Programa de actividades

Ceremonia de Clausura
Sábado, 21/10/2023:
13:30 - 15:30

Lugar: Foro Cultural “Alejandro Gomory Aguilar”

Universidad Anáhuac Mayab

Conferencista: Deborah Avant, PhD | Presidente de ISA (2022-2023)


The Ethics of Engaged Scholarship in a Complex World

Dra. Deborah Avant

International Studies Association, Estados Unidos;

How does the complexity and uncertainty of the contemporary context affect how social scientists can engage responsibly with policymakers to improve the world? I address this question by reflecting on lessons from a Carnegie Corporation of New York project at the University of Denver’s Sie Center for International Security and Diplomacy. In this project. we used both the scholarly literature on uncertainty and complexity as well as interviews with publicly engaged scholars on the ethical challenges they have faced, to identify four broad ethical dilemmas associated with publicly engaged scholarship. We also proposed ways that scholars might begin to navigate these challenges. Our analysis urges greater acceptance of uncertainty and complexity in the social science community and associated epistemic humility in collective scholarship, pedagogy, and public engagement.