Conference Agenda

Overview and details of the sessions of this conference. Please select a date or location to show only sessions at that day or location. Please select a single session for detailed view (with abstracts and downloads if available).

Please note that all times are shown in the time zone of the conference. The current conference time is: 13th Feb 2025, 06:08:35am GMT

Only Sessions at Location/Venue 
Session Overview
Date: Monday, 17/June/2024
Registration and coffee
Location: DV Lounge
Opening plenary
Location: Waldegrave Drawing Room
External Resource for This Session

Working session

Plenary Learning from the Past to Imagine a Better Future

Lita Iole Crociani-Windland, Lynn Froggett, Marilyn Charles

Coffee break 1
Location: DV Lounge
Session 1: Ecology & Lived Experience
Location: F5
External Resource for This Session
Chair: María Mirón

Individual Paper

Ecology, Psychoanalysis, Global Warming and cats: Fragmentation and Interconnection

Anna Harvey

Individual Paper

Rethinking “Climate Emotions” in the Age of Burnout Capitalism

Michael Albert

Individual Paper

Psychoanalysis, the New Rhetoric, and the Metabolism of Experience

Daniel Adleman

Session 2: Immigration, Hope & Unbelonging
Location: F6
External Resource for This Session
Chair: Angie Voela

Individual Paper

Landscapes of Un/Belonging: An Empirical Psychosocial Study of Lithuanian Migration to London Since the Early 1990s

Asta Binkauskaite

Individual Paper

A Psychoanalytic Perspective On Iranian Immigrants' Cultural Objects: Transition Or Suspension?

Mona Jamshidi Nasab

Individual Paper

Navigating Hope and Containment in the Refugee Journey

Sheida Zokaeieh

Individual Paper

The Haunting Echoes of an Emptying Split: Reimagining the Emotional Violence and Developmental Effects of Caste Through an Intersubjective Lense

Reva Puri, Manali Arora

Session 3: Inter & Transgenerational Memory Workshop
Location: Senior Common Room
External Resource for This Session

Working session

Inter and Transgenerational Memory Workshop

Nigel Williams

Session 4: Media and Technology from a Psychosocial Lens
Location: G3
External Resource for This Session
Chair: Candida Yates

Individual Paper

The Future of Healing Trauma by Theologians: Psychosocial Analysis and Ethical Dilemmas in the Age of AI Explored

Mandla Nyathi, Tapiwamunashe Nduna

Individual Paper

‘It can only do so much’: A Psychosocial Study of Undergraduate Students’ Perspectives on AI –Chatbots and Writing.

Iris Aleida Pinzon Arteaga

Individual Paper

The formative study of Formative Media

Steffen Krüger

Individual Paper

Romantic Television Dramas as a Cathartic Space for Play: A Psychosocial Case Study

Thi Gammon

Session 5: Navigating Anti-Oppressive Psychotherapy Training: Experiential Insights from Trainers
Location: Waldegrave Drawing Room
External Resource for This Session
Chair: Maya Mukamel


Navigating Anti-Oppressive Psychotherapy Training: Experiential Insights from Trainers

Chair(s): Maya Mukamel

Presenter(s): Eiman Hussein, Harbrinder Dhillon-Stevens, McLaren Liz

Session 6: Decolonialising Psychoanalysis: Psychoanalysing Colonialities
Location: F4
External Resource for This Session
Chair: Carol Owens


Decolonialising Psychoanalysis: Psychoanalysing Colonialities

Chair(s): Carol Owens


Presentations of the Symposium


Cultivating A Revolutionary Unconscious: Steps Toward Decoloniality

Michael O'Loughlin


Ghosts Of A Nation: Melancholia In The Shadows Of Colonialism (In The Banshees Of Inisherin)

Sarah Meehan O'Callaghan


Poor Things? On The Colonialising Of The Adolescent Imaginary

Carol Owens


The Effects of Colonialism On Psychoanalytic Theory And Technique

Sally Swartz

Session 7: Teaching, Learning & Psychic Survival
Location: G2
External Resource for This Session
Chair: Heidi Burke

Individual Paper

Winnicott and the “Impossible Profession” of Teaching: Dispatches From the False-self Classroom

Nathan Gerard

Individual Paper

What Were Trigger Warnings? New Forms of Knowing and The Use of the Classroom

Kelli Fuery

Individual Paper

The Affective-Relational Nature And Role Of The Learner Teacher Relationship For Those Looked After By Those Other Than Their Parents.

Katherine Porter

Individual Paper

Social Isolation, Neoliberalism, And Societal Dis-Ease

Hannah Hahn

Session 8: Technological Explorations
Location: G1
External Resource for This Session
Chair: Tom Fielder

Individual Paper

Digital Intersubjectivity and the Digital Death Drive: Psychosocial Considerations of Zuckerberg’s Metaverse and Musk’s Neuralink

Ryan Meurlin

Individual Paper

Between Regression and Development: #eating Disorders and #recovery on TikTok

Jacob Johanssen, Susanne Benzel

Individual Paper

Undermining Endings and Complicating Temporalities: Centring Experience in Analysing Representations of Self-harm

Veronica Heney

Location: DV Lounge
Session 10: Gender & Beyond
Location: G1
External Resource for This Session
Chair: Anthony Faramelli

Individual Paper

‘A woman is being beaten’ – Positionings of Female Right-Wing Influencers

Katarina Busch, Steffen Krüger

Individual Paper

Men’s Anxieties And Defences Regarding Gender (In)equality In The Workplace: An Object-relations Psychoanalysis Of Organisational Masculinities

Darren Thomas Baker, Nicholas Rumens

Individual Paper

A Brief Chronicle of Anger

Anita Jain

Session 11: Gender, Affect & Expectations
Location: G2
External Resource for This Session
Chair: Tom Fielder

Individual Paper

Constraint And Rebellion: Identity Development Through The Interplay Of Young Men's Experiences Of Sexual Desire And Social Expectations Of Masculinity

Gordon DiQuattro

Individual Paper

Unveiling Hidden Struggles Exploring into the Psychosocial Responses to Incestuous Abuse in Adolescent Girls

Sara Subhan, Sadia Abdul Hakeem, Sadia Saleem

Individual Paper

Queer Affirmative Counselling Practice (QACP): Teaching from the Margins

Pooja Nair, Shruti Chakravarty, Amalina Sengupta, Candice G. Menezes

Individual Paper

Learning From The Painful Past: A Queer Phenomenological Exploration Of Published Vignettes Of Erotic Transference Between Women In The Psychoanalytic Clinic Between 1930 And 2000

Harriet Mossop

Session 12: Making And Working W
Location: Senior Common Room
External Resource for This Session

Working session

Making And Working With Images Of Countertransference: An Experiential Workshop On Relational Reflexivity For The Psychosocial Researcher And Adult Educator.

Louise Austin

Session 13: Decolonizing the Clinic: Some Pedagogical Observations
Location: Waldegrave Drawing Room
External Resource for This Session
Chair: Angie Voela


Decolonizing the Clinic: Some Pedagogical Observations

Chair(s): Angie Voela

Presenter(s): Michael O'Loughlin, Anxhela Kanani, Emily Linn, Chrystal Marte, Andrea Pereyra, Meriem Mokdad

Session 14: Psychosocial Systems
Location: F5
External Resource for This Session
Chair: Carol Owens

Individual Paper

Did HAL Commit Suicide? Theorizing Instrumental Convergence in Psychoanalysis

Don Kunze

Individual Paper

The Application of Wilfred Bion's Group Theory in Social Media

Sheyda Esmaeili

Individual Paper

A Psychosocial Comparison of the Yoruba Ifá System of Divination, with Artificial Intelligence (AI).

Olugbenga Taiwo

Individual Paper

Paranoia, Perversion, and the Subject of Desire: A Lacanian Exploration of AI Chatbots

Jack Black

Session 15: Sexuality & Desire
Location: G3
External Resource for This Session
Chair: Luis Jimenez

Individual Paper

Building Trust in the Therapeutic Relationship: A Journey Unveiling Sexual Trauma, Sexual Identity and Emotional Vulnerability

Mehravar Javid, Javid Gedo, Kainaz Patravala, Alexis Morgan, Paul Gedo, Eliana Chapman

Individual Paper

Symbolic Decline And The Secretion Of Sexuality

Noah Garberg

Individual Paper

Of Heterosexual Desires and Feminist Politics - The Messy, Complicated Relationship Between the Personal and the Political

Ipsita Gauri

Session 16: Learning – Vicariously - From Experience
Location: F4
External Resource for This Session


Learning – Vicariously - From Experience

Chair(s): Marilyn Charles


Presentations of the Symposium


Until the Last Moment

Vivian Chan, Yussef Cole


Who is Us? Processing the Uncanny Through Eco-Horror

María Mirón Álvarez


Things that Go Bump: The Return of the Real in Mike Flanagan’s Midnight Club

Marilyn Charles

Individual Paper

Organizing the Unconscious: The Structural Potential of Rhythm

Anna Sanford

Session 9: Experiential Learning in the Classroom
Location: F6
External Resource for This Session
Chair: Lita Iole Crociani-Windland

Individual Paper

Working with The World of the Boy: Examining Positioning In A Psychosocial Response To Gender-based Violence In Schools

Pete Harris, Harriet Cutler

Individual Paper

Once upon a time…using Stories as Transitional Objects to support student learning in Social Justice Education

Brian Melaugh

Individual Paper

Ontogenesis of Reflexive Praxis in University Classrooms in India: A Qualitative Study

Nikita Jain

Coffee break 2
Location: DV Lounge
Session 17: Academia & Its Discontents
Location: G3
External Resource for This Session
Chair: Nikol Alexander-Floyd

Individual Paper

The Debt of Privilege Audit-Culture, Universities and the Uncommoning of Mental Space

Helene Aarseth, Steffen Krüger

Individual Paper

The Soft Authoritarianism of the Managerial University

Ross Truscott

Individual Paper

Splitting and Eros in Contemporary Re-Masculinized Academia

Rebecca W. B. Lund, Helene Aarseth

Individual Paper

Psychosis and Sadism in Academic Practice

Calum Matheson

Session 18: Identity & Inquiry
Location: F5
External Resource for This Session
Chair: Anthony Faramelli

Individual Paper

The PhD As Me-search

Trudi Macagnino

Individual Paper

Reflexivity and Experiential Learning in the Biographic Narrative Interpretive Method (BNIM): Making Visible the "Hidden Interview Partner"

Hanna Baardsen, Birgitta Haga Gripsrud

Individual Paper

Ghosts As Gurus - Learning And Failing To Learn From Experience In The Aesthetic Vertex

Shalini Masih

Session 19: Learning & Not Learning
Location: Waldegrave Drawing Room
External Resource for This Session
Chair: David Jones

Individual Paper

The Desire For Change In The 2019 Chile Revolt: Learning From Experience

Gustavo Sánchez

Individual Paper

Learning (or not learning) from Brexit with Ali Smith

Tom Fielder

Individual Paper

Scansion And What Springs From The Limit

Miles Beattie

Session 20: Learning to Live with Problems- Embracing Paradoxical Journeys of the Self (un)made in Vital Encounters
Location: F4
External Resource for This Session


Learning to Live with Problems- Embracing Paradoxical Journeys of the Self (un)made in Vital Encounters

Chair(s): Honey Vahali

Discussant(s): Shifa Haq, Deepti Sachdev, Anshumita Pandey


Presentations of the Symposium


From Denial to Co-existence: The Value of Suffering and Empathetic Identification

Honey Vahali


Hate Scars and Other Problems- Recovering Histories of Hospitality as Salve

Shifa Haq


Between Stone and Skin: Listening to Stories as Portals of Eros

Deepti Sachdev


“I Have More Souls Than One…”: Between Chaos and Creation in Musings on ‘Creative Living’

Anshumita Pandey

Session 21: Methodology & Meaning
Location: F6
External Resource for This Session
Chair: Jacob Johanssen

Individual Paper

Towards a Schizoid Methodology

Cosima Cobley Carr

Individual Paper

Creating a Culturally-appropriate Measure of Psychic Pain: Online Sampling of Mexican Adult’s Self-Experiences

María Mirón, María Elena Díaz, Ana Emilia Fortuny, Cecilia Bernadette Martínez, Luis Marcelo Cantú

Individual Paper

Is The Learning Only In My Imagination? Social Dreaming of South African Use for Student-centred and Social Justice-orientated Leadership Learning

Neo Pule

Individual Paper

Collaborative Fragmentation: Psychosocial Experiments in Writing-as-Encounter

Elena Gkivisi, Clau Di Gianfrancesco

Session 22: Narrative & Identity
Location: G1
External Resource for This Session
Chair: Thi Gammon

Individual Paper

‘Autobiographical Narratives And Free-associative Discourse: The Use Of Personal Artefacts As A Meaning-making Device In Psychosocial Research’

Maria-Jose Lagos-Serrano

Individual Paper

The Contagion of Suffering: A Collaborative, Long-Term Autoethnography That Explores Two Indian Psychotherapist’s Experiences of Working Through the Pandemic in Times of Misinformation

Smiti Srivastava, Rhea Gandhi

Individual Paper

'Beyond the narrative: A Psychosocial Exploration of Adolescent Development'

Heidi Burke

Individual Paper

Art To Formulate And Art To Illustrate; Methodological Use Of Art Work As A Psychosocial And Psychoanalytic Methodology, As Well As The Higher Education Teaching And Learning Context, And Case Study Research Methods For Data Analysis

Deborah L S Wright

Session 23: The Future Clinic What if Café
Location: G2
External Resource for This Session

Working session

The Future Clinic What if Café

Lita Iole Crociani-Windland

Session 36: Psychosocial Perspectives on the Role of Nostalgia
Location: Senior Common Room
External Resource for This Session
Chair: Callum Blades


Psychosocial Perspectives on the Role of Nostalgia

Chair(s): Callum Blades

Presenter(s): Ruth Llewellyn, Hillary Stevenson

Roundtable: The Relationship between Shame, English Identity and the Maritime Imagination
Location: Waldegrave Drawing Room
External Resource for This Session


The Relationship between Shame, English Identity and the Maritime Imagination

Chair(s): Candida Yates

Presenter(s): Lynn Froggett, Lita Crociani-Windland, Siobhan Lennon Patience, Samantha Iwowo, Candida Yates

Session 24: -K: Foreclosed Learning?
Location: F5
External Resource for This Session
Chair: David Jones

Individual Paper

From Repetition to Metabolization: Metacognitive Capacities in an Inpatient Eating Disorder Sample

María Mirón, Barbara Huerta, María Perdomo, Mariel Soberón, Dulce Paola Alejo, Maylén Muñoz

Individual Paper

Fear Of Thinking? Learning And The Avoidance Of Learning In Social Work Group SupervisionnA

Henry Smith

Individual Paper

Revisioning Counselling And Psychotherapy From The Lens Of The Caste System Of The Indian Subcontinent And Its Diaspora

John Fen Raju

Individual Paper

Use of Psychoanalysis for Psychosocial Learning, Development, and Healing Among Children Impacted by War, Trauma, and Forced Displacement

Jahnavi Pandya

Session 25: Art and Aesthetics
Location: G1
External Resource for This Session
Chair: Jim Parris

Individual Paper

Fictioning Psychotherapy in Unspeakable Psychosocial Conditions

Melissa Dunlop

Individual Paper

#MeToo Backlash in Barbie and Tàr

Rosemary Overell

Individual Paper

The Psychosocial Impact of Mural Art in Northern Ireland

Niamh Callaghan

Session 26: Children & Identity
Location: F6
External Resource for This Session
Chair: Nigel Williams

Individual Paper

Who Are Children Being Raised By?: The Systemic Neglect of Underserved Children and Therapy’s Role in Socialization

Elizabeth Shein, Ryan Meurlin

Individual Paper

Exploring the Dynamic Role of Therapy Dogs in Child and Adolescent Psychotherapy: Enhancing Emotional Engagement, Learning, and Processing

Fiona Hannah

Individual Paper

Maternal Ambivalence in the Age of Intensive Mothering

Mariann Ita

Individual Paper

Tracing A Covidian Pathography Through Recollections Of Work In A Child Mental Health Clinic During Lockdown

Tim Smith

Session 27: Dangerous Conversations In Difficult Places: Creating And Sustaining The Agora In A Forensic Secure Unit
Location: G2
External Resource for This Session


Dangerous Conversations In Difficult Places: Creating And Sustaining The Agora In A Forensic Secure Unit

Chair(s): John Adlam

Presenter(s): Surgery Daniel, Gerard Drennan, Earl Pennycooke, Michelle Michael

Session 28: Educational Challenges
Location: G3
External Resource for This Session
Chair: Nini Kerr

Individual Paper

The De-humanization And Pathologization Of Poverty

Lucy Stroud

Individual Paper

Intersubjectivity and the Role of Schools: A Relational Context for Adolescent Identity Formation ion

Constance Catrone

Individual Paper

Considerations On The Popular Teaching Of Psychoanalysis

Luíza Canato

Individual Paper

Experiential Links: A Psychosocial Approach to Ethics Approval and Fieldwork Preparations in Sensitive Research

Valeh Amooi

Session 29: Societal Dis-Ease
Location: F4
External Resource for This Session
Chair: Heidi Burke

Individual Paper

Learning about Subjectivities in Contexts of Political Instability and Cultural Ruptures: “Interlocking Violence” in Post-Revolutionary Tunisia

Meriem Mokdad Zmitri

Individual Paper

Implications of Incarceration and Perpetual Misunderstanding

Kendall Greer

Individual Paper

Learning Psychosocial Informed: Identification and Ambivalence in People-to-People Interactions

Linda Lundgaard Andersen

Individual Paper

Pedagogy in Times of Loss and Suffering: Psychic Survival and Subjectivation

Ana Archangelo, Fabio Villela

Session 30: The Limits to Learning: Tough Lessons from Psychoanalysis
Location: Senior Common Room
External Resource for This Session
Chair: Marilyn Charles


The Limits to Learning: Tough Lessons from Psychoanalysis

Chair(s): Marilyn Charles


Presentations of the Symposium


Desire or Dead End: Psychoanalytic Didactics

Conor McCormack


Learning from Experience

Marilyn Charles


Negative Empathy: or Knowing that You Cannot Understand as a Path to (Un)Learning

Stephanie Swales


This ain’t no Classroom! Working with the “Subject supposed to know” in the Clinic of Adolescence

Carol Owens

Wine reception
Location: Waldegrave Drawing Room
External Resource for This Session
Location: Waldegrave Drawing Room
External Resource for This Session
Date: Tuesday, 18/June/2024
Registration and coffee 2
Location: DV Lounge
Location: G3
External Resource for This Session
Session 31: Editing the Handbook of Psychosocial Studies
Location: G1
External Resource for This Session


Editing the Handbook of Psychosocial Studies

Chair(s): Stephen Frosh

Presenter(s): Stephen Frosh, Marita Vyrgioti, Julie Walsh

Session 32: Learning and Unlearning: Dreaming as a critical pedagogy
Location: F6
External Resource for This Session
Chair: Nirit Gordon


Learning and Unlearning: Dreaming as a critical pedagogy

Chair(s): Nirit Gordon, Chera Reid

Presenter(s): Chera Reid, Nirit Gordon

Session 33
Location: G2
External Resource for This Session
Session 34: Social Dreaming
Location: Senior Common Room
External Resource for This Session

Working session

Social Dreaming

Lita Iole Crociani-Windland

Session 35: Unveiling Perceptions: Exploring Artistic Methodology in 'Corps Composé.s /Composite Body(ies)'
Location: F4
External Resource for This Session
Chair: María Mirón

Working session

Unveiling Perceptions: Exploring Artistic Methodology in 'Corps Composé.s /Composite Body(ies)'

Lara Bouvet

Session 37: Writing Psychosocially for Publication
Location: F5
External Resource for This Session

Working session

Writing Psychosocially for Publication

Elizabeth Frost, David Jones, Lucy Stroud

Session 38: Developmental Methodologies
Location: F5
External Resource for This Session
Chair: Nigel Williams

Individual Paper

Through the Kleinian Lens: Psychic Encounters of a (Becoming) Psychotherapist and a Person in India

Manali Arora

Individual Paper

This Is (not) Me: Autotheory and Writing the Psychosocial Self

Elena Gkivisi

Session 39: Electronic Containment: Immersive Experiences, VR, AI in Relational Practice
Location: Waldegrave Drawing Room
External Resource for This Session

Working session

Electronic Containment: Immersive Experiences, VR, AI in Relational Practice

Noreen Giffney, Lynn Froggett, Jill Bennett, Gail Kenning

Session 40: Free Clinics and the (re)inventions of Psychoanalysis
Location: G3
External Resource for This Session

Working session

Free Clinics and the (re)inventions of Psychoanalysis

Ana Minozzo, Raluca Soreanu, Ana Tomcic, Ana Čvorović, Julianna Pusztai, Lizaveta van Munsteren

Session 41: From Performative to Declarative Identity: How do We Come to Be and to Know Who We Are?
Location: G1
External Resource for This Session
Chair: Amy Taylor


From Performative to Declarative Identity: How do We Come to Be and to Know Who We Are?

Chair(s): Amy Taylor

Presenter(s): Nathan Smith, Godhuli Bhattacharya, Jeffrey Zeuner, Grier Potter

Session 42: Psychosocial Critiques
Location: F6
External Resource for This Session
Chair: Anthony Faramelli

Individual Paper

Postone and Psychosocial Critique

Alexander Yonkel Perelson

Individual Paper

Trauma and Empty Signifiers: Understanding Revolution from a Perspective of Temporality

Yuchen Li

Individual Paper

The Mystical/Religious Discourse and Criminality: The Case of the Moral Manifesto of the Knights Templar of Michoacán

Ana Sofia Hernandez Vega, Hada Soria Escalante

Session 43: Grief Dances: The Price we Pay for Love
Location: Senior Common Room
External Resource for This Session
Chair: Angie Voela

Individual Paper

Dancing Grief: Reflections on Artistic Practice as a Psychosocial Space for Exploring/Experiencing Shared Affects

Iselin Brogeland

Working session

Grief Dances: The Price we Pay for Love

Iselin Brogeland

Session 44
Location: F4
External Resource for This Session
Chair: Candida Yates
Session 45: Understanding Public Violence and Harm
Location: G2
External Resource for This Session
Chair: Nikol Alexander-Floyd


Understanding Public Violence and Harm

Chair(s): Laura McGrath, David Jones

Discussant(s): Nina Fellows, Deepti Ramaswamy, David Kaposi, David Jones


Presentations of the Symposium


Extremism, Trauma and Adversity: A Dialogical Narrative Analysis

Deepti Ramaswamy


Self-harm in Popular Film c. 1977-2003: a feminist-psychoanalytic analysis

Nina Fellows


Hidden in public sight: Coercive control in Stanley Milgram’s “Obedience to authority” series

David Kaposi


Violence and the Public Sphere

David Jones, Laura McGrath

Coffee break 2.1
Location: DV Lounge
Plenary: Frosh Kelllond Minozzo
Location: Waldegrave Drawing Room
External Resource for This Session
Chair: Jacob Johanssen

Individual Paper


Stephen Frosh

Individual Paper

Co-Poiesis and the Risk of Encounter

Ana Minozzo

Individual Paper

Mothering and In/Security

Joanna Kellond

Lunch Day 2
Location: DV Lounge
Plenary Kerr and Davids
Location: Waldegrave Drawing Room
External Resource for This Session
Chair: Marilyn Charles


The Tyranny of 'Relationality’

Chair(s): Charles Marilyn

Presenter(s): Nini Kerr, Fakhry Davids

Coffee break 2.2
Location: DV Lounge
Session 46: Colonisation & Identity
Location: Waldegrave Drawing Room
External Resource for This Session
Chair: Carol Owens

Individual Paper

On Afro-pessimism and Psychoanalysis

Derek Hook

Individual Paper

Penetrating colonial and western Lacanian psychoanalysis

Bita Riazati

Individual Paper

Shifting Selves, Becoming 'Raced' - Proposing a Psychosocial Methodological Approach To Exploring Young Children's 'Racial' Identity Construction

Ghida Bernard, Lisa Saville Young

Individual Paper

From Procrustes’Bed Epistemology to Equitable Encounter: A Tunisian Researcher’s Journey of Decolonizing Psychoanalytical Theories in Favor of the Host Context

Meriem Mokdad Zmitri

Session 47: Oh God! May I Be Alive When I Teach
Location: G2
External Resource for This Session


Oh God! May I Be Alive When I Teach

Chair(s): Nathan Gerard

Presenter(s): Nathan Gerard, Carrie M. Duncan

Session 48: Gender & Wellbeing
Location: F4
External Resource for This Session
Chair: Thi Gammon

Individual Paper

LGBTIQ+ Break-ups: Combining Affect Theorical and Psychosocial Perspectives

Annukka Lahti

Individual Paper

LGBTIQA+ Mental Health and Wellbeing: Temporal and Relational Insights from a Photoelicitation Study

Nicholas Hill

Individual Paper

“Don’t Live…I Love You”: Exploring Marriage as an Object Laced with Maternal Envy

Reva Puri

Individual Paper

Saying Hello and Saying Goodbye - A Case and Possibilities of Narrative Therapy

Damini Butalia

Session 49: Learning & Liminal Space
Location: G3
External Resource for This Session
Chair: Marilyn Charles

Individual Paper

Learning From Moving Image Experience

Shahrzad Hashemi

Individual Paper

Laocoön’s Despairing Gaze: Lacunae, Metaphor, and the Repression of Despair.

Patrick Fuery

Individual Paper

What Chairs Have to do with It?’ Some Reflection on Non-human Agents in Experiential Learning

Donata Puntil, Lizaveta Van Munsteeren, Emma Skala

Session 50: Learning from Intergenerational Experience for Living and Working in Neoliberalism
Location: F6
External Resource for This Session
Chair: Ryan Meurlin


Learning from Intergenerational Experience for Living and Working in Neoliberalism

Chair(s): Ryan Meurlin, Elizabeth Shein

Presenter(s): Michael O'Loughlin, Artemis Christinaki, Elizabeth Shein, Nini Kerr, Jacob Johanssen, Rubén Benavides Crespo, Nigel Williams, Benavides Ruben

Session 51: Transformation: Possible & Impossible
Location: F5
External Resource for This Session
Chair: Lita Iole Crociani-Windland

Individual Paper

“A Sea of Griefs is not a Proscenium”

Calum Neill

Individual Paper

“I Formed an Idea of my Own”: Experiential Fantasy and Scenographies of Reading

Madeleine Wood

Individual Paper

Exploring the Transformative Power of Art: A Collaborative Residency in Healthcare

Lara Bouvet

Individual Paper

On The Failure Of Universality In Trade Unions

Thomas Compton

Session 52: War: Screening the UnScene
Location: G1
External Resource for This Session
Chair: Jessica Datema


War: Screening the UnScene

Chair(s): Jessica Datema, Manya Steinkoler

Discussant(s): Jessica Datema, Manya Steinkoler, Ernesto Pezzi


Presentations of the Symposium


Wandering: "Occupied City"

Jessica Datema


Zones of Interest

Manya Steinkoler


Representability of the "Zone": Sound and Vision

Ernesto Pezzi

5:00pm Closing plenary and open space
Location: Waldegrave Drawing Room
External Resource for This Session

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