8Institut für Gebirgsmechanik (IfG), Germany; 9Stephan Schmidt Gruppe, Germany; 10Empresa nacional de residuos radiactivos (Enresa), Spain; 11Amphos 21, Spain; 12Eidgenössisches Nuklearsicherheitsinspektorat (ENSI), Switzerland

206-Emmerich-A vertical Sandwich shaft sealing system at the Mont Terri rock laboratory.pdf

9:40am - 10:00am
ID: 432 / Plenary #6: 004

Contribution of Meuse / Haute-Marne URL to HLW cell design, construction methodology and phenomenological behavior knowledge


andra, France

432-ARMAND-Contribution of Meuse Haute-Marne URL to HLW cell design, construction methodology.pdf
10:00am - 10:30amCoffee Break
Location: Eilenriedehalle A
10:30am - 11:40amPlenary #7: Machine learning
Location: Eilenriedehalle B
Session Chair: Olaf Kolditz, Helmholtz-Zentrum für Umweltforschung GmbH UFZ, Germany
Session Chair: Stéphan Schumacher, Andra, France
10:30am - 11:00am
ID: 399 / Plenary #7: 001

Developpement and improvement of numerical methods and tools for modelling coupled process: Lessons learnt during EURAD joint programing initiative

Francis CLARET1, Guillaume PEPIN2, Clément CANCES3, Olaf KOLDITZ4, Nikolaos PRASIANAKIS5, Attila BAKSAY6, Dmitry LUKIN7

1BRGM, France; 2Andra, France; 3Inria, France; 4UFZ, Germany; 5PSI, Switzerland; 6Ts Enercon, Hungary; 7SURAO, Czech republic

399-CLARET-Developpement and improvement of numerical methods and tools.pdf

11:00am - 11:20am
ID: 224 / Plenary #7: 002

Physics-Based and Data-Driven Digital Twins for 3D-Temperature Evolution in the Near-field of the FE Tunnel at Mont Terri


PSI, Switzerland

224-PFINGSTEN-Physics-Based and Data-Driven Digital Twins for 3D-Temperature Evolution.pdf

11:20am - 11:40am
ID: 362 / Plenary #7: 003

Advancing Pore Segmentation in Opalinus Clay: A Machine Learning Ensemble with Probability Estimation

Marco Brysch1, Ben Laurich1, Monika Sester2

1Bundesanstalt für Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe, Hannover; 2Institute of Cartography and Geoinformatics, Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz University, Hannover

362-Brysch-Advancing Pore Segmentation in Opalinus Clay.pdf
11:40am - 12:30pmClosing ceremony (awards)
Location: Eilenriedehalle B
Session Chair: Astrid Göbel, BGE, Germany
Session Chair: Johanna Lippmann-Pipke, Bundesanstalt für Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe, BGR, Germany
Conclusion by Dr. Thomas Lautsch (BGE); Panel discussion and Awarding of the poster prizes
12:30pm - 1:30pmLunch Break
Location: Eilenriedehalle A
2:30pm - 5:30pmScientific support programme: workshops, seminars
Location: BGR
Date: Friday, 29/Nov/2024
6:00am - 3:00pmExc. Konrad: Excursion to DGR Konrad
Location: DGR Konrad
6:00am - 3:00pmExc. Morsleben: Excursion to DGR Morsleben
Location: DGR Morsleben
9:00am - 12:30pmScientific support programme: technical visits
Location: BGR

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